Game on November 13, 2014 at 07:35, 2 players
1. 499 pts fatcat
2. 81 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


6F 28 52 


5G 21 73 


4J 38 111 


O1 48 159 


M2 76 235 


8K 27 262 


L7 28 290 


K11 44 334 


O8 86 420 


15G 54 474 


N14 39 513 


M11 23 536 


13G 22 558 


J12 40 598 


12H 24 622 


11E 21 643 


E8 58 701 


D3 75 776 


15A 33 809 


C9 22 831 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 3 18:01 -332 499 1.6481 fatcat 3 18:01 -332 499
elcee51 1 1:52 -750 81 2.6560 elcee51 1 1:52 -750 81
On 1st draw, CUBIT H4 24 --- CUBIT an ancient measure of length [n]
Other moves: CUBIT H8 20, CUTIE H4 20, CUBIT H5 18, CUBIT H6 18, CUBIT H7 18
CUBIT H4 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, F(U)BSY 6F 28 --- FUBSY chubby and somewhat squat [adj]
Other moves: F(A)YS I7 27, F(E)YS I7 27, F(O)YS I7 27, F(A)DY I7 26, F(A)Y I7 26
F(E)YS I7 27 fatcat
On 3rd draw, GUANO 5G 21 --- GUANO the accumulated excrement of sea birds [n]
Other moves: AGIO 7F 20, GENUA 5E 20, CONGEE 4H 18, AGENE 5B 17, AGENE 5J 17
AGONE 5B 17 fatcat
On 4th draw, ANORAK 4J 38 --- ANORAK a waterproof jacket with hood [n]
Other moves: CRAKE 4H 37, CRANK 4H 33, CRONK 4H 33, EIK 7G 29, OKRA 4J 28
KORE 4K 22 fatcat
On 5th draw, J(A)CK O1 48 --- JACK to raise with a type of lever [v]
Other tops: J(O)CK O1 48
Other moves: JI(N)K O1 42, J(A)RK O1 42, J(E)RK O1 42, JIGG(E)R 9G 34, JIGG(Y) 9G 33
J(A)CK O1 48 fatcat
On 6th draw, VERONALS M2 76 --- VERONAL a barbitone [n]
Other moves: FLAVONES F6 66, VOLANTES 8C 62, LEVIS 7E 32, NAEVI 7D 27, NEVI 7E 26
SLOVEN 9H 21 fatcat
On 7th draw, HELOT 8K 27 --- HELOT a slave or serf [n]
Other tops: HALON 8K 27
Other moves: EOTHEN L8 25, EATHE L8 23, EOTHEN N7 23, EATHE N7 22, EATH N7 21
HATE 7C 16 fatcat
On 8th draw, BEEVES L7 28 --- BEEF the flesh of domestic cattle as food [n]
Other moves: OBS 5M 26, SHEAVES K7 26, VIS 7G 25, HEAVES K8 24, HEVEAS K8 24
HEAVES K8 24 fatcat
On 9th draw, PIZED K11 44 --- PIZED
Other moves: PIZE K11 40, PIZE 9G 38, ZIP 9G 37, DITZ K11 36, PEIZED 11H 36
ZEP 11K 28 fatcat
On 10th draw, TAPIROID O8 86 --- TAPIROID pertaining to a tapir [adj]
Other moves: PERIOD 14J 30, PEDRO 14J 28, PARDI 15H 27, DIARIES 9G 26, PERAI 14J 26
PERIOD 14J 30 fatcat
On 11th draw, QUAYD 15G 54 --- QUAYD daunted [adj]
Other moves: QUAD 15H 42, QUAY 7C 34, QUALMY 7A 29, YA J14 29, AMYL M11 28
QUAD 15H 42 fatcat, elcee51
On 12th draw, XI N14 39 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: EXAM J9 39
Other moves: WAX J10 36, MAX J10 33, MIX 9G 33, MAXI 9E 31, MAXI M12 31
XI N14 39 fatcat, elcee51
On 13th draw, THE M11 23 --- THE used to specify or make particular [definite article]
Other tops: THIRL 9F 23
Other moves: HERTZ 13G 22, HILT 9G 22, HIRE 9G 22, THIR 9F 22, ELHI 9E 21
HE N11 12 fatcat
On 14th draw, WAREZ 13G 22 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other tops: WIRE 9G 22
Other moves: OWRIE 9E 20, WAIR 9F 19, WEIR 9F 19, WIZ 13I 19, J(A)CKER O1 18
WIZ 13I 19 fatcat
On 15th draw, DEFY J12 40 --- DEFY to resist openly and boldly [v]
Other moves: REDFIN 9D 25, REFIND 9E 25, DEIF 9F 23, DIF 9G 23, FID 9G 23
FE 12H 20 fatcat
On 16th draw, MODISH 12H 24 --- MODISH stylish [adj]
Other moves: AMI 7F 21, MANOAO 12B 21, NAAM 12E 21, NAM 12F 20, NOM 12F 20
NOM 12F 20 fatcat
On 17th draw, TREAD 11E 21 --- TREAD to walk on, over, or along [v]
Other moves: DERAT 11E 20, REDAN 11E 20, DENARI 7C 19, J(A)CKED O1 19, J(A)CKER O1 18
DEAN 11F 13 fatcat
On 18th draw, LUSTRINE E8 58 --- LUSTRINE a glossy silk cloth [n]
Other moves: OES 5M 22, ONS 5M 22, ORS 5M 22, SERIES 9H 22, SIREES 9H 22
RULES 9D 16 fatcat
On 19th draw, RAILMEN D3 75 --- RAILMAN a railway employee [n]
Other moves: MARLINE D2 73, ANIME 15A 30, REAME 15A 30, AMEN D12 27, AMIE D12 27
EMAIL 8A 24 fatcat
On 20th draw, WINGE 15A 33 --- WINGE to whine [v]
Other moves: GWINE 15A 30, OWNING 14A 28, TOWING 14A 28, WONING 14A 28, TOWIE 15A 27
TOW D13 23 fatcat
On 21th draw, GILET C9 22 --- GILET a waistcoat [n]
Other moves: GLOIRE 12A 20, GOITRE 12A 20, LOG 10H 19, EGO 10G 18, GEIT E2 18
GO 14B 14 fatcat
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