Game on October 17, 2014 at 05:54, 1 player
1. 104 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


6G 62 110 


3C 85 195 


2D 31 226 


L2 72 298 


H1 54 352 


N5 89 441 


O1 53 494 


O11 35 529 


M2 36 565 


G8 69 634 


H12 49 683 


F12 37 720 


15A 42 762 


I9 38 800 


O8 48 848 


4A 33 881 


13K 36 917 


A8 104 1021 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 0 2:59 -917 104 1.6677 elcee51 0 2:59 -917 104
On 1st draw, QUATE H4 48 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other tops: QUALE H4 48
Other moves: EQUAL H4 30, EQUAL H8 30, QUALE H8 30, QUATE H8 30, EQUAL H5 28
On 2nd draw, LATEENER 6G 62 --- LATEENER a sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: ENTREE 3C 29, ENTREE 3H 29, ETERNE 3C 29, ETERNE 3H 29, RETENE 3C 29
On 3rd draw, (Q)UEENED 3C 85 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: DE(J)EUNE 3G 83, DE(T)ENUE 3G 83, DE(J)EUNE 3B 81, DE(T)ENUE 3B 81, (Q)UEENED 3E 74
On 4th draw, NEF 2D 31 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other tops: FRENA 5J 31
Other moves: FANE 5K 30, FARE 5K 30, EF 2E 28, FA 2F 28, FE 2F 28
On 5th draw, GOODNESS L2 72 --- GOODNESS the state of being good [n]
Other moves: GOSSED O4 39, GESSOED K5 36, GODSOS O1 36, GODSOS O3 36, GOOSED O3 36
On 6th draw, ADEQUATE H1 54 --- ADEQUATE sufficient for a specific requirement [adj]
Other moves: CASHED 8J 36, HALED M9 35, HEALD M9 35, CAGED 2J 30, CALLED 9C 30
On 7th draw, TRAPEZIA N5 89 --- TRAPEZIA four-sided polygons having no parallel sides [n] --- TRAPEZIUM a four-sided polygon having no parallel sides [n]
Other moves: SPAZ 8L 45, ZEE K4 41, SITZ 8L 39, SIZE 8L 39, ZIP M1 39
On 8th draw, VINCAS O1 53 --- VINCA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: VINCA O1 41, CAIRNS 4A 38, ISNA O5 37, SAIN O6 37, SAIR O6 37
On 9th draw, FAINT O11 35 --- FAINT lacking strength or vigor [adj] --- FAINT to lose consciousness [v]
Other tops: FITNA O11 35
Other moves: ANA O8 34, ITA O8 34, IF O8 32, TAFIA O11 32, TAFIA O9 30
On 10th draw, OWRIE M2 36 --- OWRIE dingy [adj]
Other tops: WHEE K3 36
Other moves: HOWE M1 35, WHIR 4A 35, BREHON 14J 34, HEROIN 14J 34, BOWR M1 33
On 11th draw, HOGMAN(E) G8 69 --- HOGMANE a Scottish celebration [n]
Other tops: HOGMAN(E) I8 69
Other moves: HOGMENA(Y)S 8D 68, MAH(J)ONG G8 68, MAH(J)ONG I8 68, HOGMANE(S) 8B 65, (P)HENOGAM J4 65
On 12th draw, WADT H12 49 --- WADT an earthy ore [n]
Other tops: WADI H12 49
Other moves: WALD H12 48, WALI H12 45, WATT H12 45, WALI 13L 34, WILI 13L 34
DAW F12 32 elcee51
On 13th draw, YAM F12 37 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other moves: MORAY I9 33, RAMI F12 32, RAM F12 31, AM O8 28, MARRON 14J 28
On 14th draw, TURBOS 15A 42 --- TURBO a type of engine [n]
Other moves: BURROS 15A 36, BURTON 14J 28, RORTS I8 22, ROSBIF 11J 22, ROUTS I8 22
On 15th draw, JIVY I9 38 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: VILLI 13K 36, YOJANA 13C 32, JEELY E1 30, JILL I9 29, JOLL I9 29
On 16th draw, OX O8 48 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX O8 48
Other moves: EXO 14A 42, EX 14A 38, PILI 13L 32, DEX 2H 30, OXLIP K9 30
On 17th draw, KEIR 4A 33 --- KEIR a vat for boiling and dyeing fabrics [n]
Other moves: LIRK 4B 30, IRK 4C 28, KNURL D1 28, KNUR D1 26, ELK K2 24
On 18th draw, GIBLI 13K 36 --- GIBLI a hot desert wind [n]
Other moves: PILI 13L 32, BILK A1 30, BIRK A1 30, BORK A1 30, BRIK A1 30
POLK A1 30 elcee51
On 19th draw, HELICOPT A8 104 --- HELICOPT to travel by helicopter [v]
Other moves: HOCKLE A1 45, CHOKE A1 42, PICKLE A1 42, CHIK A1 39, HECK A1 39
CHOKE A1 42 elcee51
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