Game on September 21, 2014 at 20:52, 1 player
1. 445 pts Davina
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


7C 69 93 


8A 55 148 


6F 31 179 


5E 27 206 


K1 32 238 


L6 78 316 


1H 45 361 


4K 42 403 


J7 66 469 


O3 48 517 


N9 87 604 


O11 43 647 


2F 43 690 


15F 37 727 


11C 70 797 


12A 36 833 


A12 39 872 


3D 23 895 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Davina 4 13:32 -450 445 1.7091 Davina 4 13:32 -450 445
On 1st draw, MOSING H4 24 --- MOSE to have glanders [v]
Other moves: LOMING H7 22, MINGS H4 22, MISGO H4 22, MONGS H4 22, MOSING H7 22
On 2nd draw, OMN(I)FIED 7C 69 --- OMNIFY to make universal [v]
Other moves: OMNIF(I)ED 7E 68, INFO(R)MED 7H 67, F(A)MED G3 30, F(U)MED G3 30, FEOD I7 28
OF I6 20 Davina
On 3rd draw, I(F)FY 8A 55 --- IFFY full of uncertainty [adj]
Other tops: O(O)FY 8A 55, (O)OFY 8A 55
Other moves: FO(X)Y 8A 51, IF(F)Y 8A 51, (P)ONTIFY E5 48, T(R)OY 8A 43, (P)IOY 8A 43
I(F)FY 8A 55 Davina
On 4th draw, HES 6F 31 --- HE a male person [n]
Other moves: CHOWED 5F 30, HOWDY 5G 30, WHEY I5 28, WHY G3 28, EH 6E 27
HES 6F 31 Davina
On 5th draw, CANOLA 5E 27 --- CANOLA an oil from the seeds of a kind of herb [n]
Other moves: WAAC 5C 25, CALMY D4 24, MACAW 4H 24, LINAC 5B 21, CALAMI 4D 20
CLAW I2 19 Davina
On 6th draw, AGEIST K1 32 --- AGEIST an advocate of ageism [n]
Other moves: AEGIS K1 30, AGIST K2 30, GAITS K1 30, GATES K1 30, GEATS K1 30
GATES K1 30 Davina
On 7th draw, ONBOARD L6 78 --- ONBOARD carried aboard a vehicle [adj]
Other moves: ONBOARD I9 66, BOND L1 38, BORD L1 38, BRADOON 1I 36, BORN L1 34
ABORD 1K 33 Davina
On 8th draw, ZUPA 1H 45 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: RIZA 1H 39, ZIP 4J 39, ZITI 4J 37, DARZI 10K 35, DURZI J7 35
ZIP 4J 39 Davina
On 9th draw, INDEX 4K 42 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other moves: NOX L1 40, EX M8 38, OX M8 38, EXO 6A 32, VEXED 3J 32
OX M8 38 Davina
On 10th draw, DIVERTER J7 66 --- DIVERTER one that diverts [n]
Other moves: RETRIEVE N3 65, TIRRIVEE A7 65, TIRRIVEE A4 62, REGIVE 2I 32, VERDITE M1 30
VEXER O2 15 Davina
On 11th draw, EXCRETA O3 48 --- EXCRETA waste discharged from the body [n]
Other tops: EXACTER O3 48, XEBEC O4 48
Other moves: BARTERER 11E 40, ACERB N2 30, BAREGE 2G 30, AREG 2H 26, BEAR 2F 25
EXACTER O3 48 Davina
On 12th draw, HEADILY N9 87 --- HEADILY in a heady manner [adv]
Other moves: HEADILY N7 77, YAH M7 39, YEH M7 39, EYLIAD N9 38, YEAH M6 37
HEADY N7 25 Davina
On 13th draw, SETAE O11 43 --- SETA a coarse, stiff hair [n]
Other moves: IOTAS 15F 28, SAE O13 28, TAE O13 28, TAO O13 28, TEASE 15G 28
TEASE 15G 28 Davina
On 14th draw, QUA 2F 43 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: PIQUANT 12D 38, QINDAR M1 35, QUAIR 14F 34, (F)AQUIR B8 34, (F)AQIR B8 33
QUA 2F 43 Davina
On 15th draw, WOOLS 15F 37 --- WOOL the dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals [n]
Other tops: AWOLS 15F 37, LOWTS 15F 37, TWALS 15F 37
Other moves: AWLS 15G 34, LAWS 15G 34, LOWS 15G 34, OWLS 15G 34, OWTS 15G 34
WOT I13 21 Davina
On 16th draw, TOPLINER 11C 70 --- TOPLINER a star [n]
Other moves: LEPTIN 3B 32, NEPIT 3C 30, POTIN 3C 30, LEPTON 14B 29, ELOIN 3C 26
On 17th draw, BROW 12A 36 --- BROW the forehead [n]
Other moves: OBIIT 12C 32, OBIIT 3C 30, ORBIT 3C 30, ORIBI 12A 30, BOW 12B 28
On 18th draw, BAJU A12 39 --- BAJU a short Malayan jacket [n]
Other moves: JIG 3E 29, TAJ 14E 28, GAT M13 25, JAG E1 24, JUTE N1 24
On 19th draw, TRIG 3D 23 --- TRIG neat [adj] --- TRIG to make tight and sound [v]
Other moves: JIG 14A 22, JUG 14A 22, RIG 3E 22, TIG 3E 22, GRIT 3D 20
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