Game on January 31, 2015 at 02:13, 2 players
1. 230 pts immy
2. 51 pts s.martin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 24 24 


9D 60 84 


8A 34 118 


D5 76 194 


7F 66 260 


8L 53 313 


A8 80 393 


O7 64 457 


C13 46 503 


15J 87 590 


E2 44 634 


2B 28 662 


1G 97 759 


15C 36 795 


N8 56 851 


2I 35 886 


3C 33 919 


10J 30 949 


6L 35 984 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
immy 1 5:35 -754 230 1.7112 s.martin 0 0:39 -933 51
s.martin 0 0:39 -933 51 Group: intermediate
1.6649 immy 1 5:35 -754 230
On 1st draw, EA(S)ILY H7 24 --- EASILY without difficulty [adv]
Other tops: AE(R)ILY H7 24, EYLIA(D) H3 24, OILE(R)Y H7 24, OIL(W)AY H7 24, (B)AILEY H7 24, (T)AILYE H8 24
Other moves: AIE(R)Y H8 22, AL(L)EY H8 22, AL(L)OY H8 22, A(G)LEY H8 22, A(L)LEY H8 22
On 2nd draw, ENDO(S)TEA 9D 60 --- ENDOSTEA bone membranes [n] --- ENDOSTEUM a bone membrane [n]
Other moves: ANODE G7 20, DENOTE G6 20, DONATE G6 20, TEADE G7 20, YEANED 12H 20
On 3rd draw, DIODE 8A 34 --- DIODE a type of electron tube [n]
Other moves: ADDIO 8K 29, DEAD 8A 29, DEID 8A 29, DIED 8A 29, DIDIE 8K 27
On 4th draw, FOEDERATI D5 76 --- FOEDERATI
Other moves: FLOATIER 11G 72, OFTENER E5 40, REFLOAT 11E 40, AFIRE 8K 38, AFORE 8K 38
On 5th draw, OVER(C)OOL 7F 66 --- OVERCOOL to make too cool [v]
Other moves: OVERLOO(K) 7F 65, OVER(C)OOL J7 64, LOO(K)OVER J3 62, OVERLOO(K) J7 62, VOO(D)OO C3 27
On 6th draw, WAVE 8L 53 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: PAVE 8L 45, PAWN 8L 45, WANE 8L 44, INWEAVE B8 42, NAVEW E2 37
On 7th draw, DOUANIER A8 80 --- DOUANIER a custom-house officer [n]
Other moves: AURELIAN 11D 32, VAURIEN N8 24, AUREI E2 22, ROUEN E2 22, URAEI E2 22
On 8th draw, PERIANTH O7 64 --- PERIANTH an outer covering of a flower [n]
Other moves: HIANT B10 55, HARPIN 10J 36, HATPIN 10J 36, PHAT B10 34, HAINT 10J 33
HARP 10J 32 immy
On 9th draw, QAT C13 46 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI C13 44, QI 10N 31, TOWLINE L6 29, QAT 11C 24, QAT 13M 24
QAT C13 46 immy
On 10th draw, BOWETS 15J 87 --- BOWET a lantern [n]
Other tops: BOWATS 15J 87
Other moves: WABS 15L 81, WEBS 15L 81, BOWS 15L 78, TWAES 15K 78, BOWES 15K 75
WEBS 15L 81 immy
On 11th draw, MIZEN E2 44 --- MIZEN a type of sail [n]
Other moves: ZYMITE 12G 40, MIZEN C2 39, FEZ 10J 38, FIZ 10J 38, ZIFF 5B 38
ZO F6 31 immy
On 12th draw, CUPMEN 2B 28 --- CUPMAN a boon companion [n]
Other tops: PTUI N10 28, PYCNITE 12G 28
Other moves: PEINCT 3C 26, PLANETIC M6 26, PIE B10 25, PIU B10 25, NEUMIC 2B 24
PI 10N 10 immy
On 13th draw, ETHNICS 1G 97 --- ETHNIC a member of a racial or cultural group [n]
Other moves: ETHNICS 3G 87, THEICS 15C 45, THEIST N10 45, THETIC 15C 45, ETHNIC 1G 44
HENS 10J 30 immy
On 14th draw, TUGRIK 15C 36 --- TUGRIK a monetary unit of Mongolia [n]
Other moves: GONK 6C 35, LISK E11 34, RISK E11 34, TURKIS 15C 33, KLONG 6B 31
On 15th draw, VEX N8 56 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: RAJ 6L 35, RAX 6L 35, JAB 6L 34, JAG 6L 31, BAJREE M10 30
On 16th draw, MY 2I 35 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other tops: MARSH 14K 35
Other moves: AYS 2I 34, FY 10J 34, MAIRS 3C 34, SIMONY 6A 34, FAY 10J 32
On 17th draw, GAIDS 3C 33 --- GAID a spear [n]
Other moves: JAG 6L 31, SAIDS 3C 29, ADJUST 13J 28, DAS E11 28, G*DJ*GADJE M11 28
JUGS C1 24 s.martin
On 18th draw, FIG 10J 30 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FAG 10J 30
Other moves: FAR 10J 29, FAS 10J 29, FIL 10J 29, FIR 10J 29, FRA 10J 29
FAH 14M 27 s.martin
On 19th draw, RAJ 6L 35 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JAB 6L 34, BAJRIS B4 33, BAS E11 32, BAJRI B4 30, JAB 14K 30
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