Game on January 29, 2015 at 02:53, 1 player
1. 283 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 20 20 


6C 71 91 


12D 32 123 


E9 34 157 


D2 85 242 


15E 48 290 


14B 25 315 


2A 42 357 


I1 74 431 


F8 60 491 


A1 45 536 


1G 30 566 


4I 24 590 


3M 50 640 


14H 90 730 


15L 55 785 


M12 30 815 


10H 63 878 


O8 27 905 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 1 9:12 -622 283 1.5424 mookie 1 9:12 -622 283
On 1st draw, TENDED H7 20 --- TEND to be disposed or inclined [v]
Other tops: DENTED H4 20, DENTED H7 20
Other moves: DENTED H3 18, DENTED H8 18, DETENT H4 18, ENDED H8 18, NETTED H7 18
On 2nd draw, LARGEST 6C 71 --- LARGE of considerable size or quantity [adj]
Other moves: LARGEST G2 65, TANGLERS 9F 63, STRANGLE 9D 62, TRANGLES 9E 62, GALERES 11E 32
On 3rd draw, FJORD 12D 32 --- FJORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other moves: JO 5D 31, JEFE 11E 28, OFTER 7F 28, JOTTER I3 27, JEAT D4 22
On 4th draw, HO(B)JOB E9 34 --- HOBJOB to do odd jobs [v]
Other tops: HOBJO(B) E9 34, OOH(S) I9 34
Other moves: BH(A)JI E9 32, HIJ(A)B E10 32, OH(S) I10 29, GOO(M)BAH D1 28, (S)HOJI E9 28
On 5th draw, OATCAKES D2 85 --- OATCAKE a cake made of oatmeal [n]
Other moves: TACKS 15A 66, TOCKS 15A 66, ATOKS 15A 60, TEAKS 15A 60, CASKET 15C 57
On 6th draw, SHWA 15E 48 --- SHWA an indistinct vowel sound [n]
Other tops: SHAW 15E 48, SHOW 15E 48
Other moves: OHIAS 15A 45, WAHOOS F8 42, WAHOO F8 39, WOOSH 2B 38, HAW F8 36
SHOW 15E 48 mookie
On 7th draw, TURBO 14B 25 --- TURBO a type of engine [n]
Other moves: COUR 5D 21, RIVE 8A 21, ROVE 8A 21, VINE 8A 21, VIRE 8A 21
VINE 8A 21 mookie
On 8th draw, WI(C)OPY 2A 42 --- WICOPY a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: YIN(S) I9 40, (E)PONYM 2B 40, M(Y)OPY 2B 38, (S)WAMPY 3B 38, I(G)NOMY 2A 36
WIPE 8A 27 mookie
On 9th draw, GAMBITED I1 74 --- GAMBIT to sacrifice in order to gain [v]
Other moves: DWAM A1 39, BEDIM 1F 37, BEMAD 1F 37, BADGE 1F 34, BEGAD 1F 34
ABIDE 1F 29 mookie
On 10th draw, VEX F8 60 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: FAX F8 60
Other moves: DEX F8 58, AX F9 56, EX F9 56, AX 1A 51, FAX 13A 46
VEX 13A 46 mookie
On 11th draw, TWAYS A1 45 --- TWAY a set of two [n]
Other moves: SWAY A1 42, TWAY A1 42, YWIS A1 33, YA J2 30, YO J2 30
YA 15A 17 mookie
On 12th draw, LIGAND 1G 30 --- LIGAND a type of ion or molecule [n]
Other moves: DANIO 13A 24, LIGNAN 1G 24, ALIGN 1F 23, LAID J2 22, AD H1 21
LATE 8A 12 mookie
On 13th draw, BRUCINE 4I 24 --- BRUCINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other tops: CRUBEEN 4F 24, NUMERIC 3G 24
Other moves: MINCEUR 3I 22, BRUCIN 4I 20, FJORDIC 12D 20, MINCER 3I 20, AREIC 2I 18
BURNIE 4I 16 mookie
On 14th draw, QUA 3M 50 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: QAT 3M 50
Other moves: EQUATE O4 45, QAT 15A 40, MANQUE N2 38, FIQUE M3 36, FAME 2H 32
QUITE M2 28 mookie
On 15th draw, AGONIZE 14H 90 --- AGONIZE to suffer extreme pain [v]
Other moves: OZAENA O1 45, ZOAEAE O1 45, ZAG 15A 44, ZIG 15A 44, GAZE 8A 42
ZONE 8A 39 mookie
On 16th draw, FORE 15L 55 --- FORE the front part of something [n]
Other moves: FRIEZE M10 36, FORZE M11 34, FRIZE M11 34, FROZE M11 34, FURZE M11 34
On 17th draw, MOZO M12 30 --- MOZO a manual labourer [n]
Other moves: CAUM 5D 27, MEVE 8A 27, MOVE 8A 27, NAME 2H 26, NAMU 2H 26
On 18th draw, DENATURE 10H 63 --- DENATURE to deprive of natural qualities [v]
Other moves: ACTURE L3 22, ACUTER L3 22, ENTERA L7 22, NATURE L7 22, RETUNE L7 22
On 19th draw, LIEVE O8 27 --- LIEVE gladly [adv]
Other tops: NIEVE O8 27
Other moves: LIEVE O6 24, LIVEN O7 24, NEIVE O6 24, NEVEL O7 24, NIEVE O6 24
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