Game on December 15, 2014 at 05:33, 1 player
1. 26 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 34 34 


G6 22 56 


13H 77 133 


F6 33 166 


E4 27 193 


N10 26 219 


O7 36 255 


F1 22 277 


11E 86 363 


1D 39 402 


12A 31 433 


B10 34 467 


A6 47 514 


B2 49 563 


A1 24 587 


C3 29 616 


N5 37 653 


O1 33 686 


C11 21 707 


K5 30 737 


3I 36 773 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 0 0:27 -747 26 1.6591 elcee51 0 0:27 -747 26
On 1st draw, OXLIP H8 34 --- OXLIP a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: OXLIP H4 30, OXLIP H5 28, OXLIP H6 28, OXLIP H7 28, OXID H5 24
On 2nd draw, TOMO G6 22 --- TOMO a shaft formed by erosion of rock [n]
Other tops: MOE G8 22, TOME G6 22
Other moves: EMO G7 21, EMU I7 21, MEU I7 21, MOE G7 21, MOO G7 21
On 3rd draw, S(T)IRRER 13H 77 --- STIRRER one that stirs [n]
Other tops: S(O)RRIER 13H 77
Other moves: PERRI(E)RS 12H 70, P(A)RRIERS 12H 70, P(E)RRIERS 12H 70, SP(A)RRIER 12G 68, SP(U)RRIER 12G 68
On 4th draw, ANEW F6 33 --- ANEW once more [adv]
Other moves: ANEW 12L 30, NEWT F7 29, WENA F7 29, WENT F7 29, TWINIER L7 28
On 5th draw, QAT E4 27 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT H4 25, OATEN 12K 22, GAEN 12J 21, GEAN 12J 21, GEAT 12J 21
On 6th draw, BEARS N10 26 --- BEAR a furry animal [n] --- BEAR to act like a bear, [v]
Other moves: SAV O13 25, GRAV L12 24, VARVE L11 24, SLAVE 10G 23, BEGARS N9 22
On 7th draw, BAUERA O7 36 --- BAUERA an Australian flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: BARQUE 4B 34, ABEAR O8 33, BURQA 4B 32, AQUAE 4D 30, BAUERA O5 28
AQUA 4D 26 elcee51
On 8th draw, AC(A)I F1 22 --- ACAI a berry of the Brazilian rainforests [n]
Other tops: (A)CAI F1 22
Other moves: C(H)I F2 21, PI(L)AO 12H 20, OC(T)OPI 12D 19, A(U)RIC L11 18, CA(D)I F1 18
On 9th draw, UNRINSED 11E 86 --- RINSE to cleanse with clear water [adj] --- UNRINSED not rinsed [adj]
Other moves: UNDERNS I2 66, UNDINES 11E 32, UNRISEN 11E 28, ASUNDER 1F 27, DEARNS 1D 27
On 10th draw, HEALD 1D 39 --- HEALD to incline [v]
Other tops: HOAED 1D 39
Other moves: EOLITH H1 37, LOATHED 1D 36, DEATH 1D 33, DALETH 1E 30, HAILED 1E 30
On 11th draw, GREENY 12A 31 --- GREENY somewhat green [adj]
Other moves: ENERGY 12A 30, REDENY 12A 29, GYRENE 12A 28, DERRY L11 26, EDGY 12C 26
On 12th draw, HARDS B10 34 --- HARDS the coarse refuse of flax [n]
Other tops: HURDS B10 34
Other moves: AHIS 13C 32, HALIDES C7 32, HARLS B10 32, HURLS B10 32, SHALED C8 28
On 13th draw, OJIME A6 47 --- OJIME a bead on a cord which fastens a Japanese container [n]
Other tops: JIVE A7 47
Other moves: MOTIVE A5 38, JOE A8 35, MOVIE A6 35, JIVE 2A 33, JOE N6 32
On 14th draw, POLEY B2 49 --- POLEY hornless cattle [n]
Other moves: PIEZO B2 40, PIEZO N3 40, ZOL N6 38, PIZE 2A 35, POZ N6 35
On 15th draw, NOLE A1 24 --- NOLE the top of the head [n]
Other tops: LONE A1 24
Other moves: NOLE C3 22, ENOL C2 20, GIEN A12 20, GOEL A12 20, GOOL A12 20
On 16th draw, OKA C3 29 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: GOAD A12 23, KAT N6 23, KOA N6 23, KON N6 23, TOD C2 23
On 17th draw, DZO N5 37 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZO N6 35, (A)VIZED 3F 32, (A)VIZE 3F 30, DZO M8 28, VENDOR L8 28
On 18th draw, FUGUE O1 33 --- FUGUE to compose a fugue (a type of musical composition) [v]
Other moves: FE 14J 28, EF 14I 27, FEG M7 25, FUG M7 25, DEF 13B 23
On 19th draw, GEIT C11 21 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other tops: GEAT C11 21
Other moves: GAIT A12 20, TEAT C11 18, WAIDE 5K 18, AW A14 17, AW 10J 16
On 20th draw, FICTIVE K5 30 --- FICTIVE imaginary [adj]
Other moves: IF 14I 27, VICING 3J 24, FIN M7 23, FIT M7 23, FICINS J6 21
On 21th draw, WAIVING 3I 36 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other tops: VAWTING 3I 36
Other moves: WAITING 3I 30, WAVING 3J 26, WIVING 3J 26, WITAN L2 23, INWIT J2 21
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