Game on November 10, 2014 at 03:44, 1 player
1. 32 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 66 66 


I5 80 146 


11F 66 212 


5D 98 310 


D5 74 384 


8H 33 417 


J10 31 448 


N2 80 528 


15F 54 582 


14B 43 625 


15A 54 679 


F2 68 747 


C13 20 767 


13G 30 797 


O1 69 866 


12L 64 930 


4J 43 973 


O12 39 1012 


8A 27 1039 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 0 1:07 -1007 32 1.6560 elcee51 0 1:07 -1007 32
On 1st draw, REAROSE H3 66 --- REARISE to arise again [v]
Other tops: REAROSE H2 66, REAROSE H4 66, REAROSE H6 66, REAROSE H7 66, REAROSE H8 66
Other moves: REAROSE H5 64, ERASER H3 14, ERASER H4 14, ERASER H7 14, ERASER H8 14
On 2nd draw, SEMILOG I5 80 --- SEMILOG having one scale logarithmic and the other arithmetic [adj]
Other moves: SEMILOG G7 78, EGLOMISE 4A 74, EGLOMISE 4H 74, GOMERILS 6D 69, SEMILOG I9 65
On 3rd draw, NO(N)GLARE 11F 66 --- NONGLARE one that is resistant to glare [n] --- NONGLARE that does not glare [adj]
Other tops: ALE(U)RONE 4A 66, LE(C)ANORAS 5A 66, REG(I)ONAL 11G 66, (J)ARGONEL 11F 66, (N)ONGLARE 11F 66, (Y)EARLONG 11B 66
Other moves: OR(G)ANELLE 9C 60, EROSI(O)NAL 8E 59, ER(O)SIONAL 8E 59, (C)ORNEAL G9 59, (V)ERSIONAL 8E 59
On 4th draw, (C)ANVASING 5D 98 --- CANVAS to examine thoroughly [v]
Other moves: RAVIN(I)NG 3H 74, RAV(E)NING 3H 74, RAV(I)NING 3H 74, (D)AVENING M8 74, (H)AVENING M8 74
On 5th draw, (C)HLORIDS D5 74 --- CHLORID a chlorine compound [n]
Other moves: HOLDERS M7 32, SIRIH J2 32, HORRID L8 28, SHIELD M8 28, DOHS N8 25
On 6th draw, SIGNETED 8H 33 --- SIGNET to mark with an official seal [v]
Other moves: SIDENOTE 8H 30, TEEND 12K 24, DENET 12K 23, GENET 12K 23, GEOID J2 23
On 7th draw, FLITE J10 31 --- FLITE to quarrel [v]
Other tops: FLEET J10 31
Other moves: FLAT J10 28, FLEA J10 28, FLEE J10 28, FLIT J10 28, IF J5 27
On 8th draw, UNBRACED N2 80 --- UNBRACE to free from braces [v]
Other moves: UNBRACED 14D 69, BRAND 15F 34, BARIC J2 32, BAND 15G 31, BARD 15G 31
On 9th draw, WAKFS 15F 54 --- WAKF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: YAKOWS 8A 48, YAKOW 8A 45, KAFS 15G 42, KAWS 15G 42, KAYS 15G 42
On 10th draw, JAMBO 14B 43 --- JAMBO an African salutation [n]
Other moves: JOMO 8A 39, MOJO 8A 39, JAMBUL 2J 33, JIAO 8A 33, JAMBU 2J 32
On 11th draw, POX 15A 54 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other tops: COX 15A 54, PIX J4 54
Other moves: EXPO 12L 41, EXPO 8A 39, EXO 12L 33, EXO M1 33, COXIER 3C 32
On 12th draw, PAINTURE F2 68 --- PAINTURE a picture [n]
Other moves: PTUI O1 30, PRETRAIN 3G 28, ATRIP J2 26, PARTITE 13G 26, PUTTIER 13G 26
On 13th draw, TAX C13 20 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LAX C13 20
Other moves: TELOI C8 18, ELOIGN L1 16, ENOL 12L 16, ENOL C7 16, ETIOLIN 13I 16
On 14th draw, DICTATE 13G 30 --- DICTATE to read aloud for recording [v]
Other moves: CADET C6 28, IODIC J2 27, CADE C6 25, ETIC 12L 24, ODIC J3 24
On 15th draw, WHEY O1 69 --- WHEY the watery part of milk [n]
Other moves: WHY O1 46, WHINGE L1 34, HYING L1 32, HEY O2 31, MY D14 31
On 16th draw, OYEZ 12L 64 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: RITZY L11 42, ZYGOTE L3 38, ZITI J2 33, MY D14 31, POXY 15A 31
On 17th draw, QUA 4J 43 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: AZINE O11 42, ZATI O12 39, ZEIN O12 39, ZETA O12 39, ZINE O12 39
EQUIP 2B 32 elcee51
On 18th draw, ZITI O12 39 --- ZITI a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other tops: ZITE O12 39
Other moves: LOTE C8 15, LOTI C8 15, LUTE C8 15, TICE 7L 15, TOLE C8 15
On 19th draw, VELOUR 8A 27 --- VELOUR a fabric resembling velvet [n]
Other moves: LEVO 8A 21, VINE 3L 21, VINO 8A 21, ELUVIA 3A 18, ENOL C7 16
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