Game on January 5, 2015 at 00:19, 1 player
1. 101 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 42 42 


8A 83 125 


E5 94 219 


13C 54 273 


4H 34 307 


11D 72 379 


10J 27 406 


14F 38 444 


B2 74 518 


A1 45 563 


15H 72 635 


G5 58 693 


9J 36 729 


D1 26 755 


3K 28 783 


O8 50 833 


5J 38 871 


1D 36 907 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 0 6:22 -806 101 1.5381 mookie 0 6:22 -806 101
On 1st draw, JE(H)ADI H4 42 --- JEHADI one who takes part in a jehad [n]
Other tops: JADIN(G) H4 42, JAI(L)ED H4 42, JEAN(E)D H4 42, JIN(K)ED H4 42, JIN(X)ED H4 42, J(E)ANED H4 42, J(O)INED H4 42
Other moves: JADE(D) H4 40, JADE(S) H4 40, JA(D)ED H4 40, JA(P)ED H4 40, JA(W)ED H4 40
On 2nd draw, STRODLED 8A 83 --- STRODLE to straddle [v]
Other moves: OLDSTER 10E 76, STRODLE 10H 76, DROLEST 10C 74, DROLEST G9 66, DROLEST I9 66
On 3rd draw, SMIDGEO(N) E5 94 --- SMIDGEON a very small amount [n]
Other tops: ME(N)DIGOS E5 94
Other moves: OG(R)EISMS A1 83, SEMI(L)OG 10H 83, MISGOE(S) 10F 81, MISGO(N)E 10F 81, MI(S)GOES 10B 81
On 4th draw, DESEX 13C 54 --- DESEX to castrate or spay [v]
Other moves: DESEX D11 47, DEXES G7 45, A(N)NEXED 12D 44, DEX G7 43, DEXES 10D 43
SEX 10D 26 mookie
On 5th draw, JOKIER 4H 34 --- JOKEY amusing [adj] --- JOKY amusing [adj]
Other tops: WROKE D1 34
Other moves: WAKE G5 33, WOKE G5 33, AREW I4 32, AROW I4 32, JOKER 4H 32
WATER B6 18 mookie
On 6th draw, CONGREET 11D 72 --- CONGREET to greet one another [v]
Other tops: COREGENT 11D 72
Other moves: E(N)TER 12D 25, GRECE 3K 25, CERGE D1 24, CERNE D1 22, CTENE D1 22
CIG K3 12 mookie
On 7th draw, PAEON 10J 27 --- PAEON a metrical foot of four syllables [n]
Other tops: OPINE 10I 27, PIANO 10J 27
Other moves: OPEN 10I 26, APE 10I 25, EOLIAN F6 25, OPE 10I 25, PAEON 3K 24
PATE B6 12 mookie
On 8th draw, HUED 14F 38 --- HUE colour [adj] --- HUED having colour [adj]
Other tops: HUP 14F 38
Other moves: HUE 14F 36, HUT 14F 36, EPODE 5H 34, HOPED G5 34, PHOTOED M8 34
On 9th draw, MILITATE B2 74 --- MILITATE to have influence or effect [v]
Other moves: MILITATE B4 64, MAILE 15H 39, METAL 15H 39, MILIA 15H 39, LIMIT 15H 33
MALT 15H 33 mookie
On 10th draw, WHOA A1 45 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other tops: HAW 15H 45, HOW 15H 45
Other moves: HAUT 15H 39, HOUT 15H 39, HAO 15H 36, HAT 15H 36, HOA 15H 36
On 11th draw, FAQIR 15H 72 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FAQIR 7G 40, FAIR 15H 39, F*RTFART 15H 39, FIAR 15H 39, FIAT 15H 39
On 12th draw, FEZES G5 58 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: FEZ 9K 54, TOZES 9K 52, TOZES G5 52, TOZE 9K 51, TOZES O6 50
On 13th draw, AVOW 9J 36 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: BOWAT 9K 32, VAW 9K 30, VOW 9K 30, BOW 9K 28, BOWAT 14K 26
On 14th draw, VIRTU D1 26 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other moves: BRUIT 3K 24, RUB 12J 23, BRUT 3K 22, WOUBIT M9 22, TUB 8M 21
On 15th draw, BRACT 3K 28 --- BRACT a leaf that bears a flower in it's axil [n]
Other moves: VAULT 1D 24, RUB 12J 23, RUC 12J 23, ABUT 3K 22, BAC 3L 22
On 16th draw, LAYUP O8 50 --- LAYUP a shot in basketball [n]
Other moves: OUTPLAY O1 45, UPLAY O6 41, PATY O1 39, PALY O7 38, PLAY O7 38
On 17th draw, OBIT 5J 38 --- OBIT a date of death [n]
Other moves: OBI 5J 33, BITO 5K 32, GIB 5K 32, GOB 5K 32, BIT 5K 30
On 18th draw, VAINLY 1D 36 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adv] --- VAINLY in a vain manner [adv]
Other tops: VYING 1D 36
Other moves: LYTING O1 33, VINYL 1D 33, LITANY O1 30, VOLING 1D 30, GITANO O1 24
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