Game on October 15, 2014 at 08:10, 3 players
1. 541 pts iwhist
2. 279 pts babsbedi
3. 143 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


I7 33 59 


J6 33 92 


G7 28 120 


10A 70 190 


E5 118 308 


A8 149 457 


D1 89 546 


1A 131 677 


3C 42 719 


K11 40 759 


14J 42 801 


15G 40 841 


L8 33 874 


8L 30 904 


4G 33 937 


O10 52 989 


5K 30 1019 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
iwhist 4 16:01 -478 541 1.6492 iwhist 4 16:01 -478 541
babsbedi 2 10:10 -740 279 2.6655 babsbedi 2 10:10 -740 279
elcee51 1 6:42 -876 143 3.6691 elcee51 1 6:42 -876 143
On 1st draw, JARP H8 26 --- JARP to tap an egg against another until one breaks, an Easter competition [v]
Other tops: JARP H5 26, JARP H6 26, JARP H7 26
Other moves: JAP H6 24, JAP H7 24, JAP H8 24, ATRIP H8 20, JAI H6 20
JAP H6 24 babsbedi, iwhist
On 2nd draw, PAW I7 33 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other tops: PILAW I5 33, PILOW I5 33, POW I7 33
Other moves: PLOW I6 32, PROW I6 32, ALOW I6 30, AROW I6 30, LAW I7 29
PAW I7 33 iwhist, babsbedi, elcee51
On 3rd draw, TIRAGE J6 33 --- TIRAGE drawing wine from a barrel before bottling [n]
Other moves: EAGER J6 31, RAGEE J6 31, TIGER J6 31, TIRAGE J4 30, TRIAGE J4 30
TIGER J6 31 babsbedi
TIRAGE J4 30 elcee51
RAGE J6 28 iwhist
On 4th draw, MAT G7 28 --- MAT to pack down so as to form a dense mass [v]
Other tops: GOAL K5 28
Other moves: GLOAT G5 27, MOAT G6 27, GAT G7 26, GNAT G6 26, GOAT G6 26
GOAL K5 28 iwhist
MAT G7 28 babsbedi
GON K5 15 elcee51
On 5th draw, BALLOTER 10A 70 --- BALLOTER one that ballots [n]
Other moves: TOERAG 10E 24, BALLET K2 23, BALLOT K2 23, BLOATER 10B 23, ABLET K3 21
BALLOT K2 23 elcee51
BALLET K2 23 iwhist
LOBE F4 16 babsbedi
On 6th draw, EXACTORS E5 118 --- EXACTOR one that exacts [n]
Other moves: BAXTER A10 69, EXACTOR E5 64, EXACTS 12C 47, EXTRAS 12C 43, TAXERS 12C 43
BAXTER A10 69 iwhist
AXE 11D 42 babsbedi, elcee51
On 7th draw, REBORI(N)G A8 149 --- REBORE to bore out again [v]
Other moves: GOR(M)IER K1 71, GOR(S)IER K1 71, GRO(D)IER K1 71, IG(N)ORER K1 71, GR(O)OLIER C6 70
ROSIE(S) 12C 23 iwhist
(S)IR F5 21 babsbedi
On 8th draw, AIR(T)HED D1 89 --- AIRTH to guide [v]
Other tops: AIR(S)HED D1 89, GARI(S)HED 15A 89, GRAI(T)HED 15A 89
Other moves: AIRHE(A)D D1 85, (A)IRHEAD D1 84, (C)HAIRED D1 84, HARDLI(N)E C6 78, (D)IHEDRAL C3 78
(T)HREAD D2 32 iwhist
HEAD D4 30 babsbedi
On 9th draw, SEDATION 1A 131 --- SEDATION the reduction of stress or excitement by the use of sedatives [n]
Other moves: ASTONIED 1D 77, DITONES K1 73, DRONIEST 3C 72, EDITIONS 2B 72, SEDITION 2A 72
STONED 12J 26 iwhist
NO F5 22 babsbedi
On 10th draw, TRISHAW 3C 42 --- TRISHAW a three-wheeled taxi bike [n]
Other moves: NASHIS 12C 35, TISWAS 12C 35, SWATH 2F 32, WRATHS 3C 32, WASHIN K2 31
SWATH 2F 32 babsbedi
SWATH 12J 30 iwhist
On 11th draw, MIZEN K11 40 --- MIZEN a type of sail [n]
Other tops: FEZ K11 40, FIZ K11 40
Other moves: MIZEN K3 39, MIZ K11 36, ZEIN K4 33, ZIN K5 31, FIVE K11 30
MIZEN K11 40 iwhist
On 12th draw, KEDGE 14J 42 --- KEDGE to move a vessel with the use of an anchor [v]
Other tops: DEKING 15G 42
Other moves: KAEING 15G 39, AKING 15H 36, EKING 15H 36, GAZED 13I 36, KAING 15H 36
DEKING 15G 42 iwhist
On 13th draw, UNFINE 15G 40 --- UNFINE not fine [adj]
Other moves: NODE L12 30, ENUF L9 29, NIEF L9 29, FEUING M9 28, FOIN 15H 27
NODE L12 30 iwhist
On 14th draw, FINOS L8 33 --- FINO a very dry sherry [n]
Other tops: FILOS L8 33
Other moves: IFS J1 28, INFOS L8 27, FLEXO 6B 25, NODE L12 25, OF L11 25
IFS J1 28 iwhist
On 15th draw, FIVE 8L 30 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other tops: FAVE 8L 30
Other moves: AYE 4G 29, OYE 4G 29, LEAVY D10 28, YO F5 28, VOLVAE C8 26
YO F5 28 iwhist
On 16th draw, ELEVON 4G 33 --- ELEVON a type of airplane control surface [n]
Other moves: NEVEL 4H 26, NOVEL 4H 26, ELEVON K2 25, VOE C6 25, VOL C6 25
EVOLVE N4 14 iwhist
On 17th draw, CLOUDY O10 52 --- CLOUDY overcast with clouds [adj]
Other moves: CODA O12 43, LADY O12 40, OLDY O12 40, LOUDLY D10 34, CLOY C5 33
YA 5K 22 iwhist
On 18th draw, BAYOU 5K 30 --- BAYOU a marshy offshoot of a lake or river [n]
Other tops: BOYAU 5K 30, BUNYA 5K 30
Other moves: BONY 5K 28, BUOY 5K 28, YO F5 28, YOB 5K 28, BOYAU K3 27
QI M7 21 iwhist
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