Game on February 16, 2015 at 23:51, 1 player
1. 364 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 34 34 


8H 83 117 


M7 36 153 


5E 32 185 


11G 72 257 


E1 60 317 


8A 39 356 


4J 43 399 


F4 53 452 


6H 40 492 


1D 60 552 


O1 30 582 


2B 37 619 


12A 68 687 


N2 34 721 


A10 33 754 


3A 24 778 


L11 28 806 


15J 40 846 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 1 14:35 -482 364 1.5445 mookie 1 14:35 -482 364
On 1st draw, KUFIS H4 34 --- KUFI a cap worn by Muslim men [n]
Other moves: KUTIS H4 28, KUFIS H8 26, FITTS H4 24, KUFIS H5 24, KUFIS H6 24
On 2nd draw, S(N)OODING 8H 83 --- SNOOD to secure with a snood (a net or fabric cap for the hair) [v]
Other tops: SNOODI(N)G 8H 83, S(P)ONGOID 8H 83
Other moves: KING(H)OOD 4H 80, KING(W)OOD 4H 80, D(R)OOKING 4D 76, DOO(K)ING G7 70, DOO(K)ING I7 70
On 3rd draw, FINDRAM M7 36 --- FINDRAM a kind of smoked haddock [n]
Other moves: FINMARK 4B 32, DIF 9K 26, ADMIN 9I 25, FANDOM K4 24, FRANK 4D 24
On 4th draw, TEGULAR 5E 32 --- TEGULAR resembling a tile [adj]
Other tops: GAROTTE K5 32
Other moves: RETOTAL K5 28, ALERT L11 22, ARGLED L3 21, GLARED L3 21, GRATED L3 21
On 5th draw, UNVI(Z)ARD 11G 72 --- UNVIZARD to open the visor of [v]
Other tops: DI(L)UVIAN 7C 72
Other moves: INDUVIA(L) 7C 70, VAN(A)DIUM 13F 64, V(A)NADIUM 13F 64, DIVAN(S) 14H 30, VA(L)ID 6B 29
VIA 12K 12 mookie
On 6th draw, RECITERS E1 60 --- RECITER one that recites [n]
Other moves: SCREE O11 42, CRISE 14J 40, SERIC O11 36, CERISE 14I 34, RERISE 14I 30
CRIES 14I 23 mookie
On 7th draw, REHASH 8A 39 --- HASH to mince [v] --- REHASH to go over old ideas again [v]
Other tops: HARISH 8A 39
Other moves: FAH 6H 32, HEH 6J 32, HEH 6D 30, HERNIA 1C 30, KANEH 4H 30
HIRER 1A 27 mookie
On 8th draw, JUPONS 4J 43 --- JUPON a tunic [n]
Other moves: JOSEPH C3 42, JOES 14J 41, JUPES 4J 39, JUPON 4J 39, JUPE 4J 37
JOES 4J 33 mookie
On 9th draw, SEX F4 53 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other moves: EX F1 52, LEX 6D 51, SEX 6D 51, EX 6E 50, EX F5 50
SEX 14M 34 mookie
On 10th draw, FAY 6H 40 --- FAY slightly mad [adj] --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other tops: FOY 6H 40
Other moves: PIONY 12D 39, PROYN 1D 39, PIONEY 2A 38, APIARY 1A 36, PANARY 1A 36
PAYS O1 27 mookie
On 11th draw, BRAIZE 1D 60 --- BRAIZE a marine fish [n]
Other tops: BROUZE 1D 60
Other moves: BRAZE 1D 57, BRIZE 1D 57, ZERIBA 1C 54, AZO L11 50, ZEA 3M 50
ZA 3M 46 mookie
On 12th draw, EGESTING O1 30 --- EGEST to discharge from the body [v]
Other moves: ENGINE H10 27, THEEING C7 26, GONE 3K 24, OGEE 3L 24, TOEING 2G 24
TONE 2G 21 mookie
On 13th draw, TWEED 2B 37 --- TWEED a coarse woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: WAID 12L 33, NOWED H11 30, EWT 2E 29, IDLED N10 29, LOW 3K 29
NOTED H11 21 mookie
On 14th draw, OUTLIER 12A 68 --- OUTLIER some part detached from the main portion [n]
Other moves: ULTERIOR A4 59, IDLER N10 27, ENTOIL H10 21, OATER L10 21, UNITER H10 21
TILER 12C 12 mookie
On 15th draw, AMNIO N2 34 --- AMNIO amniocentesis, a test of amniotic fluid for foetal abnormalities [n]
Other moves: ADMIT N10 33, P*MPOM 3K 31, MANO N6 30, MINA N6 30, MINO N6 30
MA 1A 14 mookie
On 16th draw, WOOPIE A10 33 --- WOOPIE a well-off older person [n]
Other moves: P**V*POOVE A11 30, WAE 12L 25, WAI 12L 25, PAVE 13G 24, VAE 3A 24
WOOPIE A10 33 mookie
On 17th draw, VOE 3A 24 --- VOE a small bay, creek, or inlet [n]
Other tops: VAE 3A 24
Other moves: OLLAV 2H 23, OLEO M1 22, VEAL D6 22, WOLVE C2 22, ALATE L11 20
VITAL J10 18 mookie
On 18th draw, ABAC L11 28 --- ABAC a diagram which aids computation [n]
Other tops: ABATE L11 28
Other moves: ANCLE 2H 26, ALBE 2H 25, ANCE 2H 25, BAAL 12L 25, BAEL 12L 25
BEEN B6 12 mookie
On 19th draw, NEATLY 15J 40 --- NEATLY in a neat manner [adv]
Other moves: YENTA 15H 37, QI J10 31, LATEN 15K 28, YETIS 4B 28, ANY 2H 27
QI J10 31 mookie
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