Game on February 5, 2015 at 05:49, 1 player
1. 139 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 100 100 


3C 96 196 


4A 35 231 


A3 39 270 


G7 74 344 


5E 26 370 


H12 39 409 


15A 89 498 


K3 36 534 


L4 38 572 


M3 40 612 


B6 40 652 


N1 33 685 


12G 72 757 


N8 76 833 


O1 41 874 


J6 47 921 


M9 44 965 


13C 31 996 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 1 6:52 -857 139 1.5466 mookie 1 6:52 -857 139
On 1st draw, FIXATES H2 100 --- FIXATE to make stable or stationary [v]
Other moves: FIXATES H4 92, FIXATES H3 86, FIXATES H6 86, FIXATES H7 86, FIXATES H8 86
On 2nd draw, UPMAKING 3C 96 --- UPMAKING the act of making up [n]
Other moves: KAM G3 38, MAK G3 34, KA G3 31, MAP G3 30, PAM G3 30
KEG 7G 15 mookie
On 3rd draw, WA(H)OO 4A 35 --- WAHOO a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: W(E)TA 4A 30, W(H)OOT 4B 29, W(R)OOT 4B 29, (S)TAW K3 29, (S)TOW K3 29
WAT F2 14 mookie
On 4th draw, TWEEDY A3 39 --- TWEEDY resembling tweed [adj]
Other tops: WEDGY A4 39
Other moves: DYE 5D 36, KEYED G3 36, WEEDY A4 36, WYTED A4 36, TYG 5D 35
WEEDY A4 36 mookie
On 5th draw, BANDIER G7 74 --- BANDY having crooked legs [adj]
Other moves: BRAAIED 5E 54, BREAD 5E 30, KEBAR G3 30, BIKED G1 29, ABRADE 5E 28
BADE G7 21 mookie
On 6th draw, NAVAR 5E 26 --- NAVAR a system of air navigation [n]
Other moves: ADO 5D 25, ODA 5D 25, DAN 5D 24, DON 5D 24, DOR 5D 24
VAIN 11E 14 mookie
On 7th draw, MEGS H12 39 --- MEG a halfpenny [n]
Other tops: MEGA H12 39
Other moves: MESA H12 36, MEUS H12 36, SAGUM K3 34, SIGMA K3 34, MANURES I1 32
MEGA H12 39 mookie
On 8th draw, TRIPLETS 15A 89 --- TRIPLET a group of three of one kind [n]
Other moves: SPLITTER 15H 83, REPLIER 13G 24, REPTILE 13G 24, TRIPE F11 23, EMPTIER 12G 22
On 9th draw, SICH K3 36 --- SICH such [adj]
Other tops: CASH 6C 36, SHAGS K3 36, SIGH 6C 36, SIGHS K3 36
Other moves: GASH 6C 35, SASH 6C 34, SCAGS K3 34, SHAG K3 34, SIGH K3 34
On 10th draw, DHOLE L4 38 --- DHOLE a wild dog of India [n]
Other moves: DOUGH B6 37, HOED B6 37, EUGH 6C 36, HOLDER B10 36, HOE B6 35
On 11th draw, JEAT M3 40 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: AJEE M2 34, JEE M3 32, AJEE M1 26, JAAP D12 26, JEEP D12 26
On 12th draw, FOULIE B6 40 --- FOULIE (Australian) a foul mood [n]
Other moves: FOULE B6 39, FOAL N2 37, FEAL B6 36, FOAL B6 36, FOUL B6 36
On 13th draw, QUA N1 33 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: AREG N4 30, QUAERE 13C 30, QUEP D12 30, QUA 14C 29, ARE N4 28
On 14th draw, EMO(T)IONAL 12G 72 --- EMOTIONAL [adj]
Other moves: LINA(L)OOL E8 64, (C)OLONIAL E8 64, (L)INALOOL E8 64, (V)INDALOO 10D 62, DOO(R)NAIL 10G 60
On 15th draw, COINAGES N8 76 --- COINAGE the act of making coins [n]
Other moves: INGOES O1 70, ESCO(T)ING J8 68, CODESIGN 10E 66, INGO O1 64, ICONES O3 43
On 16th draw, IT O1 41 --- IT the 3d person sing. neuter pronoun [pron]
Other moves: BAY 6D 35, BIRSY 15K 33, BITSY 15K 33, QI 1N 33, RAY 6D 33
On 17th draw, WARBY J6 47 --- WARBY worn-out [adj]
Other moves: BROWSY 15J 45, WEARY J6 45, BROWSE 15J 36, WARY J6 36, WAY 6D 36
On 18th draw, ZO M9 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: IODIZER K9 43, IONIZED K9 43, AZON F5 41, IODIZE K9 41, IONIZER K9 41
On 19th draw, REVERED 13C 31 --- REVERE to regard with great respect [v]
Other moves: VERSE 15K 27, VENERER 13C 25, VERDURE 13B 22, DEEV C10 21, DENSE 15K 21
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