Game on October 8, 2014 at 18:18, 2 players
1. 196 pts Davina
2. 189 pts worsie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


9D 83 131 


E7 76 207 


I3 32 239 


14B 82 321 


13I 71 392 


B8 60 452 


A4 57 509 


15F 60 569 


F6 33 602 


O7 93 695 


15A 35 730 


10D 31 761 


M8 65 826 


4H 30 856 


N1 77 933 


1L 39 972 


15L 33 1005 


12A 28 1033 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Davina 1 8:08 -837 196 1.7105 Davina 1 8:08 -837 196
worsie 1 5:41 -844 189 Group: intermediate
1.6220 worsie 1 5:41 -844 189
On 1st draw, JEHAD H4 48 --- JEHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other moves: JEHAD H8 36, JEHAD H5 32, JEHAD H6 32, JEHAD H7 32, HADJ H5 30
On 2nd draw, BOOFIE(R) 9D 83 --- BOOFY uscular and strong but stupid [adj]
Other moves: BOOFIE(R) G7 75, BOOFIE(R) I7 75, BEFOO(L) G5 36, BEFI(T) G5 34, BEFO(G) G5 34
On 3rd draw, SCOUTHER E7 76 --- SCOUTHER to scorch [v]
Other tops: TOUCHERS E8 76, TROUCHES E7 76
Other moves: SCOUTHER F7 67, TOUCHERS F8 67, TROUCHES F7 67, HEST 10F 53, HES 10F 50
On 4th draw, VOLAE I3 32 --- VOLA the hollow of a hand or foot [n]
Other moves: JAVEL 4H 30, AVALE I2 28, GALEA I3 28, GLEAVE 13C 28, VALE I3 27
On 5th draw, A(N)OREXIA 14B 82 --- ANOREXIA lack of appetite [n]
Other moves: TOXAE(M)IA 11E 78, A(D)IEUX 10A 57, EAUX 10C 56, (B)EAUX 10B 56, (D)OUX 10C 55
On 6th draw, ZEATIN 13I 71 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other moves: ZANTE 13I 69, ZEIN H12 69, AZINE 13H 47, NAZE 15H 47, NAZI 15H 47
On 7th draw, RASORIAL B8 60 --- RASORIAL habitually scratching the ground for food [adj]
Other moves: LIARS 15A 38, IOS 15G 36, OSAR O12 31, OSAR 15H 30, SIROC 8A 29
On 8th draw, MARKED A4 57 --- MARK to impress or stamp with a sign [v]
Other moves: KERMA A4 54, DARKEN A4 47, NAKED A7 47, RAKED A7 47, MANRED A4 45
On 9th draw, FUNGO 15F 60 --- FUNGO a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball [n]
Other moves: FUNG 15F 57, UNGOT 15G 46, TUNG 15F 45, FUN 15F 38, FOUNT N10 32
On 10th draw, QI F6 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NIQAB K10 32, BENNET N10 28, EBON D12 28, BENET 14K 26, BENNE N10 26
On 11th draw, ALLEGES O7 93 --- ALLEGE to assert without proof or before proving [v]
Other moves: ALLEGES C2 71, LEGALISE M8 60, EAGLES O8 40, LEGALS O8 40, ALLEES O8 37
EAGLES O8 40 Davina
On 12th draw, SLOP 15A 35 --- SLOP to spill or splash [v]
Other moves: SOOP D12 30, STOP D12 30, SPOT D12 28, UPON D12 28, STOUP 10B 27
PUT 12K 20 Davina
THUS 12D 14 worsie
On 13th draw, OUMA 10D 31 --- OUMA grandmother (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: RIOTED 13A 30, JORAM 4H 28, JORUM 4H 28, MAUD 12J 27, MUON N10 27
AM N9 22 Davina
HAM 6H 14 worsie
On 14th draw, VIRUCIDE M8 65 --- VIRUCIDE a substance that destroys viruses [n]
Other moves: CRUIVE N2 40, CRUIVE C3 33, CROP D12 32, CERVID N2 31, CRUDE B2 31
CRUDE B2 31 Davina
DRIVE 11G 25 worsie
On 15th draw, JONTY 4H 30 --- JONTY a naval master-at-arms [n]
Other tops: TEDY 14K 30, YRNEH 12A 30
Other moves: PENNY 11G 28, PEEN 15L 27, PEER 15L 27, PENE 15L 27, PENT 15L 27
EYE 15M 18 worsie
On 16th draw, PRINTED N1 77 --- PRINT to produce by pressed type on a surface [v]
Other moves: REDIPT N2 32, PRIDE B2 31, P**DPEED 15L 30, PEND 15L 30, DEEP 15L 27
P**D 15LPEED 15L 30 worsie
On 17th draw, WEPT 1L 39 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other tops: WIPE 1L 39
Other moves: WRIGHT 12A 34, WEET 15L 33, WRITHE 12A 32, BEWIG 11G 30, BRIGHT 12A 30
WIPE 1L 39 Davina, worsie
On 18th draw, YETI 15L 33 --- YETI the abominable snowman [n]
Other moves: BINGY 11G 30, BRIGHT 12A 30, BUNGY 11G 30, BUYING C3 30, TIDY 14K 30
BENT 15L 27 worsie, Davina
On 19th draw, BRUGH 12A 28 --- BRUGH an incorporated town [n]
Other moves: WHIG 12D 22, WEN 13D 20, WHIN 12D 20, UNIT N12 19, AWING 5A 18
WHIG 12D 22 worsie
HAW 6H 17 Davina
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