Game on January 22, 2015 at 01:43, 1 player
1. 173 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


8A 101 129 


5E 44 173 


G8 66 239 


15D 69 308 


I8 37 345 


J10 52 397 


K10 36 433 


J14 28 461 


C6 72 533 


B2 37 570 


15J 33 603 


N10 38 641 


15A 45 686 


M12 47 733 


D8 39 772 


O5 50 822 


A1 27 849 


J2 33 882 


N2 25 907 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 1 5:36 -734 173 1.5410 mookie 1 5:36 -734 173
On 1st draw, FRONDS H4 28 --- FROND a type of leaf [n]
Other moves: FONDS H4 26, FOND(A)S H4 26, FOND(E)R H4 26, FOND(U)S H4 26, FORDS H4 26
FOND(E)R H4 26 mookie
On 2nd draw, PEGBOARD 8A 101 --- PEGBOARD a board with holes for pegs [n]
Other moves: BOEP G3 22, BEGORRA 5C 20, BEGORRA 5D 20, FORAGE 4H 20, FRAPE 4H 20
PROBE 6F 17 mookie
On 3rd draw, SKIRRET 5E 44 --- SKIRRET an Asian herb [n]
Other tops: SKIRTER 5E 44
Other moves: RESIT I6 30, STRIKE I8 30, REST I6 29, STIVER I8 29, STRIVE I8 29
SKIRTER 5E 44 mookie
On 4th draw, RIVERAIN G8 66 --- RIVERAIN a riverside dweller [n]
Other moves: VAIRE 4A 26, NAIVER 4J 24, RAVINE 4J 24, REAVING C2 24, REIVING C2 24
RAVINE 4J 24 mookie
On 5th draw, Q(U)ANT 15D 69 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: Q(I) F14 62, WAQF(S) L1 57, Q(U)ARTZ 12D 48, WANZ(E) 15E 48, WAQF 4J 45
Q(I) F14 62 mookie
On 6th draw, SHELL I8 37 --- SHELL to divest of a shell (a hard outer covering) [v]
Other tops: SHEOL I8 37, SHONE I8 37
Other moves: HELLS L1 36, HELOS L1 36, HOLES L1 36, HONES L1 36, SHOE I8 36
On 7th draw, XI J10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XI 6J 52
Other moves: DEXIE C11 40, DOXIE C11 40, EXODE C11 40, OXIDE C11 40, FEDEX 4H 39
On 8th draw, OBITER K10 36 --- OBITER as a passing remark [adv]
Other moves: OOBIT K9 34, ROBOT K9 34, BOOTIE K8 32, OBIT K10 32, OBOE K10 32
On 9th draw, WO J14 28 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: AW J13 28
Other moves: COWARD I1 24, WACKO F2 24, WADI 4J 23, WAID 4J 23, EXODIC 10I 22
On 10th draw, EUGENIAS C6 72 --- EUGENIA a tropical evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: NIES L12 26, SANE L12 26, SENA L12 26, SENE L12 26, SINE L12 26
On 11th draw, MAWED B2 37 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other tops: WAMED B2 37
Other moves: DAME L12 36, AWNED B5 35, WANNED B1 35, ADMEN B10 33, AWNED B2 33
On 12th draw, ORPINE 15J 33 --- ORPINE a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: ORGONE 15J 27, PONGA F11 27, PUNGA F11 27, GUP A1 26, OUPING 4J 26
On 13th draw, FLAMEN N10 38 --- FLAMEN a priest of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: FAME C1 35, FEMAL 6J 35, FEMUR 6J 35, FUME C1 35, LUMA A1 35
On 14th draw, A(L)IQ(U)ANT 15A 45 --- ALIQUANT not dividing equally into another number [adj]
Other moves: RA(T)OO A1 28, RA(Z)OO A1 28, (Q)UAIR O8 25, FURIO(S)O 4H 24, ARIO(S)O L1 23
On 15th draw, ZATI M12 47 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: AZO M11 45, ZOA A1 42, ZA M12 41, ZO M12 41, ZOA O8 41
On 16th draw, BLUDY D8 39 --- BLUDY stained with blood [adj]
Other moves: DEITY 6B 36, DOILY O6 35, DOTY O7 32, DULY O7 32, DUTY O7 32
On 17th draw, DOUGHY O5 50 --- DOUGHY resembling dough [adj]
Other moves: HOYA A1 48, HOAGY O6 44, HOAGY 6J 43, HUGY O7 41, HOYA O8 40
On 18th draw, NOTA A1 27 --- NOTUM a part of the thorax of an insect [n]
Other tops: AUTO A1 27, IOTA A1 27, TOEA A1 27, TUNA A1 27
Other moves: AINE C1 21, AUNE C1 21, AUTO C1 21, NITE C1 21, NOTE C1 21
On 19th draw, JIVER J2 33 --- JIVER one that jives [n]
Other moves: CIVET N2 31, JERK F2 31, JIVE N2 31, JIVE J2 30, JETE J2 27
On 20th draw, ONCET N2 25 --- ONCET (Southern US dialect) once [adv]
Other moves: CINCT 3I 24, JETON 2J 24, COO(L) B12 20, COCO N2 19, CON L8 19
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