Game on February 1, 2015 at 00:40, 4 players
1. 234 pts roocatcher
2. 66 pts mookie
3. 28 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 20 20 


11E 44 64 


10B 40 104 


8H 83 187 


M3 76 263 


N10 45 308 


15H 92 400 


14F 47 447 


N2 35 482 


O13 58 540 


G1 77 617 


O1 50 667 


1E 54 721 


F5 35 756 


2E 56 812 


3B 40 852 


A1 58 910 


B10 34 944 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 1 8:31 -710 234 1.7098 roocatcher 1 8:31 -710 234
mookie 0 5:16 -878 66 2.7506 GLOBEMAN 0 1:02 -916 28
GLOBEMAN 0 1:02 -916 28 3.7069 s.martin 0 1:05 -927 17
s.martin 0 1:05 -927 17 Group: novice
1.5458 mookie 0 5:16 -878 66
On 1st draw, ERODED H7 20 --- ERODE to wear away by constant friction [v]
Other tops: EDDOES H3 20
Other moves: DEEDS H4 18, DERED H4 18, DERED H8 18, DOREES H4 18, DOSED H4 18
REEDS H4 14 mookie
On 2nd draw, BELEAPT 11E 44 --- BELEAP to leap upon [v]
Other moves: BEPAT G7 36, PEBA G7 33, BEPAT G9 30, BAP G7 29, PALET G7 28
PLATED 12C 18 mookie
On 3rd draw, PI(L)AW 10B 40 --- PILAW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other tops: PA(P)AW 10B 40, PA(W)AW 10B 40
Other moves: PAD(S)AW 10A 38, WA(T)AP 10B 37, ADAW(E)D 10C 36, PAW(E)D 10D 36, DAW(E)D 10D 35
WAD 12D 21 mookie
On 4th draw, ROC(K)LING 8H 83 --- ROCKLING a marine fish [n]
Other moves: LOGICI(A)N C7 76, CLOP(P)ING B7 74, COLO(R)ING 9E 74, CO(U)PLING B7 74, (P)OLICING C7 72
On 5th draw, BEGONIAS M3 76 --- BEGONIA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: BEGONIAS C5 64, GONADS 12D 31, BEGO 9C 30, GABIONS C7 30, GEASON 12A 29
BINGES M7 13 mookie
On 6th draw, HUTIA N10 45 --- HUTIA the hog-rat [n]
Other moves: TAHOU N2 36, HANT N6 32, HUNT N6 32, HAN N6 29, HON N6 29
On 7th draw, HOOLIES 15H 92 --- HOOLIE a lively party [n]
Other moves: HOSE 15L 42, HOSEL O11 39, HOISE 15K 36, LEISH 15K 36, HOOLIE N1 35
On 8th draw, DRANK 14F 47 --- DRINK to swallow liquid [v]
Other tops: DRUNK 14F 47
Other moves: DANK 14G 42, DUNK 14G 42, NAIK 14G 41, RAIK 14G 41, RANK 14G 41
On 9th draw, GAMIN N2 35 --- GAMIN an urchin [n]
Other moves: INGRAM 12A 33, RAMIN N2 33, GRAM L1 30, GRAM 12C 27, AIM N4 26
On 10th draw, FET O13 58 --- FET to fetch [v]
Other tops: FAT O13 58
Other moves: ZINCATE C9 56, FEZ 7G 50, NAT O13 46, NET O13 46, AT O14 41
On 11th draw, MISDREW G1 77 --- MISDRAW to draw incorrectly [v]
Other moves: WIDES O1 49, WIRED O1 49, WISED O1 49, RIMED O1 48, DIMES O1 47
On 12th draw, JOTS O1 50 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other moves: JIVES C9 46, VOTES O1 45, JOT O1 38, VOTE O1 38, TOTES O1 36
JOTS O1 50 roocatcher
On 13th draw, ROMANZA 1E 54 --- ROMANZA a short instrumental piece of songlike character [n]
Other moves: AMAZON 1F 51, ZOARIA 15A 51, MIRZA 1G 48, ZAMAN 1E 48, ZAMIA 1E 48
MIZ 1G 42 roocatcher
On 14th draw, AYE F5 35 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: CURIAE 12A 33, YAE F6 33, YAR F6 33, YEA F6 33, CRAY 12C 32
YAR F6 33 roocatcher
On 15th draw, EXIT 2E 56 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other moves: OX F1 50, XI 2F 50, VOX 9G 42, VERRY 12A 38, VITEX C9 38
XI C9 17 roocatcher, s.martin
On 16th draw, ENVOYS 3B 40 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other tops: VENEYS 3B 40
Other moves: VENEY 12A 38, ENVOY 12B 36, VENOSE 3C 34, ENVOY 12A 32, EVE E4 30
ENVOY 12B 36 roocatcher
On 17th draw, CURVET A1 58 --- CURVET to prance [v]
Other moves: CURVE A1 55, VIRTUE A1 43, CURIET A1 40, CURITE A1 40, VERTU A1 40
CIVIE C9 26 roocatcher
On 18th draw, PULQUE B10 34 --- PULQUE a fermented Mexican beverage [n]
Other tops: LIQUEUR C9 34
Other moves: PIQUE B10 32, QUARREL 5D 32, QUIRE 13B 31, QUARER 5D 30, QUARE 5D 28
QUARER 5D 30 roocatcher
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