Game on December 29, 2014 at 23:48, 1 player
1. 404 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 28 28 


10F 64 92 


11D 41 133 


L10 26 159 


N8 87 246 


G1 69 315 


K5 124 439 


1G 54 493 


O4 45 538 


F2 58 596 


O12 56 652 


15H 39 691 


4A 40 731 


A1 33 764 


9D 26 790 


I9 26 816 


8A 26 842 


B6 34 876 


12A 20 896 


14J 26 922 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 0 18:52 -518 404 1.5370 mookie 0 18:52 -518 404
On 1st draw, UP(B)LEW H7 28 --- UPBLOW to blow up [v]
Other moves: UNWEP(T) H8 26, UPWEL(L) H3 26, UPWEN(T) H3 26, UPWE(L)L H3 26, UP(B)LEW H3 26
W(H)ELP H4 26 mookie
On 2nd draw, ABLATION 10F 64 --- ABLATION surgical removal of a bodily part [n]
Other moves: WABAIN 12H 22, BONITA I3 19, BANIA I5 18, NIOBATE 11B 18, ATONIA I4 17
BATON G11 17 mookie
On 3rd draw, (P)YXIE 11D 41 --- PYXIE an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: (O)XY 11K 40, EXIT(S) 11H 38, (S)IXTY N10 38, EXIT 11H 37, IB(E)X G4 37
EXIT 11H 37 mookie
On 4th draw, OUTROW L10 26 --- OUTROW to surpass in rowing [v]
Other moves: WROOT L8 24, TWA 11K 23, TWO 11K 23, OUTWORN L6 22, TROW 11K 22
WAIT K8 14 mookie
On 5th draw, DISTOME N8 87 --- DISTOME a parasitic flatworm [n]
Other moves: MODISTE N6 81, DOMIEST N5 77, DISTOME I2 75, MOISTED N7 75, MODISTE I2 69
MUD 7G 11 mookie
On 6th draw, FALSING G1 69 --- FALSE to deceive [v]
Other tops: FALSING I1 69
Other moves: FATLINGS J8 66, FANG O12 51, FANS O12 48, FILA O12 48, FILS O12 48
GADS 8L 24 mookie
On 7th draw, TRIAZINE K5 124 --- TRIAZINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: TRIAZINE 5E 118, ATRAZINE 2G 88, ZEATIN O4 86, TRIAZINE 5B 84, ZAIRE O4 81
ZIT O7 47 mookie
On 8th draw, FLEDGY 1G 54 --- FLEDGY covered with feathers [adj]
Other moves: GUYLED O4 51, YELD O12 51, YULE O12 48, GUYLES O4 47, DYES O12 44
GLUE L2 12 mookie
On 9th draw, VERRA O4 45 --- VERRA (Scots) very [adv]
Other moves: DRAVE O4 42, DERV O12 41, RAVED O5 39, VANED O5 39, DAVEN O5 38
REDRAW 15G 30 mookie
On 10th draw, JEAT F2 58 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JA F2 52, JANE 12A 40, JATO 12A 40, JOTA 12A 40, JEAT 9C 29
JAI 5E 20 mookie
On 11th draw, FAME O12 56 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other moves: FARM O12 54, FERM O12 54, FADE O12 52, FARD O12 51, FARE O12 48
FADE O12 52 mookie
On 12th draw, CAHOW 15H 39 --- CAHOW a sea bird [n]
Other moves: CHOREAS 4A 30, CHEA(P)O D7 28, CRASH 4D 28, CREAGH J3 28, E(P)ARCH D10 28
CHASER 4D 24 mookie
On 13th draw, KANGHAS 4A 40 --- KANGHA a coloured cotton cloth worn as a dress [n]
Other tops: KHANGAS 4A 40
Other moves: KAHUNAS 4A 38, HAKE 12A 32, KAUGH J4 29, KANE 12A 28, KUNA 12A 28
HAKE 12A 32 mookie
On 14th draw, BILKS A1 33 --- BILK to cheat [v]
Other tops: KILPS A4 33, POLKS A1 33
Other moves: BILK A1 30, BISK A1 30, BOSK A1 30, POLK A1 30, SP*KSPIK A1 30
BILK A1 30 mookie
On 15th draw, ENRO(B)E 9D 26 --- ENROBE to dress [v]
Other moves: RO(B)E 9F 24, RONEO 12A 19, RO(B) 9F 19, ENTERON C3 18, YENTE L1 18
TENOR C2 10 mookie
On 16th draw, EASER I9 26 --- EASER one who eases [n]
Other moves: EASE I9 24, SOREE 8A 23, OUSEL 3C 22, ROUES 2I 22, ROUE 2I 21
RUSE 8A 18 mookie
On 17th draw, NIED 8A 26 --- NY to approach [v]
Other tops: DIENE 8A 26, DONEE 8A 26, NEED 8A 26
Other moves: OOTID 5D 25, DIENE L4 23, DONEE 12A 23, DEEN 8A 21, DENE 8A 21
On 18th draw, QUID B6 34 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: QUINO C1 28, COO 14J 26, QUIN C1 26, OOTID 5D 25, QUOD J4 25
On 19th draw, PTUI 12A 20 --- PTUI used to express the sound of spitting [interj]
Other moves: PIVOT I3 19, UPO 7B 19, UPO 14J 18, YOOP L1 18, OOP I5 17
On 20th draw, COO 14J 26 --- COO to make the sound of a dove [v]
Other moves: PICE A12 24, POCO A12 24, ETIC 5E 22, OTIC 5E 22, VOICE I3 20
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