Game on October 8, 2014 at 21:18, 5 players
1. 676 pts musdrive
2. 662 pts Davina
3. 622 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 32 32 


13C 28 60 


E6 70 130 


F1 75 205 


3C 72 277 


8A 69 346 


1D 86 432 


14F 54 486 


12D 43 529 


15G 42 571 


14A 30 601 


2I 33 634 


A12 42 676 


4A 52 728 


A1 48 776 


3M 28 804 


O3 95 899 


N10 27 926 


M13 46 972 


10B 21 993 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 7 18:48 -317 676 1.7730 musdrive 7 18:48 -317 676
Davina 6 16:15 -331 662 2.7085 Davina 6 16:15 -331 662
roocatcher 5 21:06 -371 622 3.7455 SQUAW1 2 9:45 -601 392
SQUAW1 2 9:45 -601 392 Group: intermediate
mordeckhi 0 23:10 -631 362 1.6993 roocatcher 5 21:06 -371 622
Group: not rated
1.4152 mordeckhi 0 23:10 -631 362
On 1st draw, SAVEYS H8 32 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other tops: SAVOYS H8 32
Other moves: SAVEY H8 30, SAVOY H8 30, SAVEYS H3 26, SAVEYS H4 26, SAVEYS H7 26
SAVEYS H8 32 musdrive
SAVEY H8 30 Davina, roocatcher
VASES H6 16 mordeckhi
On 2nd draw, FORAMS 13C 28 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other tops: FORMYL 12D 28
Other moves: FLAMY 12D 26, FOAMY 12D 26, FORMALS 13B 26, FORMOLS 13B 26, OSMOLAR 13G 26
FORMALS 13B 26 musdrive
FOAMY 12D 26 Davina, SQUAW1
FOAM G6 22 roocatcher
MAY 12F 8 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, WEA(S)ELER E6 70 --- WEASELER one who acts evasively [n]
Other moves: WEASELE(D) 8E 60, WEASELE(R) 8E 60, WA(N)EY 12D 37, LEEWA(Y) 12A 36, A(N)EW 14C 35
A(N)EW 14C 35 SQUAW1
EWE 14E 33 Davina, musdrive
ALEW 12A 31 roocatcher
WARE E11 14 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, KANDIES F1 75 --- KANDY an Indian weight [n]
Other moves: EIKED 12B 40, EKED 12C 38, KEDS 14B 37, IKANS 14A 36, KINDA 8A 36
EKED 12C 38 musdrive
DIKE 12B 35 Davina, roocatcher, SQUAW1
WAKENS 6E 17 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, UNUNITED 3C 72 --- UNITE to bring together so as to form a whole [adj] --- UNUNITED not united [adj]
Other moves: UNUNITED 3E 61, TINKED 1C 36, INKED 1D 33, NUKED 1D 33, UNKED 1D 33
TINKED 1C 36 Davina, musdrive, SQUAW1
UNKID 1D 33 roocatcher
KIND 1F 27 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, WILJA 8A 69 --- WILJA an Aboriginal shelter [n]
Other moves: KOJIS 1F 48, KOJI 1F 45, JOW D8 44, JINS D1 38, JOTS H1 36
JOW D8 44 SQUAW1, musdrive
JOTS H1 36 mordeckhi, Davina, roocatcher
On 7th draw, INK(S)TONE 1D 86 --- INKSTONE a stone on which dry ink and water are mixed [n]
Other tops: NEKTONI(C) 1D 86, TOKENIN(G) 1D 86
Other moves: SON(A)TINE 8H 74, NOINTE(D) 2I 73, NOINTE(R) 2I 73, NONET(T)I 2I 73, NONE(T)TI 2I 73
INK(J)ET 1D 30 musdrive
KINE 1F 24 Davina
KNOT 1F 24 mordeckhi
(S)KINT 1E 24 roocatcher
On 8th draw, XI 14F 54 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: HOAX D12 54
Other moves: XI F10 52, OX F9 51, HOX I7 44, HOAX 14A 42, AXITE 4H 41
XI 14F 54 SQUAW1, roocatcher, Davina
HOAX D12 54 musdrive
