Game on September 11, 2014 at 20:16, 3 players
1. 181 pts mordeckhi
2. 147 pts PIThompson
3. 121 pts argomearns
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


6F 42 74 


L1 43 117 


2J 30 147 


1L 38 185 


3I 32 217 


1D 91 308 


G8 68 376 


13D 62 438 


8D 65 503 


15A 103 606 


14I 89 695 


15K 33 728 


2A 41 769 


B10 28 797 


A7 48 845 


A12 44 889 


F8 33 922 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
mordeckhi 0 11:09 -741 181 1.7884 PIThompson 1 2:48 -775 147
PIThompson 1 2:48 -775 147 2.7294 argomearns 0 1:50 -801 121
argomearns 0 1:50 -801 121 Group: not rated
1.4327 mordeckhi 0 11:09 -741 181
On 1st draw, WRISTY H4 32 --- WRISTY making extensive use of the wrists [adj]
Other tops: WINTRY H4 32, WINTRY H7 32, WRISTY H7 32
Other moves: TWINY H8 30, WINTRY H3 26, WINTRY H8 26, WRISTY H3 26, WRISTY H8 26
On 2nd draw, Q(U)INCE 6F 42 --- QUINCE a fragrant, acid fruit [n]
Other moves: Q(U)INIC 6F 38, INQ(U)IRE 6D 37, INQ(U)IRE 6H 37, Q(U)INCE G6 37, CINQ(U)E 6G 36
On 3rd draw, FANALS L1 43 --- FANAL a lighthouse [n]
Other moves: ALFAS L2 33, FLANS L2 33, ALFS L3 31, FAAS L3 31, FANS L3 31
On 4th draw, MEATED 2J 30 --- MEAT animal flesh used as food [adj] --- MEATED to become meat [adj]
Other tops: MOATED 2J 30
Other moves: DEMO M2 27, FEME 1L 27, DOGEATE 2H 26, EMOTED G8 26, DEGAME 2I 24
On 5th draw, FADE 1L 38 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: UNDEAF 1G 36, GUANINE 3I 35, FANE 1L 34, FENI 1L 34, FINE 1L 34
On 6th draw, MORNE 3I 32 --- MORNE the blunt end of a jousting lance [n]
Other moves: YLEMS 5K 30, YOM 1H 30, YLEM 5K 28, MERRY G9 27, MOSEY G9 27
On 7th draw, POUTINE 1D 91 --- POUTINE a dish of french fries and cheese curds topped with gravy [n]
Other moves: POINTE 1E 29, PONTIE 1E 29, NIPS 7E 26, OPINE 1F 26, TIPS 7E 26
OPINE 1F 26 argomearns
On 8th draw, ANEROID G8 68 --- ANEROID a type of barometer [n]
Other moves: ANEROID G9 66, ANEROID I9 66, DERATION 8D 61, ORDINATE 8B 61, AROINTED 8C 60
On 9th draw, VARIETAL 13D 62 --- VARIETAL a wine designated by the variety of grape [n]
Other moves: LARVATE 11E 40, AVERT 2B 30, VARA F8 27, VARE F8 27, ALERT 2B 24
PARVE D1 20 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, AGNATHOUS 8D 65 --- AGNATHOUS
Other moves: GNASH 2B 53, HOGANS 14J 51, HANGS 14J 49, HOGAN 14J 49, HONGS 14J 49
SHAG 15G 33 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, PEBBLE(S) 15A 103 --- PEBBLE to cover with pebbles (small, rounded stones) [v]
Other moves: BLEEP 2B 46, B(L)EEP 2B 44, BEEP H12 43, BLE(E)P 2B 43, BL(E)EP 2B 43
BEEP H12 43 argomearns
PEEP D1 16 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, EXILED 14I 89 --- EXILE to banish from one's own country [v]
Other moves: EXILE 14I 57, EX 14I 52, XI 14J 52, WIELD 14J 49, WILED 14J 49
EXILED 14I 89 PIThompson
XI 14J 52 argomearns
WAX J12 29 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, GONIA 15K 33 --- GONION a part of the lower jaw [n] --- GONIUM an immature reproductive cell [n]
Other moves: INGO 2D 24, GOONIE B10 22, NYING 9G 21, ANYON 9F 19, GAN 2F 19
ON 15N 9 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, SHRIFT 2A 41 --- SHRIFT the act of shriving [n]
Other moves: SHIFT 2B 39, FISH 2C 37, SH*TSHIT 2E 34, ISH 2D 33, FLUSH 5K 32
SHIRT L8 16 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, GROOVE B10 28 --- GROOVE to form a groove (a long, narrow depression) [v]
Other moves: GROOVE 10B 22, VROUW 4D 22, CROOK J6 21, GOOK E8 18, GOUK E8 18
GROVE B11 18 PIThompson
ROOK C2 16 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, JUKU A7 48 --- JUKU an additional school in Japan for preparing students for college [n]
Other moves: JO A12 36, KUTU A7 27, JOKE 10D 25, JUKE 10D 25, JUKU 7B 25
ROUT C2 8 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, ZO A12 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: AZO B5 41, ZA B6 40, ZO B6 40, JAZY 7A 38, OOZY J8 36
ZA B6 40 PIThompson
JAY 7A 17 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, NAW F8 33 --- NAW no [adv]
Other tops: NAY F8 33
Other moves: WAIR F10 32, YA F10 28, WAT B6 25, TWA B5 23, AYRIE F11 22
JAY 7A 17 mordeckhi
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