Game on February 8, 2015 at 00:03, 4 players
1. 350 pts roocatcher
2. 308 pts mookie
3. 33 pts s.martin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


G7 25 51 


H10 41 92 


14C 68 160 


4A 78 238 


I5 55 293 


A1 113 406 


12A 92 498 


15A 39 537 


J2 47 584 


1F 51 635 


15J 34 669 


13B 34 703 


F10 31 734 


E11 51 785 


3I 26 811 


N2 82 893 


O8 50 943 


L2 78 1021 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 1 9:22 -671 350 1.7067 roocatcher 1 9:22 -671 350
mookie 0 18:10 -713 308 2.7026 s.martin 0 1:42 -988 33
s.martin 0 1:42 -988 33 3.7538 GLOBEMAN 0 1:35 -991 30
GLOBEMAN 0 1:35 -991 30 Group: novice
1.5459 mookie 0 18:10 -713 308
On 1st draw, FOGIE H4 26 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other tops: FUGIE H4 26, FUGIO H4 26
Other moves: FOUET H4 24, FOGIE H8 20, FUGIE H8 20, FUGIO H8 20, FOGIE H5 18
On 2nd draw, MEVE G7 25 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other tops: BEVE(L) G7 25, BEVE(R) G7 25, BEV(U)E G7 25, MEVE(D) G7 25, MEVE(S) G7 25, M(A)BE G5 25
Other moves: BEME(T)E G7 24, BEV(Y) G7 24, MEV(E) G7 24, BEEVE(S) 9C 23, BEEVE(S) G7 23
FEVE(R) 4H 20 roocatcher
ME I3 12 mookie
On 3rd draw, TUYERE H10 41 --- TUYERE a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace [n]
Other moves: REDYE 11E 29, REEDY 11D 29, TYRED 11C 29, YEDE F10 29, YEED F10 29
YE I3 14 mookie
On 4th draw, IDIO(G)RAM 14C 68 --- IDIOGRAM a diagram of chromosomes in pairs [n]
Other tops: DIORAMI(C) 14E 68
Other moves: (C)ORMIDIA 14F 62, (C)AMOODI 5E 36, AMID I4 29, MA(D)ID I3 29, MA(R)ID I3 29
MOD G3 17 mookie
On 5th draw, AIRPROOF 4A 78 --- AIRPROOF to make impermeable to air [v]
Other moves: PROA 15A 27, PROO 15A 27, PIA 13C 23, POA 13C 23, POO 13C 23
POO 13C 23 mookie
On 6th draw, POZ I5 55 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: ZARAPE A1 51, ZARAPE A3 51, ZUPA A1 45, ZAP F6 44, AZURE A4 42
AZURE A4 42 mookie
On 7th draw, TR(E)ASURE A1 113 --- TREASURE to value highly [v]
Other tops: TREASUR(E) A1 113, TREASUR(Y) A1 113
Other moves: SURRE(B)UT 11G 74, RETUR(F)S K8 73, RETUR(N)S K8 73, RET(O)URS K8 73, RUT(T)ERS K8 73
On 8th draw, CABLEWAY 12A 92 --- CABLEWAY a suspended cable [n]
Other moves: CABAL 13A 31, WEB J4 31, BECRAWL C1 30, WAB F10 30, WEB F10 30
CLAWED D9 24 mookie
On 9th draw, VINED 15A 39 --- VINE to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) [v]
Other tops: FINED 15A 39
Other moves: VICED J2 37, DEFI 15A 36, DEV J4 35, FINED J2 35, VINED J2 35
DIF 15A 26 roocatcher
On 10th draw, QUATS J2 47 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other tops: QATS I9 47
Other moves: QUATS K10 39, SQUAT J1 39, QATS J2 38, QUAT J2 38, ASQUAT B8 37
SQUAT B9 34 roocatcher
QUAT B10 33 s.martin
QUARTS C1 30 mookie
On 11th draw, TAXIS 1F 51 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: AXIS 1G 48, XIS 1H 45, TWAINS 1E 42, WITANS 1E 42, WUXIAS 3I 40
TAXIS K10 35 roocatcher
AXIS 4J 22 mookie
On 12th draw, ABOUND 15J 34 --- ABOUND to have a large number or amount [v]
Other moves: DOAB 11B 31, QUOAD 2J 30, UNLOAD 15J 28, *B*ABO 11D 25, BOW F10 25
BOW F10 25 roocatcher
BONE E9 12 mookie
On 13th draw, YEA 13B 34 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: TOEY 11B 32, YAW F10 31, YEW F10 31, YGOE 14L 31, YOW F10 31
YAW F10 31 roocatcher
On 14th draw, WAW F10 31 --- WAW a wave [n]
Other moves: CRAWL C3 22, CUTLET 3I 22, CUTTLE 3I 22, CLAW 2D 20, CLEW 2D 20
WAW F10 31 roocatcher
TRACE C3 16 mookie
On 15th draw, JERID E11 51 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: JUDIES 3I 44, JURIED 3I 44, JURELS 3I 42, JURIES 3I 42, JUREL 3I 40
JUDIES 3I 44 roocatcher
JIN N13 20 mookie
On 16th draw, FUTILE 3I 26 --- FUTILE having no useful result [adj]
Other moves: FENI 2E 24, TREIF C3 24, TRIFLE C3 20, EF 5E 19, NEF B6 19
FLAY B10 18 roocatcher
FRILL C3 18 mookie
On 17th draw, HEDONICS N2 82 --- HEDONICS a branch of psychology [n]
Other moves: SHA I12 38, SHOD K5 36, CRONISH C3 34, DISH 4L 34, DOSH 4L 34
CHID L1 26 roocatcher
CHE N1 16 mookie
On 18th draw, HOTEN O8 50 --- HETE to command [v]
Other tops: HOTEL O8 50
Other moves: THOLE O7 49, THON O7 46, HOLE O8 44, HOLT O8 44, HONE O8 44
TECH 8L 30 roocatcher
HE O1 20 mookie
On 19th draw, LIKENING L2 78 --- LIKEN to represent as similar [v]
Other moves: LIKE M5 36, ERLKING C3 30, KI M7 30, KLIEG L1 30, KILNING L2 28
KI M7 30 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
LIKING L2 22 mookie
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