Game on September 1, 2014 at 06:56, 1 player
1. 27 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 72 72 


3C 20 92 


5E 40 132 


8A 89 221 


G8 59 280 


4A 52 332 


12D 80 412 


K7 82 494 


A1 45 539 


8J 27 566 


15D 42 608 


14J 48 656 


15L 36 692 


13M 46 738 


F7 35 773 


14A 28 801 


A12 36 837 


J10 28 865 


I9 29 894 


7C 25 919 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 0 1:57 -892 27 1.6796 elcee51 0 1:57 -892 27
On 1st draw, ENPL(A)NE H2 72 --- ENPLANE to put on an aeroplane [v]
Other moves: ENPL(A)NE H3 68, ENPL(A)NE H4 68, ENPL(A)NE H6 68, ENPL(A)NE H7 68, ENPL(A)NE H5 66
On 2nd draw, STUDENT 3C 20 --- STUDENT a person formally engaged in learning [n]
Other moves: DUETTS 9C 19, DUETTS 9H 19, TUTSED 9C 19, TUTTED 9C 19, PUTTED 4H 18
On 3rd draw, SWILLER 5E 40 --- SWILLER one that swills [n]
Other tops: FILLERS 5E 40, WILLERS 5E 40
Other moves: FLIER 4A 32, FLIES 4A 32, FRIES 4A 32, WRIES 4A 32, PILFERS 4H 26
On 4th draw, KREASOTE 8A 89 --- KREASOTE to treat with a wood preservative [v]
Other tops: KERATOSE 8A 89
Other moves: KERATOSE J4 66, KERATOSE 8G 63, KREASOTE 8F 63, RESOAK L3 41, KARTS L1 39
TAKS L2 27 elcee51
On 5th draw, TAENIOI(D) G8 59 --- TAENIOID like a tapeworm [adj]
Other moves: A(Z)IONE 4A 28, IONI(S)E 9D 24, (K)OINE 4B 24, (L)IANE 4B 24, (P)IANO 4B 24
On 6th draw, ZETA 4A 52 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: AGNIZE 12D 52, ZATI 4A 52, ZITE 4A 52
Other moves: AGNIZE(D) 15A 51, (D)AZING 15G 51, ZATI D1 46, ZETA D1 46, ZITE D1 46
On 7th draw, ANTIHERO 12D 80 --- ANTIHERO a protagonist who is notably lacking in heroic qualities [n]
Other moves: ANTIHERO 14D 65, TOAZE A1 42, NEATH F10 41, THON(D)ER 15C 39, TREZ A1 39
On 8th draw, WISHBONE K7 82 --- WISHBONE a forked bone in front of a bird's breastbone [n]
Other moves: WHIZ A1 57, WINZES A1 54, WINZE A1 51, SWIZ A1 48, BEHIN(D)S 15B 45
On 9th draw, DURZI A1 45 --- DURZI a Hindu tailor [n]
Other moves: MUN(D)IC 15D 36, MUNDIC 4J 34, CUD(D)IN 15D 33, CERIUM 14J 32, MEDIC 14J 32
On 10th draw, RIGOUR 8J 27 --- RIGOUR failure to react to stimulus [n]
Other moves: DROGER I8 24, DOURER I8 23, DROLER I8 23, UDO I7 23, DROLE I8 21
On 11th draw, PID(D)LY 15D 42 --- PIDDLY insignificant [adj]
Other moves: YELPED 14J 40, PAD(D)Y 15D 39, EYELIAD 14I 38, RAPIDLY B8 38, EYELID 14I 36
On 12th draw, VEXED 14J 48 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: SOX 9K 38, EX 9B 36, EXODE 2D 35, VEX 13B 35, VOX 13B 35
On 13th draw, ITEM 15L 36 --- ITEM to set down the particulars of [v]
Other moves: NOMEN 13K 34, TENON 13I 34, NOME 13K 32, MENO 13I 31, PIMENTO 4H 31
On 14th draw, JOG 13M 46 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other moves: JOE 13M 44, JO 13M 42, JOE 7M 39, GAJO 11B 37, JEAN 11D 37
On 15th draw, GOBY F7 35 --- GOBY a small fish [n]
Other moves: BONY F7 32, CONY F7 32, YETI F10 32, GOEY F7 31, BEIGY 13A 30
On 16th draw, NOVUM 14A 28 --- NOVUM a dice game whre nine and five are important [n]
Other moves: OVUM 14B 26, N(A)AM 6G 25, NOVUM 4J 24, MANOAO 13B 22, OVUM 13A 22
On 17th draw, CONF A12 36 --- CONF an online conference [n]
Other moves: FANE A12 33, FANO A12 33, FONE A12 33, CHAFF 10J 30, EFFORCE B4 30
On 18th draw, CAR J10 28 --- CAR an automobile [n]
Other tops: COR J10 28
Other moves: ROC J8 26, FOCI 4J 25, OAF 13G 24, OOF 13G 24, SIF 9K 22
On 19th draw, QI I9 29 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FLAG 7C 25, FLEG 7C 25, ALEF I10 24, FILE I9 24, LIFE I9 24
On 20th draw, FLAG 7C 25 --- FLAG to mark with a flag (a piece of cloth used as a symbol) [v]
Other tops: FLEG 7C 25
Other moves: OAF 13G 24, ALFA 11B 23, LIFE 11B 23, SIF 9K 22, FAIL 4J 21
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