Game on January 27, 2015 at 08:10, 4 players
1. 547 pts kellybelly
2. 517 pts babsbedi
3. 504 pts quirky
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


4C 30 60 


G6 52 112 


10B 45 157 


11E 37 194 


H11 42 236 


C3 70 306 


8A 42 348 


15D 64 412 


14H 56 468 


14C 37 505 


A2 63 568 


13C 39 607 


I7 26 633 


10J 22 655 


O9 30 685 


F1 36 721 


1D 39 760 


12J 21 781 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 4 13:42 -234 547 1.7483 kellybelly 4 13:42 -234 547
babsbedi 3 21:28 -264 517 Group: intermediate
quirky 3 18:14 -277 504 1.6655 babsbedi 3 21:28 -264 517
mordeckhi 0 19:08 -502 279 2.6685 quirky 3 18:14 -277 504
Group: not rated
1.4358 mordeckhi 0 19:08 -502 279
On 1st draw, KNEAD H4 30 --- KNEAD to work into a uniform mixture with the hands [v]
Other tops: KENDO H4 30
Other moves: KNEAD H8 24, NAKED H8 24, NUKED H8 24, OAKED H8 24, UNKED H8 24
NAKED H8 24 quirky
UNKED H6 20 babsbedi
On 2nd draw, PANICKS 4C 30 --- PANICK a grass such as millet [n]
Other moves: ASPICK 4C 28, KIPPAS 4H 28, PANICK 4C 28, PANICS 9C 27, KIPPA 4H 26
PANICS 9C 27 quirky
PAPS G7 24 babsbedi
CAPS 9E 22 kellybelly
PACKS 4E 13 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, AZOTES G6 52 --- AZOTE nitrogen [n]
Other moves: AZOTE G6 51, TOZES 3B 51, ZETAS G7 49, ZOEAS G7 49, AZO G6 48
ZEST G7 48 babsbedi, quirky
AZO G6 48 kellybelly
ZAPS C2 30 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, Q(U)ETHE 10B 45 --- QUETHE to say [v]
Other moves: HAIQ(U)E F10 40, Q(U)IET F2 40, HAIQ(U)ES 11A 36, HASTIE(R) 11E 36, Q(U)ASHIE 11D 36
Q(U)ASH 11D 32 babsbedi
HEAT F10 30 kellybelly
QATS 11D 26 mordeckhi
Q(U)EST 11D 26 quirky
On 5th draw, EASTLIN 11E 37 --- EASTLIN easterly [adj]
Other moves: AINEE 11A 28, TINEA 11A 28, ELANET 5A 24, LAESIE 11D 23, TEASEL 11D 23
LEAST 11D 21 babsbedi
TEES 11D 19 kellybelly
LIES 11D 19 quirky
LEAP C1 12 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, THEMA H11 42 --- THEMA theme [n]
Other moves: HUMANE 12A 39, HUMANE 10J 36, MANEH 10J 36, THANA H11 36, THANE H11 36
HUMANE 10J 36 quirky
HUMAN 10J 35 babsbedi
HAME 10J 32 kellybelly
On 7th draw, APIA(C)EO(U)S C3 70 --- APIACEOUS [adj]
Other moves: SEQ(U)OIA B8 30, QASI(D)A B10 28, QAI(D)S B10 26, QA(D)IS B10 26, Q(U)AIS B10 26
Q(U)AIS B10 26 kellybelly
SEA L11 14 quirky, babsbedi
SI 11A 13 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, CREWE 8A 42 --- CREWE a pot [n]
Other moves: CREW 8A 39, DREW 8A 36, REEF 8A 33, LIFER I11 32, FEW I13 31
CREWE 8A 42 kellybelly, quirky
WEED 8A 30 mordeckhi
FEW 12J 25 babsbedi
On 9th draw, PRERADIO 15D 64 --- PRERADIO preceding the development of radio [adj]
Other moves: PED I7 32, PERIL I7 32, PEDRERO 13G 30, PER I7 30, PORED 10J 30
PED I7 32 kellybelly, quirky
PERIL I7 32 babsbedi
PRIMED 14E 17 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, MAX 14H 56 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: AX 10I 52, LAX I11 40, LOX I11 40, GOX L11 31, BOX 10J 30
MAX 14H 56 babsbedi, quirky, kellybelly
OX 12K 20 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, YOOF 14C 37 --- YOOF a youth [n]
Other moves: SANIFY F1 36, OAF 14D 33, OOF 14D 33, NOISY F2 32, FAY 12D 30
YOOF 14C 37 babsbedi
SAY I7 28 kellybelly
OY 14E 28 quirky
NOSY 12J 18 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, AUDIENCE A2 63 --- AUDIENCE a group of listeners or spectators [n]
Other moves: AND 13B 24, END 13B 24, AD 13C 22, HINAU 12H 22, ADIEU 10I 21
AD 13C 22 kellybelly
DINE 10J 18 quirky
QI B10 13 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, FOG 13C 39 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other moves: EFT 13B 33, OFT 13B 33, OFT 13C 33, OF 13C 28, TEF 13A 28
OFT 13C 33 babsbedi
OF 13C 28 kellybelly
GET I7 26 quirky
OFT 12K 14 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, GET I7 26 --- GET a divorce under Jewish law [n] --- GET to obtain or acquire [v]
Other moves: GIVE L11 25, BEG 10J 24, BIG 10J 24, BITE 10J 24, BUG 10J 24
GET I7 26 kellybelly, quirky
GIVE 10J 21 babsbedi
QI B10 13 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, GURLET 10J 22 --- GURLET a pickaxe [n]
Other moves: LUGER L9 21, GELT L11 19, GERT L11 19, GLUE L11 19, GLUT L11 19
GURLET 10J 22 kellybelly
GURU 10J 18 quirky
GUT 10J 17 babsbedi
GELS I1 6 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, STROBIL O9 30 --- STROBIL the conical, multiple fruit of certain trees [n]
Other tops: BRISTOL O6 30
Other moves: BISTRO O7 27, BRILLOS M7 26, OBS J5 25, BITOS O8 24, ORBITS O6 24
VOLTS O7 24 kellybelly, babsbedi
BORT O7 18 quirky
ROST O7 12 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, DIMITY F1 36 --- DIMITY a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: MUTINY F1 35, NUDITY F1 34, UNTIDY F1 34, UNITY F2 32, MINY F3 31
DIMITY F1 36 babsbedi
UNTIDY F1 34 kellybelly
MINTY E2 20 quirky
DIMS I1 10 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, VODUN 1D 39 --- VODUN a primitive religion of the West Indies [n]
Other moves: JOL N12 37, DJIN 1F 36, JIB 13M 24, JOB 13M 24, JO N12 22
JOL N12 37 kellybelly
JIB 13M 24 mordeckhi
JOB 13M 24 babsbedi
DIN 1F 12 quirky
On 19th draw, BIRL 12J 21 --- BIRL to rotate a floating log [v]
Other moves: BIN 12J 19, BIO K13 18, BLURB 13K 18, NEB 13G 18, REB 13G 18
BIN 12J 19 kellybelly
REB 13G 18 babsbedi
BIB 13M 14 quirky
VIE N8 8 mordeckhi
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