Game on September 19, 2014 at 21:30, 6 players
1. 642 pts musdrive
2. 571 pts Davina
3. 392 pts Kalikokat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


5E 44 118 


8H 80 198 


6J 36 234 


O1 31 265 


N2 35 300 


K8 76 376 


15I 42 418 


4B 43 461 


C3 34 495 


L10 44 539 


G9 65 604 


M10 42 646 


15A 45 691 


F10 29 720 


E11 40 760 


D9 37 797 


J11 31 828 


B9 36 864 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 10 12:41 -222 642 1.7722 musdrive 10 12:41 -222 642
Davina 7 15:30 -293 571 2.7061 Davina 7 15:30 -293 571
Kalikokat 3 7:46 -472 392 3.7869 PIThompson 5 7:54 -493 371
PIThompson 5 7:54 -493 371 4.7473 SQUAW1 2 4:30 -727 137
SQUAW1 2 4:30 -727 137 5.7822 OrangeCup 0 2:21 -804 60
OrangeCup 0 2:21 -804 60 Group: intermediate
1.6381 Kalikokat 3 7:46 -472 392
On 1st draw, FR(E)E(S)IA H4 74 --- FREESIA a scented plant [n]
Other tops: AF(F)I(X)ER H3 74, AF(F)(A)IRE H3 74, A(F)FI(X)ER H2 74, A(F)F(A)IRE H2 74, A(Q)(U)IFER H8 74, FAERI(E)(S) H4 74, FAIRE(S)(T) H4 74, FAIR(I)E(S) H4 74, FAI(L)(U)RE H4 74, FAI(N)(T)ER H4 74, FAI(T)(H)ER H4 74, FAR(C)IE(D) H4 74, FAR(C)IE(S) H4 74, FAR(R)IE(R) H4 74, FAR(S)I(D)E H4 74, FA(D)(D)IER H4 74, FA(E)RIE(S) H4 74, F*(G)(G)**RFA(G)(G)IER H4 74, FA(I)RIE(S) H4 74, FA(N)(C)IER H4 74, FA(R)RIE(R) H4 74, FA(R)(R)IER H4 74, FA(T)(T)IER H4 74, FA(V)RI(L)E H4 74, FA(W)(N)IER H4 74, FEARI(N)(G) H4 74, FE(D)ARI(E) H4 74, FE(N)I(T)AR H4 74, FIA(C)RE(S) H4 74, FIREA(R)(M) H4 74, FIRE(M)A(N) H4 74, FIRE(P)A(N) H4 74, FI(L)ARE(E) H4 74, FI(L)AR(E)E H4 74, FI(L)A(C)ER H4 74, FI(L)A(Z)ER H4 74, FI(R)EAR(M) H4 74, FRAI(L)E(R) H4 74, FRAI(S)E(D) H4 74, FRAI(S)E(S) H4 74, FRA(G)I(L)E H4 74, FRE(E)(S)IA H4 74, FRIA(B)(L)E H4 74, FRIA(N)(D)E H4 74, FRI(G)A(T)E H4 74, F(E)(D)ARIE H4 74, F(L)ARIE(R) H4 74, F(L)A(K)IER H4 74, F(L)A(M)IER H4 74, F(L)A(R)IER H4 74, F(L)A(W)IER H4 74, F(L)A(X)IER H4 74, F(O)A(M)IER H4 74, F(R)AI(L)ER H4 74, I(N)FARE(S) H2 74, REA(F)FI(X) H8 74, REF(R)AI(N) H2 74, REF(U)(G)IA H2 74, RIF(F)A(G)E H2 74, (A)F(F)AIRE H3 74, (A)(F)FAIRE H2 74, (B)AREFI(T) H8 74, (D)AF(F)IER H2 74, (G)IRAF(F)E H8 74, (G)IRA(F)FE H7 74, (P)IA(F)FER H8 74, (R)EFRAI(N) H2 74, (S)ERAFI(N) H8 74, (W)(H)ARFIE H8 74, (X)ERAFI(N) H8 74
Other moves: AF(F)I(X)ER H4 68, AF(F)I(X)ER H6 68, AF(F)I(X)ER H7 68, AF(F)(A)IRE H4 68, AF(F)(A)IRE H6 68
FAIR(I)E(S) H4 24 musdrive
FAIRE(R) H4 24 PIThompson, Davina
F*R(T)*(D) H4FAR(T)E(D) H4 22 SQUAW1
On 2nd draw, OVERGOT 5E 44 --- OVERGET to overcome [v]
Other moves: GLOVER 5C 20, GROOVE 5G 20, GROVEL 5G 20, GROVET 5G 20, OVERGO 5E 20
OVERGOT 5E 44 musdrive, PIThompson
VETO 7G 12 Davina
On 3rd draw, (S)IMARRES 8H 80 --- SIMARRE a loose coat [n]
Other tops: SIMARRE(S) 8A 80
Other moves: MARRIES 11B 77, SIMARRE 11H 77, MARRIES G9 72, SIMARRE I9 66, SMEARIER 7B 65
FAMES 4H 29 SQUAW1, Davina
MARIES 6J 28 musdrive
MIRES 6J 27 PIThompson
On 4th draw, HEALD 6J 36 --- HEALD to incline [v]
Other tops: HALED 6J 36, HARED 6J 36, HEARD 6J 36
Other moves: HARDER 6J 35, HARELD 6J 35, HARLED 6J 35, HERALD 6J 35, HALER 6J 33
HALED 6J 36 musdrive, PIThompson, SQUAW1
HEARD 6J 36 Davina
HIDER I7 31 Kalikokat
On 5th draw, TALONS O1 31 --- TALON a claw of a bird of prey [n]
Other tops: TOLANS O1 31
Other moves: SALOON 4J 23, SANTOL 4J 23, ALSOON 11F 21, SALOON 11H 21, SANTOL 11H 21
TALONS O1 31 musdrive, PIThompson, Davina, SQUAW1
