Game on February 20, 2015 at 23:02, 5 players
1. 605 pts musdrive
2. 192 pts mookie
3. 172 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 72 72 


3F 74 146 


G7 65 211 


11E 24 235 


12A 28 263 


L3 70 333 


N3 82 415 


O7 61 476 


2B 49 525 


1A 36 561 


B10 56 617 


4A 27 644 


J6 46 690 


A3 33 723 


M9 38 761 


A12 31 792 


J2 33 825 


5C 28 853 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 8 15:22 -248 605 1.7612 musdrive 8 15:22 -248 605
mookie 0 11:17 -661 192 2.7502 GLOBEMAN 1 1:15 -822 31
roocatcher 2 8:18 -681 172 Group: intermediate
GLOBEMAN 1 1:15 -822 31 1.6763 roocatcher 2 8:18 -681 172
s.martin 0 1:02 -825 28 2.6873 s.martin 0 1:02 -825 28
Group: novice
1.5455 mookie 0 11:17 -661 192
On 1st draw, (F)EMINIE H2 72 --- FEMINIE women collectively [n]
Other tops: MEINIE(S) H4 72
Other moves: MEINIE(S) H2 68, MEINIE(S) H3 68, MEINIE(S) H7 68, MEINIE(S) H8 68, (F)EMINIE H3 68
MIN(N)IE H4 20 musdrive
On 2nd draw, AGENESIA 3F 74 --- AGENESIA absence or imperfection of a bodily part [n]
Other tops: MAGNESIA 4H 74
Other moves: AGENESIA 3D 61, AGENESIA 8D 60, AGENESIA 8F 60, AEGIS G3 23, NAGAS G3 23
MEASING 4H 20 musdrive
On 3rd draw, TOUTIER G7 65 --- TOUTIE petulant [adj]
Other moves: RITENUTO 6D 62, TOUTIER G8 61, TOUTIER I8 61, MERIT 4H 24, OUTER 2J 24
TOTER 2J 24 musdrive
On 4th draw, ALIE(N)EE 11E 24 --- ALIENEE one to whom property is transferred [n]
Other moves: EALE(S) 2J 22, EA(G)LE 2J 21, EA(S)EL 2J 21, EA(S)LE 2J 21, (C)LEOME 4D 21
MELO(N) 4H 20 musdrive
On 5th draw, CAVAS 12A 28 --- CAVA a special Spanish wine, used for toasts [n]
Other moves: SCAVAGE K5 26, OVISAC L1 24, VASA N1 24, SCAVAGE J5 23, AVGAS 12A 22
CAVAS 12A 28 musdrive
On 6th draw, INTORTED L3 70 --- INTORT to twist inwards [v]
Other moves: INTORTED 5H 68, ATTORNED M3 61, DOTTER 2J 35, DOTER 2J 33, RODENT 2J 29
RODENT 4J 28 musdrive
On 7th draw, SKIWEAR N3 82 --- SKIWEAR clothing suitable for wear while skiing [n]
Other moves: SWA(N)KIER I8 72, WREAK 2B 60, ASKEW N2 50, KA(F)IR 2F 45, WACKER A10 45
WREAK 2B 60 musdrive
STEAK 8K 27 mookie
On 8th draw, AXE O7 61 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX O7 56, EX O7 56, HEX O8 56, EXARCH A8 54, EXOCARP A9 54
AXE O7 61 musdrive
EX H11 34 mookie
On 9th draw, PREIF 2B 49 --- PREIF a proof [n]
Other tops: PRIEF 2B 49
Other moves: FARCIED A9 39, REDIP 2B 38, AFEARD B9 36, AFRAID B9 36, EPACRID A9 36
PREIF 2B 49 musdrive
FIVER C10 22 mookie
On 10th draw, GOURD 1A 36 --- GOURD a hard-shelled fruit [n]
Other tops: GUARD 1A 36
Other moves: GOAD 1A 35, DOURA 1A 32, GOURA 1A 32, ROAD 1A 32, DOUR 1A 27
GOURD 1A 36 musdrive
CARD A12 21 mookie
On 11th draw, JIAOS B10 56 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JOY 4D 35, JIVY C10 34, JOYS 4C 34, COPY A12 33, YODS 10J 31
JOY 4D 35 musdrive
COPY A12 33 mookie
On 12th draw, LOMING 4A 27 --- LOME to cover with loam [v]
Other moves: CLOG A12 25, MODI 10J 25, TRIM 10G 25, MOD 10J 24, LORING 4A 23
LOMING 4A 27 musdrive
COIL A12 22 mookie
On 13th draw, QUETHE J6 46 --- QUETHE to say [v]
Other moves: CHEF A12 43, CHAT A12 34, CHUT A12 34, AHED 10I 32, FADE 10J 31
CHEF A12 43 musdrive
HADE 10J 31 roocatcher
QAT 5J 24 mookie
On 14th draw, FLUIDAL A3 33 --- FLUID a liquid or gas that tends to flow freely [adj] --- FLUIDAL resembling fluid [adj]
Other moves: FA 2J 28, FAULD 12K 27, FLUID 12K 27, CLAD A12 25, AFALD 12K 24
FA 2J 28 musdrive, roocatcher
RADIAL 13G 9 mookie
On 15th draw, YARTO M9 38 --- YARTO an endearment [n]
Other moves: CYAN A12 34, ANY 5C 28, ONY 5C 28, YA 2J 28, YO 2J 28
CYAN A12 34 musdrive
(F)AY 2H 28 s.martin
YARN M9 25 roocatcher
On 16th draw, CLOW A12 31 --- CLOW the flower-bud of the clove-tree [n]
Other tops: CLOY A12 31
Other moves: CLOP A12 28, ONY 5C 28, WO 2J 28, YO 2J 28, (F)OY 2H 28
CLOW A12 31 musdrive, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, ZED J2 33 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: DZO C8 32, ZO C9 30, DZO N13 29, ONY 5C 28, YO 2J 28
ZED J2 33 roocatcher, musdrive
On 18th draw, ONY 5C 28 --- ONY any (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: YO O4 24, NY 5D 22, OY 5D 22, YOB N13 21, BOY N13 20
ONY 5C 28 musdrive
YO O4 24 roocatcher
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