On 9th draw, BERAY 12D 43 --- BERAY to befoul [v]
Other moves: AVERT 15D 42, VERB 15E 42, BARBET 15G 40, EBB 15F 38, RABBET 15G 38
VERB 15E 42 musdrive
BRAVE 15G 37 Davina, SQUAW1
VARE 4A 28 roocatcher
BRAVE 15B 21 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, SENDUP 15G 42 --- SENDUP a parody [n]
Other moves: SPUNGE 15G 36, NUDGES 15G 33, SENDUP 2I 33, SENDUP L1 33, SNUDGE 15G 33
SPUNGE 15G 36 roocatcher, SQUAW1
DUPES 15G 31 Davina, musdrive
APES 9H 9 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, FRAB 14A 30 --- FRAB to worry [v]
Other moves: FAB 14B 28, FARO 4A 28, FIBRO 4I 28, FORA 4A 28, IF F9 27
FRAB 14A 30 roocatcher
FORA 4A 28 musdrive
FAB 14B 28 Davina
FORB 4I 26 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, PORTAL 2I 33 --- PORTAL a door, gate, or entrance [n]
Other moves: ALOFT A11 27, APORT 2H 25, ALFA A12 24, LOFT A12 24, PARA 4A 24
ALOFT A11 27 mordeckhi, musdrive
RAFT A12 24 Davina
PAR 15C 23 roocatcher
On 13th draw, HEFT A12 42 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: THORAX F9 40, COFT A12 36, ECHE 4A 29, ECHO 4A 29, OCHE 4A 29
HEFT A12 42 Davina, roocatcher, musdrive
HATE 9G 12 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, ZERO 4A 52 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: AZERTY M2 44, AGRYZE M2 40, RITZY B7 37, OYEZ 10C 36, OYEZ 14L 36
ZERO 4A 52 Davina
GAZY 9G 29 mordeckhi
GAZE M1 28 roocatcher
ZAG 9G 25 musdrive
On 15th draw, MAIZE A1 48 --- MAIZE an American cereal grass [n]
Other moves: YAM 1M 31, MAY 1M 30, YAG 1M 28, YAM 3M 28, YAM 15C 27
MAIZE A1 48 musdrive, Davina
YAM 1M 31 roocatcher
MAZY A2 18 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, HIC 3M 28 --- HIC used to represent a hiccup [interj]
Other tops: HAG 1M 28
Other moves: TEACH 11G 27, AHI 3L 26, HAG 15C 26, HAG 3M 26, HAT 15C 25
HAG 1M 28 Davina, roocatcher, musdrive
QAT M1 24 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, CATEGORY O3 95 --- CATEGORY a division in any system of classification [n]
Other moves: COATER O3 27, TAY G7 26, TOY G7 26, YAG 15C 26, EYRA 4J 25
YOGA 14K 25 roocatcher
OY B1 24 musdrive
G*Y I7GOY I7 24 Davina
CARGO O3 9 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, OGLING N10 27 --- OGLE to stare at lecherously [v] --- OGLING the act of ogling [n]
Other moves: OGGIN N10 25, GIGA 4L 22, GOING 14K 21, GONG N8 20, GONG 14K 19
GOING 14K 21 musdrive
GONG N8 20 roocatcher
GLOP L12 14 Davina
G*Y 10MGOY 10M 9 mordeckhi
On 19th draw, QI M13 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIET 10B 36, QUID B6 34, QUIT B6 33, QUID M7 32, QUOD M7 32
QI M13 46 roocatcher, Davina, musdrive
QUIP L12 30 mordeckhi
On 20th draw, COVED 10B 21 --- COVE to curve over or inward [v]
Other tops: VOTED 10B 21
Other moves: DOO(S) 9B 20, DUO N6 20, VOUDOU K10 20, COD I7 18, COOED 10B 18
VOTED 10B 21 musdrive
DUO N6 20 roocatcher
COD M8 14 Davina
WET 6E 6 mordeckhi
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