Game on November 25, 2014 at 02:33, 1 player
1. 241 pts quirky
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


11D 98 128 


12A 35 163 


A8 42 205 


13D 35 240 


I7 41 281 


B10 53 334 


6F 34 368 


L4 78 446 


8K 42 488 


O8 83 571 


N10 55 626 


N14 46 672 


9K 30 702 


H1 27 729 


2B 28 757 


1A 22 779 


3K 31 810 


N1 22 832 


1L 33 865 


D2 20 885 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
quirky 2 9:10 -644 241 1.6695 quirky 2 9:10 -644 241
On 1st draw, FAITH H8 30 --- FAITH to believe or trust [v]
Other tops: FAITH H4 30, FILTH H4 30, FILTH H8 30, THELF H8 30, THIEF H8 30
Other moves: FETIAL H4 26, HALITE H4 26, FETAL H4 24, FILET H4 24, FLITE H4 24
On 2nd draw, MORATO(R)Y 11D 98 --- MORATORY authorizing delay of payment [adj]
Other tops: MO(R)ATORY 11D 98
Other moves: (D)AYROOM I6 85, (D)AYROOM G3 77, MOTOR(W)AY 11F 74, O(X)YMORA I2 67, AM(A)TORY 11E 44
On 3rd draw, PAGED 12A 35 --- PAGE to summon by calling out the name of [v]
Other moves: GAPED 12A 33, PATED 12A 33, APTED 12A 29, GATED 12A 29, TAPED 12A 29
On 4th draw, GRUMPY A8 42 --- GRUMPY ill-tempered [adj]
Other moves: YUGA 13B 37, YUM 13B 34, PUMY A12 33, GAMEY G5 32, GAMEY I5 32
On 5th draw, TALKS 13D 35 --- TALK to communicate by speaking [v]
Other moves: KAAS G9 31, TAKAS 13D 31, LAVAS 13D 30, TAVAS 13D 30, AKITA 10F 28
On 6th draw, LEX I7 41 --- LEX law [n]
Other tops: LAX I7 41
Other moves: AX I8 39, EX I8 39, BLACKEN G9 34, AXEL 14B 33, BLACK G9 32
On 7th draw, HOA(E)D B10 53 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: HAD(E) J6 33, THA(C)K G9 32, AHO(Y) 14D 31, HAT(E) J6 31, HOA B10 31
On 8th draw, WEAPON 6F 34 --- WEAPON to supply with a weapon (an instrument used in combat) [v]
Other moves: WANE J6 33, WINE J6 33, OPINE J5 31, PANE J6 30, PINE J6 30
On 9th draw, RESTERS L4 78 --- RESTER one that rests [n]
Other moves: STREWERS F2 63, ESTERS L1 26, REESTS L1 26, REESTS L3 26, RESETS L1 26
On 10th draw, ZEINS 8K 42 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: SEIZE 8K 42
Other moves: ZEES 5J 41, ZEE 5J 39, ZINCO J2 36, SIZE 10L 33, ZINES 7C 33
On 11th draw, SEAROBIN O8 83 --- SEAROBIN a marine fish [n]
Other tops: BARONIES O1 83
Other moves: AIRBORNE 4G 61, BORANE 5C 25, INORB 5D 25, ABORE 5D 23, NABE 5E 23
ROB 5E 19 quirky
On 12th draw, JAI N10 55 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA N10 52, JO N10 52, INJERA H1 42, JARINA H1 42, JINNE N6 36
JO N10 52 quirky
On 13th draw, QI N14 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUARE 5D 37, QUEAN K2 34, QUERN K2 34, QUA 5D 29, QUAI 14L 26
On 14th draw, ORF 9K 30 --- ORF a viral infection of sheep [n]
Other tops: ARF 9K 30
Other moves: FAA G9 29, DEAF 5D 26, FADE 5E 26, DEF 7E 25, DOF 7E 25
ORF 9K 30 quirky
On 15th draw, UREDIA H1 27 --- UREDIUM a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: DUELER 5J 21, LEERED 5J 20, LEIRED 7B 20, LIEDER 5J 20, RELIED 7B 20
LAX 9G 11 quirky
On 16th draw, ENCODER 2B 28 --- ENCODER one that encodes [n]
Other moves: CEDI 10E 23, COLED 7C 23, CONED 7C 23, CLONED 7B 22, ENCODE 3C 22
CLONED 4C 18 quirky
On 17th draw, VEE 1A 22 --- VEE the letter V [n]
Other tops: UNBEEN K1 22, VENGED 4C 22
Other moves: BEEN 5J 20, BUNGED 4C 20, CUVEE D2 20, EEVEN 5K 20, BAUK G10 19
CUBE D2 16 quirky
On 18th draw, BWANA 3K 31 --- BWANA master, boss [n]
Other tops: NAWAB 3J 31
Other moves: BAWN K3 30, GNAWN K2 30, BAWN 3J 29, WAAC 3L 29, WAB 3L 27
BAWN 3J 29 quirky
On 19th draw, TUNING N1 22 --- TUNE to put into the proper pitch [v] --- TUNING the act of tuning [n]
Other tops: TINING N1 22, TONING N1 22
Other moves: GIANT O1 21, GUANO O1 21, NGAIO O1 21, NGATI O1 21, TIEING 5J 20
GIANT O1 21 quirky
On 20th draw, VETO 1L 33 --- VETO to forbid or prevent authoritatively [v]
Other tops: VITE 1L 33, VOTE 1L 33
Other moves: ETAT O1 26, CIVET D2 20, CIVIE D2 20, COVET D2 20, VETO 5C 19
VOTE 1L 33 quirky
On 21th draw, CLITIC D2 20 --- CLITIC a word whose pronunciation depends on the adjacent word [n]
Other tops: CULTIC D2 20
Other moves: LACK G10 19, TACK G10 19, LUCID 4D 16, CULTI D2 14, LOTIC E1 14
TIE 5J 12 quirky
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