Game on February 12, 2015 at 04:25, 1 player
1. 142 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 46 46 


5E 52 98 


G3 30 128 


J4 64 192 


4A 52 244 


11D 98 342 


8A 77 419 


H10 39 458 


A1 48 506 


8J 33 539 


6A 32 571 


O1 80 651 


N2 32 683 


I9 44 727 


2A 34 761 


12A 48 809 


A12 45 854 


1D 52 906 


14A 40 946 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 1 5:34 -804 142 1.5435 mookie 1 5:34 -804 142
On 1st draw, OXHI(D)E H3 46 --- OXHIDE leather from the hide of an ox [n]
Other tops: OXHEA(D) H3 46
Other moves: HE(L)IX H8 44, HOAXE(D) H4 38, HOAXE(R) H4 38, HOAXE(S) H4 38, XE(N)IA H4 38
On 2nd draw, TAWHIRI 5E 52 --- TAWHIRI a small New Zealand tree with wavy glossy dark green leaves [n]
Other tops: WITHIER 5E 52
Other moves: TAWIE I1 35, TWAE G2 34, WAE G3 33, REWAX 4D 30, AWE G2 28
On 3rd draw, PAWL G3 30 --- PAWL a hinged mechanical part [n]
Other tops: BAWL G3 30, GAWP G3 30
Other moves: PAW G3 27, PEW G3 27, PLEB 6C 26, GLIB 6C 25, BAGIE 4A 24
On 4th draw, CREATINE J4 64 --- CREATINE a chemical found within vertebrate muscle [n]
Other tops: INCREATE J2 64, ITERANCE J2 64
Other moves: POTENCE 3G 24, ANTIC 4K 22, CTENE 4A 22, ENTICE 6J 22, ENIAC 6J 21
On 5th draw, ZERDA 4A 52 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: ADZ I1 47, L*ZLEZ I1 46, REZ I1 46, ADZE K10 36, DAZER K11 36
On 6th draw, SIGMATED 11D 98 --- SIGMATE to add a sign to [v]
Other moves: DITZ A1 42, ZATIS A4 42, DIASTEM 11E 40, SITZ A1 39, AGISTED 11E 36
On 7th draw, EOLIENNE 8A 77 --- EOLIENNE a fine silk and woollen dress material [n]
Other moves: EOLIENNE B4 62, ONIE 12D 21, CONINE 4J 20, NEON 3B 20, NOEL 3B 20
On 8th draw, SAVOUR H10 39 --- SAVOUR to taste or smell with pleasure [v]
Other moves: RAMOUS H10 33, TUMORS 8J 33, MOUS 9E 32, AMORT H11 30, AMOUR H11 30
On 9th draw, CROZE A1 48 --- CROZE a tool used in barrel-making [n]
Other tops: COOZE A1 48
Other moves: RITZ A1 39, TREZ A1 39, TERCIO 8J 27, TRICOT 8J 27, CORTILI 6B 24
On 10th draw, TAMEIN 8J 33 --- TAMEIN a garment worn by Burmese women [n]
Other tops: TAMINE 8J 33
Other moves: FRIABLE C3 32, CABMEN 4J 28, ENEMA B2 28, FENI 12A 26, BAMS 10E 25
On 11th draw, RYOT 6A 32 --- RYOT a tenant farmer in India [n]
Other moves: SOFTY D11 30, FOY 9E 29, FOY 9M 29, FOOTY B6 27, FORT 12A 26
On 12th draw, DELETION O1 80 --- DELETION the act of deleting [n]
Other moves: DOLERITE 15D 61, ENTOILED O7 60, LOITERED 15C 60, COILED 4J 24, COLTED 4J 24
On 13th draw, FAB N2 32 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj] --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other moves: FAB N4 31, GANOF 12A 31, BOING N6 30, BAGNIO N4 28, FAN N2 26
On 14th draw, Q(A)T I9 44 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: KLI(K)S N6 38, KOIS N6 36, KLI(K) N6 35, KOI N6 35, KOI(S) N6 35
Q(I)S 12C 26 mookie
On 15th draw, ROSETY 2A 34 --- ROSETY pertaining to rosin [adj]
Other moves: GOEY M3 29, G*YSGOYS M3 29, GUYOT 12A 28, G*YGOY M3 27, G*YSGOYS 2D 26
YET M7 11 mookie
On 16th draw, JUDOS 12A 48 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: JUDO 12A 44, DUNGS 1D 39, GOUJONS 13G 36, JO G13 36, DJINS N6 35
JOGS 13G 22 mookie
On 17th draw, JAUK A12 45 --- JAUK to dawdle [v]
Other tops: JUKU A12 45, JUNK A12 45
Other moves: BAULK 1F 40, BLANK 1F 40, BLUNK 1F 40, BLINK N6 39, JUBA A12 39
JUNK A12 45 mookie
On 18th draw, HINAU 1D 52 --- HINAU (Maori) a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: BINAL 1D 44, BUNIA 1D 44, HOBNAIL 13G 38, BHUNA 1F 37, NUBIA 1D 36
BAIL 1F 25 mookie
On 19th draw, UPGREW 14A 40 --- UPGROW to grow up [v]
Other moves: OWER 3A 34, AREW 13A 28, PLIER N6 27, ALEF 7J 26, ALEW 7J 26
W*G 13GWOG 13G 13 mookie
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