Game on February 14, 2015 at 22:48, 2 players
1. 321 pts roocatcher
2. 275 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 72 72 


8A 98 170 


1D 72 242 


C7 40 282 


E3 74 356 


4E 28 384 


5K 39 423 


O4 42 465 


N7 77 542 


11E 58 600 


12I 30 630 


3G 33 663 


B8 22 685 


A10 25 710 


L7 61 771 


2A 42 813 


3A 39 852 


4A 26 878 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
roocatcher 2 16:15 -557 321 1.6761 roocatcher 2 16:15 -557 321
mookie 0 20:53 -603 275 Group: novice
1.5446 mookie 0 20:53 -603 275
On 1st draw, T(A)MINES H2 72 --- TAMINE a fabric [n]
Other tops: EM(E)TINS H3 72, EM(P)TINS H3 72, ENT(R)ISM H6 72, INM(A)TES H2 72, MESTIN(O) H4 72, MINSTE(R) H4 72, MINTE(R)S H4 72, MIN(D)SET H4 72, MIN(I)EST H4 72, MIN(U)ETS H4 72, MIN(U)TES H4 72, MISTEN(D) H4 72, MIST(U)NE H4 72, MIS(K)ENT H4 72, MIS(S)ENT H4 72, MIS(W)ENT H4 72, MIT(T)ENS H4 72, MI(S)SENT H4 72, MI(T)TENS H4 72, M(A)INEST H4 72, M(A)NTIES H4 72, M(I)NIEST H4 72, M(O)ISTEN H4 72, M(O)NTIES H4 72, M(U)NITES H4 72, M(U)TINES H4 72, SENTIM(O) H7 72, SMIT(T)EN H3 72, SMI(T)TEN H3 72, TEMSIN(G) H2 72, T(A)MEINS H2 72, (E)METINS H3 72, (P)IMENTS H2 72, (R)EMINTS H2 72
Other moves: EM(E)TINS H4 68, EM(E)TINS H6 68, EM(E)TINS H7 68, EM(E)TINS H8 68, EM(P)TINS H4 68
On 2nd draw, TWANKIES 8A 98 --- TWANKY a variety of green tea [n]
Other moves: KNAWE 1D 78, WANKIEST 8B 66, TWEAK 1F 63, WAITE 1D 63, WAKEN 1E 63
On 3rd draw, FADGES 1D 72 --- FADGE to succeed [v]
Other tops: FUDGES 1D 72
Other moves: FADGE 1D 69, FUDGE 1D 69, FADES 1E 54, FEUDS 1G 54, FUSED 1E 54
FED G7 22 mookie
On 4th draw, CABOVER C7 40 --- CABOVER with the cab over the engine [adj]
Other moves: C(A)BOVER 3G 38, BACONER C7 34, B(A)CONER 3G 32, BECKON E5 28, BONER I3 28
COVER 2A 27 roocatcher
ROVE 2A 19 mookie
On 5th draw, OERLIKON E3 74 --- OERLIKON a type of Swiss aircraft [n]
Other moves: N**K**RNOOKIER E5 44, KROONI E8 20, LINER I3 20, LINKER E5 20, LONER I3 20
WON B8 16 roocatcher
LOONIER 5D 14 mookie
On 6th draw, EPIMERIC 4E 28 --- EPIMER a type of sugar compound [adj] --- EPIMERIC pertaining to epimer [adj]
Other tops: WAP B8 28
Other moves: EMPIRIC 4G 26, PACIER 4A 26, PIECER 12A 26, PIECER 4A 26, PIERCE 12A 26
WAP B8 28 roocatcher
PEER 12A 18 mookie
On 7th draw, THUJ(A) 5K 39 --- THUJA an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: (S)HORT 11E 38, (S)HOUT 11E 38, (S)OUTH 11E 38, JI(A)O G3 37, JOE(S) 12A 36
JO(E) 2B 22 mookie
HET I3 20 roocatcher
On 8th draw, F(A)VEL O4 42 --- FAVEL light brown [adj]
Other moves: FOVE(A)L O1 36, FOVE(A) O1 33, FOGLE 3K 32, G(A)LVO O4 30, G(A)VEL O4 30
FEEL 12A 22 roocatcher
FOG B12 21 mookie
On 9th draw, MEOWING N7 77 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: G(A)MONE 3G 38, MEOW D12 36, OWING 3J 34, WOW B8 34, MEOWING 12B 30
WOW B8 34 roocatcher
EL 8N 2 mookie
On 10th draw, STYRAX 11E 58 --- STYRAX a fragrant resin [n]
Other moves: VASTY 11C 48, SAX 11E 46, RETAX I3 44, SATYR 11E 42, STRAY 11E 42
SEXY 12B 28 mookie
AX M13 24 roocatcher
On 11th draw, GUANINE 12I 30 --- GUANINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ERING 12H 28, (A)NURIA 3H 28, ARGUER H10 27, URNING 12J 27, AUNE 10G 26
REIGN H11 21 mookie
GEAR M11 21 roocatcher
On 12th draw, H(A)DES 3G 33 --- HADE to incline [v]
Other moves: HEND D12 32, OHED 3J 32, EDH M7 31, HONGS 13K 31, (A)NODES 3H 31
HEEDY G7 26 roocatcher
QI M11 22 mookie
On 13th draw, WAD B8 22 --- WAD to form into a wad (a small mass of soft material) [v]
Other moves: TIARA M11 18, DEARY G7 17, DERAY G7 17, DOONA 10B 16, OUD 10G 16
WAD B8 22 roocatcher
CHORD L4 13 mookie
On 14th draw, AUNTIE A10 25 --- AUNTIE an aunt [n]
Other moves: ETNA M7 23, TONGA 13K 22, NEAT 6J 20, TANG 13K 18, TONG 13K 18
NEAT D12 16 roocatcher
TINE 2A 13 mookie
On 15th draw, TRIBUNAL L7 61 --- TRIBUNAL a court of justice [n]
Other tops: TURBINAL L7 61
Other moves: BIALI M11 24, UBERTY G6 24, BIALI M8 23, BEATY G7 21, BELAY G7 21
RIBA 2A 17 roocatcher
BUILT A4 10 mookie
On 16th draw, DOZY 2A 42 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: OYEZ G6 41, DOZE 2A 33, TREZ F11 33, YODE B12 33, ZEL 14J 32
ZOL 14J 32 roocatcher
PREY 2A 26 mookie
On 17th draw, APO 3A 39 --- APO a type of protein (apolipoprotein) [n]
Other moves: PA 3B 34, PO 3B 34, ERA 3A 33, ORA 3A 33, EA 3B 28
ZOO C2 24 mookie
PI 9K 4 roocatcher
On 18th draw, LEA 4A 26 --- LEA a meadow [n]
Other moves: OO 1A 23, EA 4B 19, EL 4B 19, ODAL A1 18, AERO D12 16
QAT A6 12 roocatcher
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