Game on October 6, 2014 at 22:26, 1 player
1. 437 pts Davina
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 40 40 


G3 33 73 


4F 34 107 


F1 44 151 


I7 75 226 


12G 74 300 


1D 39 339 


2H 84 423 


13B 51 474 


1L 38 512 


12A 49 561 


N10 32 593 


B10 74 667 


O7 30 697 


D1 24 721 


15L 38 759 


5J 22 781 


10D 37 818 


15B 30 848 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Davina 2 12:03 -411 437 1.7102 Davina 2 12:03 -411 437
On 1st draw, XENIA H4 40 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: NIXY H5 28, NIXY H6 28, NIXY H7 28, NIXY H8 28, ONYX H5 28
OXEN H6 22 Davina
On 2nd draw, TOYED G3 33 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: EYOT G4 27, DETOX 4D 26, TODAY G5 26, TODAY I5 26, YODE G3 26
YAD G3 23 Davina
On 3rd draw, FOXTAIL 4F 34 --- FOXTAIL the tail of a fox [n]
Other moves: FILA F2 33, FILO F2 33, OF F5 33, FAT F4 32, OUTFOX 4C 32
OF F5 33 Davina
On 4th draw, TREFAH F1 44 --- TREFAH not kosher also TREF, TREFA, TREIFA [adj]
Other moves: THEFT I4 40, FAH F4 37, FEH F4 37, QAT 3K 37, FAQIR K1 34
FAH F4 37 Davina
On 5th draw, DAWTIN(G) I7 75 --- DAWT to fondle [v]
Other moves: TAI(L)WIND K2 72, DAWTIN(G) I8 65, TAILW(I)ND L1 64, TA(I)LWIND L1 64, WITT(E)D 1D 39
WITT(E)D 1D 39 Davina
On 6th draw, MANATOID 12G 74 --- MANATEE a large aquatic mammal [adj] --- MANATOID relating to a manatee [adj]
Other moves: DOMATIA 1B 39, MATTOID 1D 39, MATTOID 1C 33, DIATOM 1C 30, MATAI 1D 30
MAID 3K 20 Davina
On 7th draw, FATTEN 1D 39 --- FATTEN to make fat [v]
Other moves: FETTA 1D 36, FUTON 1D 36, FIAUNT 11H 33, FATTEN 1C 30, OFTEN 13K 30
FATTEN 1D 39 Davina
On 8th draw, RECOILS 2H 84 --- RECOIL to draw back in fear or disgust [v]
Other moves: CLOISTER K7 70, COISTREL K8 70, SCLEROID N5 69, COSTLIER 10F 68, CREOLIST 10B 68
CORS M1 30 Davina
On 9th draw, SHONKY 13B 51 --- SHONKY illicit [adj]
Other tops: H*NK*YHONKEY 13B 51
Other moves: HOKEY 13C 49, H*NKYHONKY 13C 49, KYNDES N9 44, ENSKY 13C 43, HYNDES N9 42
HOKEY 13C 49 Davina
On 10th draw, PEER 1L 38 --- PEER to look narrowly or searchingly [v]
Other tops: PAIR 1L 38, PEAR 1L 38
Other moves: REAP 12A 29, EPRISE B9 28, PADRE N10 28, PADRI N10 28, PAISE B10 26
PEER 1L 38 Davina
On 11th draw, JIAO 12A 49 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JIBE 11H 43, JA 12D 38, JO 12D 38, JIAO 14A 33, FEIJOA D1 32
JO 12D 38 Davina
On 12th draw, BED(E)W N10 32 --- BEDEW to cover with dew [v]
Other tops: B(E)DEW N10 32, WIDE(N) N10 32, WIDE(R) N10 32, WIDE(S) N10 32, WIDO(W) N10 32, WOD(G)E N10 32
Other moves: BE(S)NOW E10 31, W(A)B 3I 31, E(L)BOW 11K 30, E(M)BOW 11K 30, U(P)BOW 11K 30
BOW 11D 21 Davina
On 13th draw, ZOISMS B10 74 --- ZOISM a doctrine [n]
Other moves: ZOISM B10 72, MOZ O13 50, DZOS O8 48, DZOS 11C 47, DZO 11C 45
DZOS O8 48 Davina
On 14th draw, ELVER O7 30 --- ELVER a young eel [n]
Other tops: LEVER O7 30, LOVER O7 30, REVEL O7 30
Other moves: VOLE J6 29, EVER O8 27, EVOE O8 27, OVEL O8 27, OVER O8 27
On 15th draw, FAVOUR D1 24 --- FAVOUR to regard with goodwill [v]
Other moves: ARVO C7 23, NOVA C7 23, URVA C7 23, FAVOR D1 22, ARVO J4 21
On 16th draw, DISC 15L 38 --- DISC to break up land with a farm implement [v]
Other moves: CURSI 15K 35, ELDS M1 28, SCUDI M4 28, SCUD M4 27, SCUG M4 27
On 17th draw, BOIL 5J 22 --- BOIL to vaporize liquid [v]
Other moves: BIRO C7 21, BRIO C7 21, BOI 5J 20, ARGOL J4 19, GIRO C7 19
On 18th draw, PIQUET 10D 37 --- PIQUET a card game [n] --- PIQUET to strengthen with pickets [v]
Other moves: QUITE 10F 36, PIQUET K7 34, QUIT 10F 33, SPUEING 15B 33, QUAIR 2B 30
On 19th draw, SNUGGER 15B 30 --- SNUG warmly comfortable [adj]
Other moves: EGGER 11K 24, USURE 15A 18, RINE 11H 17, NUGGET K7 16, FAVOURER D1 15
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