Game on October 7, 2014 at 19:02, 2 players
1. 350 pts scrab21
2. 91 pts Davina
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 30 30 


I7 53 83 


G3 80 163 


H1 30 193 


13C 25 218 


3G 28 246 


1H 89 335 


N3 74 409 


8L 39 448 


12A 30 478 


12H 24 502 


4A 36 538 


A4 33 571 


4K 38 609 


A12 39 648 


C3 24 672 


K9 26 698 


15G 39 737 


7M 24 761 


5J 33 794 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
scrab21 2 20:57 -444 350 1.7094 Davina 2 1:27 -703 91
Davina 2 1:27 -703 91 Group: intermediate
1.6618 scrab21 2 20:57 -444 350
On 1st draw, ANORAK H7 30 --- ANORAK a waterproof jacket with hood [n]
Other moves: KAROO H4 28, KRONA H4 28, KROON H4 28, ANORAK H3 22, ANORAK H4 22
On 2nd draw, HEX I7 53 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: HEMATIN 11E 48, MIXEN I5 45, TEX I7 41, HEX I5 38, MINX I4 38
On 3rd draw, RET(I)RAL G3 80 --- RETIRAL the giving up of office [n]
Other moves: RELAT(O)R J4 78, ALERT(E)R G1 65, ALTER(E)R G1 65, ALT(E)RER G1 65, RAT(T)LER G1 65
On 4th draw, U(R)EDO H1 30 --- UREDO a skin irritation [n]
Other moves: DUTEOU(S) 5E 28, OUTDOE(R) 5E 28, OUTDOE(S) 5E 28, OUTDO(N)E 5E 28, OUTDUE(L) 5E 28
HEXED I7 21 scrab21
On 5th draw, AORTAS 13C 25 --- AORTA the main blood vessel from the heart [n]
Other moves: KAVAS 12H 24, AVAS F1 22, AVOS F1 22, OSTRAKA 12C 22, SAVORED 4B 22
RAVED 4D 18 scrab21
On 6th draw, REHOUSE 3G 28 --- REHOUSE to establish in a new housing unit [v]
Other tops: HIES 12A 28, HOES 12A 28, HUES 12A 28
Other moves: HIES 12C 27, HOES 12C 27, HES 12D 26, HOE 12D 26, HOI 12D 26
HE 12D 22 scrab21
On 7th draw, UNFELTED 1H 89 --- FELT to mat together [adj] --- UNFELTED not felted [adj]
Other moves: UNFELTED K3 74, DEFLUENT 1D 64, FEED 12A 32, FEND 12A 32, FLED 12A 32
FED N1 26 scrab21
On 8th draw, SLUDGES N3 74 --- SLUDGE a muddy deposit\v to cover with sludge [n] --- SLUDGE to form sludge (a muddy mass or sediment) [v]
Other moves: DEGAUSS 11E 36, DULSES 12A 28, KLUDGES 12H 26, DULSE 12A 24, GELD 12A 24
HEXES I7 19 scrab21
On 9th draw, WEEP 8L 39 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other moves: PEIN O5 34, PEON O5 34, PION O5 34, WEEN 8L 33, POWNIE M8 31
WEEP 8L 39 Davina, scrab21
On 10th draw, AGAPE 12A 30 --- AGAPE a communal meal of fellowship [n]
Other moves: APAGE 12A 28, PEAG 12A 28, GAPE 12B 26, VEGA 12B 26, AGAPE 14A 24
AGAPE 12A 30 Davina
WAIVE L8 22 scrab21
On 11th draw, KNIVE 12H 24 --- KNIVE to knife [v]
Other tops: KNAVE 12H 24, NAEVI A11 24, NAIVE A11 24
Other moves: WAIVE L8 22, WOVEN L8 22, AEON 14D 20, ENVIED 4C 20, ONIE 14D 20
WAIVE L8 22 Davina
OVER E10 14 scrab21
On 12th draw, BECRIMED 4A 36 --- BECRIME to make guility of a crime [v]
Other tops: CEMBRA A7 36, CRAMBE A10 36
Other moves: MERCAT A8 30, TIMBERED 4A 28, BARIC A11 27, CABER A11 27, CABRE A11 27
CRAMBE A10 36 scrab21
On 13th draw, BIFID A4 33 --- BIFID divided into two parts [adj]
Other moves: DAFT M12 30, FADO M10 30, FIDO M10 30, AFT 11D 29, DIF M12 28
FAG B10 15 scrab21
On 14th draw, MIRLY 4K 38 --- MIRLY marbled [adj]
Other moves: ATIMY B6 32, ARMY A12 27, MARVY K9 26, TRAY 14D 26, MAIR 14D 24
TARTY A11 24 scrab21
On 15th draw, AZAN A12 39 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other moves: ZILA 14A 34, ZAG B10 33, ZIG B10 33, NAZ(I) 6D 32, LAZIER E8 30
ZILA E3 26 scrab21
On 16th draw, ICTIC C3 24 --- ICTIC pertaining to ictus [adj] --- ICTUS a recurring stress or beat in a poetical form [adj]
Other moves: CIVET K10 20, CIVIE K10 20, COVET K10 20, ETIC B6 20, EVICT K11 20
GIVE K10 16 scrab21
On 17th draw, VOLVATE K9 26 --- VOLVA a membranous sac that encloses certain immature mushrooms [adj] --- VOLVATE pertaining to a volva [adj]
Other tops: WEAL 14D 26
Other moves: AVOWER E8 24, VOLVAE K9 24, WEAVER E8 24, WOLVER E8 24, WAE 14D 23
WEAVER E8 24 scrab21
On 18th draw, BOWGET 15G 39 --- BOWGET a budget or financial statement [n]
Other moves: UNBEGOT 15H 36, BOWET 15H 33, OUTBEG 15G 33, BOUGET 15G 30, BOWNE 15G 30
BOW 10J 14 scrab21
On 19th draw, YGO 7M 24 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: YO B14 22, YU B14 22, YU 5J 20, NUN 5J 19, NY B14 19
YON 10J 14 scrab21
On 20th draw, JUN 5J 33 --- JUN a coin of North Korea [n]
Other moves: QUININ E2 30, Q(I) 6F 30, QUERN E10 28, QUINO E2 28, QUOIN E1 28
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