Game on October 15, 2014 at 07:24, 4 players
1. 548 pts fatcat
2. 441 pts elcee51
3. 362 pts iwhist
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 86 86 


12H 20 106 


L6 64 170 


7B 66 236 


M3 37 273 


13C 48 321 


E1 76 397 


N4 55 452 


4D 86 538 


2E 72 610 


8A 40 650 


1L 45 695 


M10 30 725 


1A 35 760 


12A 31 791 


A10 27 818 


11D 44 862 


14E 35 897 


15E 39 936 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 4 12:26 -388 548 1.6533 fatcat 4 12:26 -388 548
elcee51 4 16:00 -495 441 2.6725 elcee51 4 16:00 -495 441
iwhist 2 12:38 -574 362 3.6446 iwhist 2 12:38 -574 362
babsbedi 5 10:04 -628 308 4.6650 babsbedi 5 10:04 -628 308
On 1st draw, REITBOK H6 86 --- REITBOK an African antelope [n]
Other moves: REITBOK H8 82, REITBOK H2 78, REITBOK H3 78, REITBOK H4 78, REITBOK H7 78
BIKER H4 28 fatcat, elcee51
On 2nd draw, KUGEL 12H 20 --- KUGEL a baked pudding of potatoes or noodles [n]
Other tops: GLEEK 12D 20, KLIEG 12H 20, KLUGE 12H 20
Other moves: EUOI I10 17, BEGUILE 10H 16, GEO G8 15, GIO G8 15, GIBEL 10F 14
IGLOO 11D 12 elcee51
BOG 10H 10 fatcat
On 3rd draw, SEMIGALA L6 64 --- SEMIGALA somewhat gala [adj]
Other moves: AGAMIS 13C 34, AGEISM 13D 34, AMIGAS 13C 34, IMAGES 13C 34, AGEISM M8 33
IMAGES 13C 34 elcee51
SAME M12 23 fatcat
On 4th draw, LAVENDER 7B 66 --- LAVENDER to sprinkle with a type of perfume [v]
Other moves: VANED K5 29, DAMNER 8J 27, REMAND 8J 27, DEAVE K11 26, DELVE K11 26
AMEND 8K 24 fatcat
On 5th draw, CA(L)IF M3 37 --- CALIF a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: ACR(A)WL B2 36, (A)CRAWL B2 36, (S)CRAWL B2 36, FAW 8A 34, FIR(S) M9 34
FARC(E) 11K 28 fatcat
On 6th draw, YOJANS 13C 48 --- YOJAN an Indian measure of distance 5 miles [n]
Other moves: JAY 8A 46, JOY 8A 46, JEANS K11 44, JEATS K11 44, JETON K11 44
JOY 8A 46 elcee51
JEANS K11 44 fatcat
On 7th draw, IMPORTED E1 76 --- IMPORT to bring into a country from abroad [v]
Other moves: DIMP 12A 37, P*MPOM 14D 36, PROM 12A 35, DIPT N4 34, DOM 14D 34
P*M 14DPOM 14D 36 fatcat
MOD 8A 23 elcee51
On 8th draw, NIX N4 55 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: TIX N4 55
Other moves: ZEX 14B 52, DIZEN 1D 51, ZED K11 51, ZEE K11 48, DIXIE 1D 45
ZED K11 51 fatcat
AX 13L 18 elcee51
On 9th draw, HONEWORT 4D 86 --- HONEWORT a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: WHINER 1C 48, WHITEN 1C 48, WHITER 1C 48, WITHER 1D 48, HOWE 14D 47
WITHER 1D 48 fatcat, iwhist, elcee51
On 10th draw, MEIO(C)YTE 2E 72 --- MEIOCYTE a cell which divides by meioisis [n]
Other moves: (P)EEOY 14B 59, TE(P)OY 14B 58, O(X)EYE O1 45, (P)EYOTE 14B 45, (P)IOYE O1 45
TI(N)Y O1 40 iwhist
OY 14E 35 elcee51
TOY 8A 25 babsbedi
YET M13 22 fatcat
On 11th draw, QAT 8A 40 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QANAT F10 36, TALAQ F10 36, LORAN 14B 34, TONAL 14B 34, TORAN 14B 34
QAT 8A 40 babsbedi, elcee51
QAT 12B 33 iwhist
TRANQ C5 24 fatcat
On 12th draw, HARD 1L 45 --- HARD firm and unyielding [adj]
Other moves: BAH 14D 42, BRAVI 1A 42, HAIR 1L 42, DAH 14D 40, RAH 14D 38
HARD 1L 45 fatcat, babsbedi
BAH 14D 42 iwhist
On 13th draw, OASES M10 30 --- OASIS a green area in a desert region [n]
Other moves: OSSA M10 28, ESES M11 25, ESSE M11 25, SAJOU E11 24, SOJAS E11 24
OASES M10 30 babsbedi
ROUSES J4 21 fatcat
SEES J7 19 iwhist
On 14th draw, TOEBIE 1A 35 --- TOEBIE (Afrikaans) a sandwich [n]
Other moves: NOB 14D 32, OBE 14E 32, EBON 14C 30, OB 14E 29, OBJET E11 28
NOB 14D 32 iwhist
OB 14E 29 elcee51
NOB 12B 23 fatcat
BET K11 23 babsbedi
On 15th draw, VINO 12A 31 --- VINO wine [n]
Other moves: ROJI E11 22, VROU 14A 21, ION 14D 20, NOR 14D 20, VIGORO 10J 20
NOR 14D 20 iwhist
ON 14E 17 babsbedi
GOV 10L 15 fatcat
QUOIN A8 15 elcee51
On 16th draw, LEVIER A10 27 --- LEVIER one that levies [n]
Other tops: LAVEER A10 27, REVEAL A10 27, REVILE A10 27
Other moves: RALE 14D 24, UVEAL A11 24, IRE 9A 22, ERA 14C 21, LAREE 11B 21
REVILE A10 27 elcee51, fatcat
REVEAL A10 27 iwhist
VILE A12 21 babsbedi
On 17th draw, ZINCO 11D 44 --- ZINCO a zincographic block [n]
Other moves: ZIN 11D 36, BIZ 10H 34, CAZ F12 34, CUZ 11D 33, NAZI F12 33
ZINCO 11D 44 fatcat
ZIN 11D 36 iwhist
ZIG J10 33 babsbedi
ZOO D11 12 elcee51
On 18th draw, AW 14E 35 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: AWL 2A 26, AWDL N8 24, AD 14E 23, AG 14E 23, AW 2A 22
AW 14E 35 babsbedi, elcee51, iwhist, fatcat
On 19th draw, PLUG 15E 39 --- PLUG to seal or close with a plug (a piece of material used to fill a hole) [v]
Other moves: FED K11 30, FEG K11 30, PLU 15E 23, FAA 11K 22, FE K11 22
PLUG 15E 39 babsbedi, elcee51
FED K11 30 iwhist
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