Game on September 8, 2014 at 19:59, 5 players
1. 663 pts OrangeCup
2. 393 pts argomearns
3. 371 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


6A 64 88 


A3 33 121 


B9 76 197 


8H 83 280 


K5 44 324 


6J 32 356 


7M 43 399 


15B 45 444 


D1 86 530 


13A 76 606 


1D 27 633 


2B 34 667 


M7 42 709 


12B 38 747 


14J 86 833 


6N 32 865 


11D 37 902 


5A 29 931 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 6 15:33 -268 663 1.8006 PIThompson 0 0:44 -894 37
argomearns 2 5:30 -538 393 Group: advanced
scrab21 1 7:40 -560 371 1.7802 OrangeCup 6 15:33 -268 663
PIThompson 0 0:44 -894 37 2.7265 argomearns 2 5:30 -538 393
dannyboy 0 1:52 -904 27 3.7086 dannyboy 0 1:52 -904 27
Group: intermediate
1.6502 scrab21 1 7:40 -560 371
On 1st draw, YARTA H4 24 --- YARTA an endearment [n]
Other moves: CARAT H4 20, CARTA H4 20, CRAY H5 18, CRAY H6 18, CRAY H7 18
CRAY H7 18 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, BEFOU(L)ER 6A 64 --- BEFOULER one that befouls [n]
Other moves: FO(R)EBYE 4C 28, BEEFY 4D 26, FEEB(L)Y 4C 26, FO(R)BYE 4D 26, FO(R)EBY 4C 26
BEEFY 4D 26 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, DIABOLO A3 33 --- DIABOLO a game, using string, two sticks and a top [n]
Other moves: ALBEDO A4 30, DIABLE A3 30, DIOBOL A3 30, DOABLE A3 30, DOBIE A4 30
DOBIE A4 30 OrangeCup
LOBED A4 27 dannyboy
On 4th draw, MAILERS B9 76 --- MAILER one that mails [n]
Other tops: MISLAYER 4C 76
Other moves: REALISM B9 74, REMAILS B9 74, REALISM 9C 73, MORALISE D5 72, MAILERS G8 65
MARSE I3 34 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, ACIERAG(E) 8H 83 --- ACIERAGE the covering of a metal plate with an iron film [n]
Other tops: ACI(E)RAGE 8H 83, AGACERI(E) 8H 83, SEARCI(N)G 15B 83, S(P)AGERIC 15B 83
Other moves: AGAC(E)RIE 8H 80, CLEARI(N)G 12A 80, AL(L)ERGIC 12A 78, CLAG(G)IER 12A 78, CLA(G)GIER 12A 78
SACRI(N)G 15B 36 OrangeCup
On 6th draw, TIGERLY K5 44 --- TIGERLY like a tiger [adj]
Other moves: PROTYL D4 30, TRILOGY D2 30, YIP 7C 30, GLORY D4 26, PALTRY 5G 26
YIP 7C 30 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, QIS 6J 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QUIMS E5 32
Other moves: QI 6J 31, TIMONS I1 31, QUIM E5 30, QUINOS E5 30, QUINTS E5 30
QIS 6J 32 OrangeCup, argomearns
On 8th draw, JAP 7M 43 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JA 7M 37, JAPES G3 35, POOJAS D4 32, JO 5D 31, TAJES G3 31
JAP 7M 43 OrangeCup
JO 5D 31 argomearns
On 9th draw, SUPAWNS 15B 45 --- SUPAWN a kind of porridge [n]
Other moves: WAP 9M 39, PAW 9M 37, WAN 9M 35, WAS 9M 35, PAN 9M 31
WAP 9M 39 OrangeCup, argomearns
PAW 9M 37 PIThompson
WAN 9M 35 scrab21
On 10th draw, FIREDOGS D1 86 --- FIREDOG a metal support for logs in a fireplace [n]
Other moves: GRIFFES C3 44, DIFFERS C3 38, GUIDERS E5 36, FRIDGES B1 35, GRIFFE C3 34
FIDGES L1 32 OrangeCup
GED 9M 29 argomearns, scrab21
On 11th draw, NEATHERD 13A 76 --- NEATHERD a cowherd [n]
Other moves: JARHEAD M7 38, FATHER 1D 36, TREFAH 1A 36, HA 6N 32, AETHER B2 30
FATHER 1D 36 argomearns, OrangeCup
HA 6N 32 scrab21
On 12th draw, FOOTIE 1D 27 --- FOOTIE a flirting game played with the feet [n]
Other moves: FEINT 1D 24, FIENT 1D 24, FITTE 1D 24, ION 9M 23, NEIF 1A 21
FOOTIE 1D 27 OrangeCup
FEINT 1D 24 scrab21
On 13th draw, EXINE 2B 34 --- EXINE the outer layer of certain spores [n]
Other tops: EAUX 14G 34
Other moves: EXUDE L11 33, DEX 2H 32, EXUDES L1 32, EXUDE 2I 31, XU C2 31
EXUDE L11 33 OrangeCup
DEX 2H 32 argomearns
AXED B1 30 scrab21
On 14th draw, JAVELIN M7 42 --- JAVELIN to pierce with a javelin (a light spear) [v]
Other tops: JAWLINE M7 42
Other moves: WEN 9M 35, WE 9M 30, REW 9K 29, IRE 3C 27, WIVES L2 24
JAVELIN M7 42 OrangeCup
WEN 9M 35 scrab21, argomearns
On 15th draw, LEUCH 12B 38 --- LAUCH to laugh [v]
Other moves: ECHO 12D 36, HUIC L12 36, HONE N10 34, ECH 12D 32, HO 6N 32
HUIC L12 36 OrangeCup
HO 6N 32 scrab21, argomearns
On 16th draw, ZONAE 14J 86 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: AZIONE 2I 72, ZA 6N 68, ZO 6N 68, ZANIES L1 52, ZOEA 14J 51
AZIONE 2I 72 OrangeCup
ZA 6N 68 argomearns
ZO 6N 68 scrab21
On 17th draw, WO 6N 32 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: NIT 11D 31, NOT 11D 31, IT 11E 26, WINCH E9 26, WITCH E9 26
WO 6N 32 scrab21, OrangeCup, argomearns
On 18th draw, BIT 11D 37 --- BIT to restrain [v]
Other moves: BI 11D 29, MI 11D 29, BIND L12 28, BUND L12 28, MIND L12 28
BIT 11D 37 OrangeCup
MID N10 27 scrab21
On 19th draw, AMIDO 5A 29 --- AMIDO containing an amide united with an acid radical [adj]
Other moves: MIND L12 28, MID N10 27, MOD N10 27, MON N10 25, MINO L12 24
MIND L12 28 OrangeCup
MOD N10 27 argomearns
MID N10 27 scrab21
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