Game on October 23, 2014 at 05:52, 2 players
1. 160 pts verelst
2. 35 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


8A 83 131 


C3 88 219 


E5 36 255 


B10 33 288 


15A 140 428 


10H 30 458 


L8 56 514 


8J 54 568 


14F 32 600 


4H 86 686 


N1 36 722 


1L 30 752 


14F 36 788 


15L 42 830 


F10 52 882 


9H 24 906 


13G 37 943 


5K 31 974 


11J 22 996 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
verelst 0 9:37 -836 160 1.6677 elcee51 0 2:11 -961 35
elcee51 0 2:11 -961 35 Group: not rated
1.4534 verelst 0 9:37 -836 160
On 1st draw, Q(U)INTE H4 48 --- QUINTE an attacking fencing position [n]
Other tops: Q(U)EINT H4 48
Other moves: Q(U)IET H4 46, Q(U)INE H4 46, Q(U)INT H4 46, Q(U)ITE H4 46, Q(U)EINT H7 30
On 2nd draw, BARRIEST 8A 83 --- BARRIE (Edinburgh slang) terrific [adj]
Other moves: BARRIES 10B 82, BRASIER 10E 78, BARRIES G9 70, BRASIER G9 70, ARBITERS 8D 61
On 3rd draw, OVERFREE C3 88 --- OVERFREE too free [adj]
Other moves: OVERFREE D3 78, OVERFREE D5 78, OVERFREE C5 69, FOREVER C2 28, FERVOR C3 26
On 4th draw, DIGITAL E5 36 --- DIGITAL a piano key [n]
Other moves: DIALOG B10 31, DIGLOT B10 31, LATIGO 10F 28, DIOTA B10 27, DITAL 10F 27
On 5th draw, DANCER B10 33 --- DANCER one that dances [n]
Other moves: DANCE B10 31, CANED F2 28, CARED F2 28, DEARN B10 27, DENAR B10 27
On 6th draw, ORGANIST 15A 140 --- ORGANIST one who plays the organ (a keyboard musical instrument) [n]
Other moves: ROASTING 15B 80, COASTING 13B 78, COTINGAS 13B 78, COATINGS 13B 76, O(U)TGAINS 5G 66
On 7th draw, SOWN 10H 30 --- SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [v]
Other tops: AWNS 10E 30, WONS F10 30, WOON F10 30, WOOS F10 30
Other moves: SOW 10H 29, WON F10 29, WOO F10 29, WOS F10 29, WO F10 28
On 8th draw, ZOEAS L8 56 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: AZOTES F1 44, ZETAS F2 43, ZOEAS F2 43, TEAZES 14A 39, AZOTE F1 37
On 9th draw, HIZ(Z)ED 8J 54 --- HIZZ to hiss [v]
Other moves: HEI(G)H 14F 43, HEU(C)H 14F 43, HEU(G)H 14F 43, (A)ZIDE 8K 42, ZED(S) 8L 39
On 10th draw, POUND 14F 32 --- POUND to strike heavily and repeatedly [v]
Other moves: DOP 14D 27, DUP 14D 27, POUT 14F 26, TOP 14D 25, TUP 14D 25
PENT N7 8 verelst
On 11th draw, QUAINTER 4H 86 --- QUAINT pleasingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar [adj]
Other moves: DATURINE O8 80, RUINATED O1 80, URINATED O1 80, INDURATE O6 60, QUINATE 4H 32
TRAINED O2 9 verelst
On 12th draw, GAIETY N1 36 --- GAIETY festive activity [n]
Other tops: TIGERY N1 36
Other moves: VAIRY O1 33, AIERY N2 32, VARY D10 30, YAG F10 30, YAR F10 29
GRAVID O3 11 verelst
On 13th draw, BEGO 1L 30 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other moves: BOUGE 1K 27, BULGE 1K 27, OB O1 25, BO F10 22, ELOGE 1K 21
On 14th draw, POUNDCAKE 14F 36 --- POUNDCAKE [n]
Other moves: KAF F4 34, KEF F4 34, EKE 9H 32, KOA 13G 31, FOE F6 30
PICK K3 24 verelst
On 15th draw, MARE 15L 42 --- MARE a dark area on the surface of the moon or Mars [n] --- MARE a mature female horse [n]
Other moves: RAMP 15L 40, JAPE F2 32, AMP 15M 31, JIMP K3 30, REF F4 30
JAM J3 12 verelst
On 16th draw, XI F10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: LIMAX 2K 31, MIX F10 30, VIVO 4A 28, JIAO J2 27, MOXA 2K 26
MIX K3 24 verelst
On 17th draw, EMO 9H 24 --- EMO emotional punk rock [n]
Other moves: MOU 13G 23, MOU 5J 20, MOUST G5 20, VUM B1 20, MOUTON I9 19
CULT 13B 12 verelst
On 18th draw, WHIO 13G 37 --- WHIO New Zealand mountain duck [n]
Other moves: WHO 13G 33, OH 13M 30, PHI 13G 29, PHO 13G 29, HOI 13G 27
CHOW 13B 24 verelst
On 19th draw, FY 5K 31 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FY I6 26, OVERFREELY C3 26, FLY 2J 24, FLY B1 23, JEU 14A 22
FLY 2J 24 elcee51
JILT K3 22 verelst
On 20th draw, LUAU 11J 22 --- LUAU a Hawaiian feast [n]
Other moves: PULVER N10 17, PLUS 12I 15, CUP 13B 14, PULLER N10 14, TUP B1 14
CUP 13B 14 verelst
PUS 12J 11 elcee51
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