LOONS 11D 19 Kalikokat
On 6th draw, FAH N2 35 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other moves: HALID N2 34, HALF 4J 32, FAH 4J 30, FAIL 4J 26, FEH 7G 26
FAH N2 35 musdrive, PIThompson, Davina, Kalikokat
On 7th draw, ABDOMENS K8 76 --- ABDOMEN the body cavity containing the viscera [n]
Other moves: ABDOMENS 10H 69, DEMOBS 11C 31, BESOM 4A 28, DEMOB 4A 28, MISDONE I7 28
DEMOBS 11C 31 musdrive
MOBES 11D 27 PIThompson
MODES 11D 25 Davina
BONED 4A 25 Kalikokat
On 8th draw, AUSPICE 15I 42 --- AUSPICE a favorable omen [n]
Other tops: CUSPATE 15I 42
Other moves: ASPECT 15J 39, PACIEST 15F 36, SCAPE 15K 36, SCAPI 15K 36, SCAUP 15K 36
SPACE 15K 36 musdrive, Davina
SPICE 15K 36 PIThompson
PACES 15G 27 Kalikokat
On 9th draw, SWIZ 4B 43 --- SWIZ to defraud [v]
Other moves: WIZ 4C 41, ZAGS 11E 37, ZIGS 11E 37, ZAGS 6B 36, ZIGS 6B 36
SWIZ 4B 43 PIThompson, musdrive
WIZ 4C 41 Davina
On 10th draw, TWINK C3 34 --- TWINK to blink [v]
Other moves: UNSTICK B2 30, INSECT B2 28, KENT G9 26, KNIT G9 26, KNUT G9 26
TWINK C3 34 musdrive
KENT G9 26 Davina, PIThompson
On 11th draw, OXER L10 44 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other tops: EXON L10 44, OXEN L10 44
Other moves: VEX 7G 42, EXO L10 40, NOX L11 39, REX L11 39, REX 7G 36
EXON L10 44 musdrive, Davina
VEX 7G 42 PIThompson, Kalikokat
On 12th draw, LEERING G9 65 --- LEER to look with a sideways glance [v] --- LEERING the act of leering [n]
Other moves: ENISLE B1 24, LINGERER 13G 22, GENERAL 3I 20, LINGIER I7 20, LEERING 13I 18
LINGERER 13G 22 musdrive
LEG 7G 12 Kalikokat
REC N13 10 Davina
On 13th draw, TYNE M10 42 --- TYNE to lose [v]
Other moves: YEA M11 36, YEN M11 36, YAE F10 32, YEA F10 32, YA F10 29
YEA M11 36 musdrive
YEA F10 32 Davina
YAE F10 32 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, PROBING 15A 45 --- PROBE to investigate or examine thoroughly [v]
Other tops: BURPING 15A 45
Other moves: ROUPING 15A 39, UPBRING 15A 39, BOP J11 35, POURING 15A 33, PROB F10 33
BURPING 15A 45 Davina
BOP J11 35 musdrive
PO J11 26 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, YE F10 29 --- YE you [pron]
Other tops: YO F10 29
Other moves: YOGIN 14C 27, GOORY 12D 26, OOGENY 14C 25, YOGIN F11 25, GOEL M3 24
YO F10 29 musdrive, Kalikokat
YE F10 29 Davina
On 16th draw, JOT E11 40 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other tops: JUT E11 40
Other moves: JA E11 38, JO E11 38, JOTUN 14C 33, AJAR 12D 28, JOUST B1 28
JOT E11 40 Kalikokat, musdrive, Davina
On 17th draw, ADAW D9 37 --- ADAW to daunt [v]
Other tops: DEAW D9 37
Other moves: AWA D11 35, AWE D11 35, DAW D10 35, DAW J11 35, DOW J11 35
AWE D11 35 musdrive
DAW 3E 24 Davina
WE D12 22 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, DAG J11 31 --- DAG a hanging end or shred [n] --- DAG to remove clotted tufts of wool from a sheep [v]
Other moves: DAL J11 29, QUAIR B11 28, QIS B2 26, QUAI D1 25, QUIP A12 25
DAG J11 31 musdrive
QUAIR B11 28 OrangeCup
QIS B2 26 Kalikokat, Davina
On 19th draw, LIQUEUR B9 36 --- LIQUEUR a sweetened alcoholic beverage [n] --- LIQUEUR to flavour with a sweetened alcoholic beverage [v]
Other tops: QUILTER B9 36
Other moves: QUEST B1 32, QUIST B1 32, EQUAL 3K 28, EQUIP A11 26, QIS B2 26
QUIST B1 32 OrangeCup
EQUAL 3K 28 musdrive
QIS B2 26 Kalikokat, Davina
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