Game on January 23, 2015 at 00:31, 5 players
1. 181 pts roocatcher
2. 172 pts s.martin
3. 94 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 80 80 


4H 32 112 


1B 119 231 


5C 79 310 


4A 58 368 


6C 48 416 


M1 49 465 


1J 51 516 


3H 24 540 


A4 33 573 


D4 40 613 


G7 71 684 


B10 51 735 


L6 86 821 


A12 41 862 


8L 30 892 


E11 38 930 


K10 37 967 


H13 21 988 


6J 20 1008 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 1 5:39 -827 181 1.7722 dannyboy 2 1:54 -933 75
s.martin 2 7:19 -836 172 2.7531 GLOBEMAN 0 0:26 -989 19
mookie 0 4:24 -914 94 Group: intermediate
dannyboy 2 1:54 -933 75 1.6844 roocatcher 1 5:39 -827 181
GLOBEMAN 0 0:26 -989 19 2.6836 s.martin 2 7:19 -836 172
Group: novice
1.5420 mookie 0 4:24 -914 94
On 1st draw, UPH(R)OES H2 80 --- UPHROE a wooden block used to adjust a shipboard awning [n]
Other tops: PHOE(B)US H3 80, POU(C)HES H8 80
Other moves: EUPHO(N)S H2 78, PHOE(B)US H4 78, POU(C)HES H4 78, UPH(R)OES H3 78, EUPHO(N)S H3 74
POU(C)HES H8 30 mookie
On 2nd draw, HYPHA 4H 32 --- HYPHA a threadlike element of a fungus [n]
Other moves: HARPY G7 29, HIYA G7 29, HIYA I7 29, HAY G7 28, PAPYRI 3H 28
PRAY G6 23 mookie
On 3rd draw, CONDOLE 1B 119 --- CONDOLE to mourn [v]
Other moves: CONDOLES 8A 89, UNCOOLED 2H 84, CLONED 1D 72, COOLED 1D 72, CONDOLE(R) 5A 70
CLONE 3K 23 mookie
On 4th draw, SOWAR(R)EE 5C 79 --- SOWARREE a mounted cavalcade [n]
Other moves: RESAW M3 41, RESEW M3 41, RESOW M3 41, SEROW M3 41, SEWAR M3 35
HOW K4 18 mookie
On 5th draw, C(H)EZ 4A 58 --- CHEZ at the home of [prep]
Other moves: ZEB(E)C M3 57, Z(E)BEC M3 56, BEZ 4B 52, Z(E)BEC M1 51, BOR(T)Z D4 50
On 6th draw, TOEY 6C 48 --- TOEY nervous [adj]
Other moves: BEIGY M3 47, BOGEY M1 39, GYBE M1 37, BEGOT M3 35, BYTE M1 35
YOB 3L 21 s.martin
On 7th draw, JIVERS M1 49 --- JIVER one that jives [n]
Other moves: JIVER M1 47, JIVES M1 47, JIVE M1 45, JEST M3 39, JETS M3 39
JEST 7A 30 s.martin
On 8th draw, FANJET 1J 51 --- FANJET a type of jet engine [n]
Other moves: BEGIFT 2J 36, FATING 2J 36, FETING 2J 36, JAB 1M 36, FAGIN 2J 34
JAB 1M 36 s.martin
On 9th draw, PROA 3H 24 --- PROA a swift Malaysian sailing vessel [n]
Other tops: CAGOT A4 24, CARGO A4 24, CIGAR A4 24, CORGI A4 24, CRAIG A4 24, PRAO 3H 24
Other moves: GRIST 6J 22, COATI A4 21, CORIA A4 21, GAYER I2 20, GAIR 2K 19
CORGI A4 24 s.martin
On 10th draw, CALIBRE A4 33 --- CALIBRE the diameter of a gun barrel [n]
Other tops: CALIBER A4 33, CURABLE A4 33
Other moves: CABLER A4 30, CABRIE A4 30, CARIBE A4 30, CRIBLE A4 30, CABER A4 27
On 11th draw, ZOOLOGIES D4 40 --- ZOOLOGY the science that deals with animals [n]
Other moves: AHS K3 34, SOWAR(R)EES 5C 34, LIKES B10 26, LOKES B10 26, SEGOL 11A 24
SILK 11A 20 roocatcher
On 12th draw, DUETING G7 71 --- DUET to perform a duet, DUETS, DUETED, DUETTED, DUETING, DUETTING [v]
Other moves: DUGITE B10 31, DEIGN B10 29, DINGE B10 29, DUING B10 29, DUNITE B10 29
TUNED B10 20 roocatcher
On 13th draw, FAMED B10 51 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other moves: FADGE B10 49, MADGE B10 40, DEAF 2C 37, BEAM 2C 33, DEBAG B10 33
FEM I7 29 roocatcher
On 14th draw, OAKLING L6 86 --- OAKLING a young oak [n]
Other moves: OAKLING N6 70, KALI C11 35, KILO C11 35, KINA C11 35, KINO C11 35
OINK H12 33 roocatcher
On 15th draw, MAAR A12 41 --- MAAR a volcanic crater often forming a lake [n]
Other moves: AMAUT 2E 35, MAID 2K 31, MAUT 2F 31, KAMA 8L 30, NAAM 2C 29
KART 8L 24 roocatcher
On 16th draw, KNUB 8L 30 --- KNUB a knob [n]
Other moves: BINT E8 25, BUNT E8 25, KNIT 8L 24, KNUT 8L 24, KUTI 8L 24
On 17th draw, XI E11 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI K10 31, XU K10 31, NIX F9 27, TIX F9 27, TUX F9 27
XI E11 38 dannyboy
On 18th draw, QI K10 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUID 10J 34, QUIT 10J 33, QUINT 11I 28, QUIN 11I 26, QIVIUT 10I 22
QI K10 37 dannyboy, s.martin, roocatcher
On 19th draw, IWI H13 21 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: NITID M11 18, WIND J11 18, ID 2E 17, NIDI M11 16, UNWIT N8 16
WIND J11 18 roocatcher
OW F1 13 s.martin
On 20th draw, DUOS 6J 20 --- DUO an instrumental duet [n]
Other moves: NURD M11 16, NURD I10 14, RUND I10 14, TUND I10 14, T*RDTURD I10 14
DURN J11 11 s.martin
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