Game on November 5, 2014 at 03:15, 1 player
1. 57 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 68 68 


1E 110 178 


2A 30 208 


7F 64 272 


4A 76 348 


2J 47 395 


6B 31 426 


6J 28 454 


M6 76 530 


8A 46 576 


G3 59 635 


5J 26 661 


12L 24 685 


8L 49 734 


O12 21 755 


D8 20 775 


B8 32 807 


I7 68 875 


N14 38 913 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 0 3:27 -856 57 1.6595 elcee51 0 3:27 -856 57
On 1st draw, RADI(A)TE H2 68 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other tops: AIRT(H)ED H6 68, AT(T)IRED H6 68, A(N)TIRED H6 68, A(S)TERID H6 68, A(S)TRIDE H7 68, A(T)TIRED H6 68, DETRAI(N) H4 68, DIA(S)TER H4 68, DIETAR(Y) H4 68, DI(L)ATER H4 68, DI(P)TERA H4 68, DI(S)RATE H4 68, REDTAI(L) H2 68, RED(B)AIT H2 68, R(A)DIATE H2 68, TAR(D)IED H6 68, TAR(R)IED H6 68, TA(R)RIED H6 68, TIAR(A)ED H6 68, TIRADE(S) H8 68, TI(A)RAED H6 68, TRAI(K)ED H6 68, TRAI(L)ED H6 68, TRAI(N)ED H6 68, TRIA(G)ED H6 68, TRI(B)ADE H7 68, (P)ARTIED H6 68, (P)IRATED H6 68, (S)TAIDER H8 68, (S)TAIRED H6 68
Other moves: AIRD(A)TE H2 66, AIRD(A)TE H3 66, AIRD(A)TE H4 66, AIRD(A)TE H6 66, AIRD(A)TE H7 66
On 2nd draw, MONETHS 1E 110 --- MONETH month [n]
Other moves: MONETHS G1 81, HOASTMEN 3F 80, HOISTMEN 5F 76, MONETHS 9B 75, HO(A)STMEN 6F 72
On 3rd draw, (R)EEKIE 2A 30 --- REEKIE smoky [adj]
Other tops: KEE(L)IE 2A 30
Other moves: EIKE(D) 2J 29, EIKO(N) 2J 29, KE(T)E G3 28, KI(B)E G3 28, K*k*KI(K)E G3 28
On 4th draw, ANTIHERO 7F 64 --- ANTIHERO a protagonist who is notably lacking in heroic qualities [n]
Other moves: HAIR 3B 34, HEAR 3B 34, HEIR 3B 34, AHI 3B 30, RHO 3B 30
On 5th draw, ANTIWEED 4A 76 --- ANTIWEED concerned with the destruction of weeds [adj]
Other moves: TWEENIE K5 40, NEWIE 8K 37, ATWEEN 8A 32, ATWEEN 2J 31, A(R)EW A1 30
T(R)EW A1 30 elcee51
On 6th draw, MISTY 2J 47 --- MISTY blurry [adj]
Other moves: STYMIE 8A 44, MITES 2J 41, YEW 3A 38, EMYS 8L 37, MISTY 6B 37
YAWS 3G 27 elcee51
On 7th draw, LAITY 6B 31 --- LAITY the non-clerical membership of a religious faith [n]
Other tops: LUSTY 6B 31, SALTY 6B 31, SILTY 6B 31, SLATY 6B 31
Other moves: SLAY 6C 28, STAY 6C 28, TESTILY C1 28, TRYSAIL L6 28, *L*Y*SALIYAS A4 27
On 8th draw, CEE 6J 28 --- CEE the letter C [n]
Other moves: TIERCE L4 22, EUCRITE L4 20, ETUI 6J 19, CHEAT J6 18, CHUTE J6 18
On 9th draw, SOLIDARE M6 76 --- SOLIDARE a small coin [n]
Other tops: SOREDIAL M6 76
Other moves: DERAILERS L5 72, DERAILS 9H 70, DIALERS 9H 70, REDIALS 9F 70, SIDERAL 9F 70
On 10th draw, BIFOLD 8A 46 --- BIFOLD twofold [adj]
Other moves: LIVID 5G 36, IF 5J 30, OF 5J 30, FOB L11 29, BIFOLD I6 27
On 11th draw, ZEX G3 59 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: ZOBU L11 49, AZON L10 46, ZEA G3 45, BONZA L11 44, BORAX 12K 44
On 12th draw, OP 5J 26 --- OP a style of abstract art [n]
Other moves: APO 1A 24, UPO 1A 24, URP 1A 24, PORN L11 22, PUNA L11 22
On 13th draw, GRAV 12L 24 --- GRAV acceleration unit, one g = 9.8 m per sec per sec [n]
Other moves: ALA 3B 22, ALGA 8L 22, GALA L9 22, A(R)VAL A1 21, O(R)VAL A1 21
On 14th draw, FLUB 8L 49 --- FLUB to bungle [v]
Other moves: FLUS 8L 43, OOF 1A 28, UFO 1A 28, UFO 1M 28, FOBS 14J 27
On 15th draw, VROU O12 21 --- VROU a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: ORD 1A 20, UDO 1A 20, URD 1A 20, ORAD N10 17, OUD 3M 17
On 16th draw, OVARIAN D8 20 --- OVARIAN pertaining to an ovary [adj]
Other tops: FARINA C8 20
Other moves: VANDA 10J 19, NAVAID 10H 18, AA 3C 17, AVOID 10I 17, NAOI 9B 17
On 17th draw, INCLUDE B8 32 --- INCLUDE to take in as part of a whole [v]
Other moves: CEP 4J 31, DUPLE C10 31, LAUNCED 13C 30, CLEANUP 13A 28, UNCAPED 13A 28
On 18th draw, INGROUPS I7 68 --- INGROUP a group united by common interests [n]
Other moves: GORP A12 37, GONS A12 31, SARGO N11 25, UPO 1A 24, URP 1A 24
On 19th draw, JO N14 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: GOAT H12 32, GOAT A12 31, G*DJ*GADJO 10K 30, JAWS 14F 30, JOWS 14F 30
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