Game on December 30, 2014 at 02:07, 1 player
1. 51 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


7G 28 48 


5E 82 130 


4H 41 171 


8K 40 211 


N2 38 249 


9I 33 282 


O1 30 312 


4A 25 337 


6C 30 367 


A1 33 400 


M1 28 428 


G7 21 449 


H10 45 494 


13H 50 544 


N10 36 580 


14A 70 650 


C3 48 698 


A12 60 758 


15J 33 791 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 0 3:33 -740 51 1.5373 mookie 0 3:33 -740 51
On 1st draw, BRUIT H4 20 --- BRUIT to spread by rumour [v]
Other tops: BLURT H4 20, BUILT H4 20
Other moves: BLURT H8 16, BRUIT H8 16, BUILT H8 16, BLURT H5 14, BLURT H6 14
On 2nd draw, JIG(S)AWN 7G 28 --- JIGSAW to cut with a type of saw [v]
Other tops: GAJ(O) G7 28, JIV(I)NG 7G 28, J(O)WAR 5D 28
Other moves: JAUN(T) 6F 27, UNJA(M) 6H 27, AJIV(A) 7F 26, BAJ(A)N 4H 26, BANJ(O) 4H 26
On 3rd draw, (G)IARDIAS 5E 82 --- GIARDIA a protozoan inhabiting the intestines [n]
Other moves: BASIDIA(L) 4H 70, DIABASI(C) 4E 70, AS(C)IDIA 9G 67, AS(P)IDIA 9G 67, (B)ASIDIA 9F 67
On 4th draw, BEKNOTS 4H 41 --- BEKNOT to tie in knots [v]
Other moves: TEAKS 8K 40, BASKET 4H 39, BEKNOT 4H 39, BOSKET 4H 39, OAKS 8L 35
On 5th draw, HOERS 8K 40 --- HOER one that hoes [n]
Other moves: RESOW N2 32, WHORES L7 32, WOWFER L7 32, WOF 6D 31, SHERIF F1 28
On 6th draw, HOSEY N2 38 --- HOSEY to choose sides for a children's game [v]
Other moves: NOSEY N2 32, YEAH 3L 32, HOVEA 4A 31, HYENA 4A 31, HAEN 3L 26
On 7th draw, VIAND 9I 33 --- VIAND an article of food [n]
Other moves: VID O1 29, DAINT 9I 25, TIND 9J 25, VAN O1 25, VAU O1 25
On 8th draw, CAP O1 30 --- CAP to provide with a cap (a type of head covering) [v]
Other moves: APIOL 3K 26, PICRA 4A 25, PLICA 4A 25, RAPT M1 25, VAR O1 25
On 9th draw, WIRRA 4A 25 --- WIRRA used to express sorrow [interj]
Other moves: JAW G7 19, J*WJEW G7 19, GAWKIE(S) J1 18, WAG 4D 18, GREAT 8D 17
On 10th draw, NIEF 6C 30 --- NIEF the fist [n]
Other moves: NEF 6D 29, TEF 6D 29, EF 6E 28, PREIF C3 28, PRIEF C3 28
On 11th draw, GLOWED A1 33 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v]
Other moves: WODGE A4 30, WOULD A4 27, GLOW A1 24, GERUND C2 20, ODE 3A 20
On 12th draw, BATT M1 28 --- BATT a sheet of cotton [n]
Other moves: LAZO 2A 26, TZAR C1 26, ZOBOS L1 26, LAZED I1 25, TOZED I1 25
On 13th draw, JUVES G7 21 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: JUVE G7 20, CUDS 7B 17, DUCKIE(S) J1 17, DEVS O5 16, JUDS G7 16
On 14th draw, MOMENT H10 45 --- MOMENT a brief period of time [n]
Other moves: ENTOMB 1H 39, MONTEM H10 39, MOMENT F10 30, MONTEM F10 30, MENTO F10 27
On 15th draw, EXPIRED 13H 50 --- EXPIRE to come to an end [v]
Other moves: EXPIRE 13H 46, PAX I11 46, PIX I11 46, DEX I11 44, EXEDRA 13H 44
EX 13H 17 mookie
On 16th draw, FEODAL N10 36 --- FEODAL feudal [adj]
Other moves: FILA F10 34, FILE F10 34, FILO F10 34, FIE F10 33, FIL F10 33
AXE I12 16 mookie
On 17th draw, TRIOLEIN 14A 70 --- TRIOLEIN a glyceride of oleic acid [n]
Other moves: TROILITE 15B 59, ONIE 14G 21, TRILLO 15J 21, NIE 14H 20, ETIOLIN 14B 18
TRILL 15K 18 mookie
On 18th draw, TRANQ C3 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QUALE 15K 45, QUATE A11 45, QUELL 15K 45, QUATRE B10 35, EQUALI C9 32
On 19th draw, YUTZ A12 60 --- YUTZ a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person [n]
Other moves: ZLOTY A11 54, ZONULET A8 51, ZONULE 15J 48, ZLOTE A11 45, LUTZ A12 42
On 20th draw, LOCULE 15J 33 --- LOCULE a small, cell-like chamber [n]
Other moves: CELL 15L 27, COLE 15L 27, COLL 15L 27, CULL 15L 27, NEGRO B11 25
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