Game on October 10, 2014 at 18:44, 2 players
1. 602 pts musdrive
2. 411 pts Davina
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 98 98 


5D 86 184 


4J 36 220 


10F 34 254 


6J 66 320 


O6 30 350 


N10 31 381 


M9 36 417 


4A 38 455 


J8 83 538 


15D 97 635 


A3 36 671 


11C 27 698 


14B 25 723 


13B 27 750 


O1 27 777 


13F 27 804 


F2 39 843 


2I 30 873 

Remaining tile: 
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 1 14:21 -271 602 1.7735 musdrive 1 14:21 -271 602
Davina 0 12:39 -462 411 2.7092 Davina 0 12:39 -462 411
On 1st draw, JI(R)BLED H4 98 --- JIRBLE to pour unsteadily [v]
Other moves: JI(R)BLED H6 86, JI(R)BLED H3 84, JI(R)BLED H7 84, JI(R)BLED H8 84, JI(R)BLED H2 82
JIB(B)ED H4 46 musdrive
JI(B)BED H4 46 Davina
On 2nd draw, ELICITE(D) 5D 86 --- ELICIT to draw forth [v]
Other moves: LE(N)TICEL 8A 80, LE(N)TICEL 8H 80, LE(N)TICLE 8H 80, ELICITE(D) 5F 68, TIE(R)CEL G9 68
J(U)ICE 4H 26 Davina, musdrive
On 3rd draw, DINKUM 4J 36 --- DINKUM the truth [n]
Other moves: KIND 4A 34, KOND 4A 34, KUDO 4A 32, KINO 4A 30, MOUND 6J 29
KIND 4A 34 musdrive
MONK 6J 27 Davina
On 4th draw, QADI 10F 34 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: WEM 6J 33, MAQUI N1 32, WEAN 6J 32, WEM 4D 32, WENA 6J 32
WEM 6J 33 musdrive
(R)EW 6H 30 Davina
On 5th draw, XEROMA 6J 66 --- XEROMA a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva [n]
Other moves: (R)AXES 6H 58, (R)AX 6H 54, (R)EX 6H 54, SOREX J10 47, REMEX D4 44
(R)AXES 6H 58 musdrive
(R)EX 6H 54 Davina
On 6th draw, ABORTEE O6 30 --- ABORTEE a woman who has had an abortion [n]
Other tops: AEROBAT O6 30
Other moves: BEARE 4A 26, BOREE 4A 26, ABATER O6 24, ABATOR O6 24, ABET 4C 24
BEAM O1 24 musdrive
On 7th draw, AHENT N10 31 --- AHENT behind [adv]
Other moves: THAT 4C 28, AHEM O1 27, HAEM O1 27, MAHOE N6 27, THEM O1 27
THAT 4C 28 musdrive
HATE 4A 26 Davina
On 8th draw, PESTO M9 36 --- PESTO a sauce of basil, garlic, and olive oil [n]
Other moves: STOWP J10 35, NEWTONS 13I 32, SNOEP J10 32, STOEP J10 32, TWOS M11 32
TWOS M11 32 musdrive
WEPT 4A 30 Davina
On 9th draw, WAIF 4A 38 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: WAIF 6C 35, FAWN 4A 32, NAIF 6C 32, NEIF 6C 32, WIFE 4A 32
WIFE 4A 32 musdrive
FAWN 4A 32 Davina
On 10th draw, PASTING J8 83 --- PASTE to fasten with a sticky mixture [v] --- PASTING a beating [n]
Other moves: PAGANIST B1 76, PAGANIST B3 65, SPALTING 8E 63, STAPLING 8D 62, STAWING A1 33
TAWINGS A2 33 musdrive
WASTING A4 33 Davina
On 11th draw, TOWARDS 15D 97 --- TOWARDS toward [prep]
Other moves: DOWARS 15E 41, DAWTS 15F 38, DOWTS 15F 38, DRAWS 15F 38, DROWS 15F 38
TOWARDS 15D 47 Davina, musdrive
On 12th draw, SWERVE A3 36 --- SWERVE to turn aside suddenly from a straight course [v]
Other moves: GREWS A1 27, GLEAVES B1 26, GRAVELS B2 26, GREAVES B1 26, GLEAVE B1 24
SWERVE A3 36 musdrive
SEEM O1 18 Davina
On 13th draw, CORIA 11C 27 --- CORIUM leather armour [n]
Other moves: YACK M1 26, YOCK M1 26, COIR 11D 25, CRAY 14B 25, RACY 9A 25
YACK M1 26 Davina
RACY 9A 25 musdrive
On 14th draw, URENA 14B 25 --- URENA any plant of the marrow family [n]
Other moves: NANE 14E 19, ARUM O1 18, NEUM O1 18, RAUN 9A 18, REAM O1 18
RAN 6D 17 musdrive
RANK M1 16 Davina
On 15th draw, GOV 13B 27 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: DEVA 9A 26, DOVE 9A 26, EGAD 6C 26, AVO 13C 25, DEV 9A 25
GAD 6D 25 musdrive
On 16th draw, LYAM O1 27 --- LYAM a leash [n]
Other moves: YA I7 25, YO I7 25, YOB 7M 25, AYIN 6C 24, ANY K11 23
YOB 7M 25 musdrive
On 17th draw, HYEING 13F 27 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: HUB 7M 25, YE I7 25, HEYING 13F 24, HEYING F2 23, HIN 6D 23
HEYING 13F 24 musdrive
On 18th draw, ZOOID F2 39 --- ZOOID an organic cell or body capable of independent movement [n]
Other moves: DOOZY 2K 36, ZIN 6D 35, ZOO 6D 35, DOZY 2L 34, ZONK M1 34
ZOO 6D 35 musdrive
On 19th draw, FUNNILY 2I 30 --- FUNNILY in a funny manner [adv] --- FUNNY causing laughter or amusement [adv]
Other tops: FLU N2 30
Other moves: FIB 7M 25, FUB 7M 25, FINK M1 22, FINNY 2K 22, FUNK M1 22
FUNK M1 22 musdrive
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