Game on January 1, 2015 at 13:15, 2 players
1. 407 pts roocatcher
2. 222 pts ding
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


I5 22 54 


J4 71 125 


J9 68 193 


15E 54 247 


K4 37 284 


11E 78 362 


14F 30 392 


L10 44 436 


13A 84 520 


L1 34 554 


F4 63 617 


1G 89 706 


A10 51 757 


4A 50 807 


8A 45 852 


N1 62 914 


E1 36 950 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
roocatcher 2 14:35 -543 407 1.6825 roocatcher 2 14:35 -543 407
ding 0 11:29 -728 222 Group: not rated
1.3914 ding 0 11:29 -728 222
On 1st draw, HOMING H4 32 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v] --- HOMING the way missiles guide themselves to a target [n]
Other moves: HOMING H7 28, MIGHT H4 28, MONTH H8 28, HOING H4 26, HOMING H3 26
MIGHT H8 24 ding
On 2nd draw, RONEO I5 22 --- RONEO to copy with a duplicator [v]
Other moves: QI 7G 21, RONEO G3 21, RONEO I3 21, ENOL G4 19, OLEO G4 19
QI 7G 21 roocatcher, ding
On 3rd draw, ADZ J4 71 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ZA G7 46, AZURN J9 38, TZAR J9 37, NUDZH 4D 36, MOZ 6H 34
ZA G7 46 ding
MOZ 6H 34 roocatcher
On 4th draw, DUNGIER J9 68 --- DUNGY filthy [adj]
Other moves: ENGIRD K6 31, URIDINE 7D 24, INGINE 7E 23, UNDINE 7E 23, DINER 7G 22
ERN K6 18 roocatcher
AGED 4J 12 ding
On 5th draw, JAYBIR(D) 15E 54 --- JAYBIRD a corvine bird [n]
Other tops: J(E)RRY 15H 54
Other moves: JAG(G)Y 12H 46, JIG(G)Y 12H 46, BIRYAN(I) 11E 44, BRAYIN(G) 11E 44, B(I)RYANI 11E 44
JA G7 38 roocatcher
JIB 13I 20 ding
On 6th draw, TOED K4 37 --- TOE to touch with the toe (one of the terminal members of the foot) [v]
Other moves: DOE K4 36, TOE K4 33, OE K5 29, GEODIC 12J 26, CITIED 13I 24
ED K6 18 roocatcher
ICED 13J 14 ding
On 7th draw, TRI(T)ONIA 11E 78 --- TRITONIA a South African plant [n]
Other tops: RI(G)ATONI 11D 78, (T)RITONIA 11E 78
Other moves: RIGATO(N)I 12H 70, (Z)OIATRIA F8 61, (F)ATHOMING H1 42, RATIO(S) L10 28, AIRT(S) L11 26
(S)ITAR L6 23 roocatcher
JAYBIR(D)(S) 15E 18 ding
On 8th draw, POA 14F 30 --- POA a type of plant [n]
Other moves: CAPE L1 28, COPE L1 28, PACE L1 28, PICE L1 28, PUCE L1 28
POA 14F 30 roocatcher
ACE L11 10 ding
On 9th draw, MAUVES L10 44 --- MAUVE a purple colour [n]
Other moves: MESS L3 40, SALVES L10 40, VALSES L10 40, VALUES L10 40, AVELS L11 38
SELS L6 24 roocatcher
MULE 12L 22 ding
On 10th draw, FURLESS 13A 84 --- FURLESS having no fur [adj]
Other moves: FURLESS M6 76, FESS L3 42, FLUES L1 36, FUSES L1 36, LESS L3 36
FUSES L1 36 roocatcher
MUSE 10L 8 ding
On 11th draw, HAVE L1 34 --- HAVE a wealthy person [n] --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other tops: FAVE L1 34
Other moves: BEVUE B10 32, H*B*HEBE L1 32, FAH A13 27, FEH A13 27, FINED 7G 27
FAVE L1 34 roocatcher
FAH A13 27 ding
On 12th draw, RELOADER F4 63 --- RELOADER one that reloads [n]
Other moves: RELOADER C6 61, DEAFER A10 33, LEAFED A10 33, LOAFED A10 33, ROLFED A10 33
LEAFED A10 33 roocatcher
On 13th draw, ENARCHES 1G 89 --- ENARCH to graft a plant [v]
Other moves: RECANES E1 78, ENRACES M5 75, RECANES M5 75, CESAREAN 2F 68, ENCHASE 1I 36
REACHES 1H 36 roocatcher
On 14th draw, GUFFIE A10 51 --- GUFFIE a pig [n]
Other moves: TUFFE A11 36, FUGUE B10 34, KIEF E2 34, KEF E3 32, FEG E5 29
FIG A13 21 roocatcher
On 15th draw, QINTAR 4A 50 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: TANKIA 8A 45, STANCK N1 44, CATKIN 2B 30, NAIK E5 30, QAT E3 30
TAK E5 26 roocatcher
On 16th draw, TANKIA 8A 45 --- TANKIA a Japanese poem [n]
Other moves: TWINK B2 44, KAWA E3 34, AWAIT E4 32, KAIL 3B 30, KAIN 3B 30
On 17th draw, SCOLEX N1 62 --- SCOLEX the knoblike head of a tapeworm [n]
Other moves: EXTOL 2E 34, COXAE E1 32, EXTOLL 6A 29, CLAW E2 28, TOXIC B1 28
On 18th draw, BYLAW E1 36 --- BYLAW a secondary law [n]
Other moves: TWAY E2 30, BLAW E2 28, BLAY E2 28, WAY E3 28, YAW E3 28
IT 5A 15 roocatcher
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