Game on February 22, 2015 at 23:05, 3 players
1. 299 pts roocatcher
2. 39 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 12 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 24 24 


6D 65 89 


E5 48 137 


4F 72 209 


8A 54 263 


B4 67 330 


A11 41 371 


G6 46 417 


7G 25 442 


8J 39 481 


O2 62 543 


M8 74 617 


1L 66 683 


15H 54 737 


14H 47 784 


N11 27 811 


O12 58 869 


10J 40 909 


3C 33 942 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 0 16:43 -643 299 1.7515 GLOBEMAN 0 3:09 -903 39
GLOBEMAN 0 3:09 -903 39 Group: intermediate
mookie 0 1:35 -930 12 1.6917 roocatcher 0 16:43 -643 299
Group: novice
1.5440 mookie 0 1:35 -930 12
On 1st draw, EPILOG H3 24 --- EPILOG a concluding section [n]
Other moves: EPILOG H7 22, EPILOG H4 20, EPILOG H8 20, GOLPE H4 20, EPILOG H5 18
PILL H6 12 mookie
On 2nd draw, NASALITY 6D 65 --- NASALITY the quality or an instance of being produced nasally [n]
Other moves: SATAY I3 33, AYINS I6 27, AYIN I6 26, PITAYAS 4H 24, SANITY 9H 24
On 3rd draw, VATABLE E5 48 --- VATABLE liable to tax [adj]
Other moves: DATABLE E5 40, ABLED 5J 32, VELATED 3G 32, BETID 5E 31, ABED 5J 30
On 4th draw, EUPLOIDS 4F 72 --- EUPLOID a cell having three or more identical genomes [n]
Other moves: DIALOGUES 8C 62, SOLITUDE J2 61, TOLUIDES J6 61, SOILED 5J 26, SOULED 5J 26
DOSE 7G 18 roocatcher
On 5th draw, QO(R)MA 8A 54 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: FOAMY D8 53, FO(A)MY D8 50, F(O)AMY D8 50, FOAM(S) D8 45, FOAM(Y) D8 45
Q(I) 3K 23 roocatcher
On 6th draw, CARLOADS B4 67 --- CARLOAD as much as a car can hold [n]
Other moves: CALDERAS 11A 61, ABACS 9D 26, CSARDAS M3 26, SCALADO B2 24, ACIDY K2 22
SCALD 9H 21 roocatcher
On 7th draw, OWNED A11 41 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other moves: ENDEW A11 32, ENDOW A11 32, INDEW A11 32, INDOW A11 32, ENDEW D11 28
WEED D11 21 roocatcher
On 8th draw, AZ(A)N G6 46 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other moves: HI(Z)Z F11 40, HIZ(E)N D11 39, JOHN C2 37, HIZ(Z) D11 35, HI(Z)Z D11 35
ZHO J2 35 roocatcher
On 9th draw, ZOOEA 7G 25 --- ZOOEA the larval stage of crabs [n]
Other moves: FA B14 23, FE B14 23, FETTA D11 23, FITTE D11 23, EF B13 22
OF B13 22 roocatcher
On 10th draw, ERUVIN 8J 39 --- ERUV a designated region where Jewish religious rules are relaxed [n]
Other moves: ERUVIN L7 35, RAVEN 8K 33, RAVIN 8K 33, RIVEN 8K 33, ERUVIN D10 24
RAVEN 8K 33 roocatcher
On 11th draw, ANGERING O2 62 --- ANGER to make angry [v]
Other moves: ANGERING O7 61, ENRAGING O2 61, ENRAGING O7 61, GAEING 3J 28, AGREGE 3C 27
GRISE M1 12 roocatcher
On 12th draw, VENATORS M8 74 --- VENATOR a huntsman [n]
Other moves: SANTERO 10G 72, SENATOR 10G 72, EARSTONE 14A 70, NORTENAS 13A 68, EARSTONE 11E 66
LASTER 10E 23 roocatcher
On 13th draw, MUID 1L 66 --- MUID an old French measure [n]
Other moves: TIMID 1K 63, TUMID 1K 63, IMID 1L 60, MID 1M 54, MOD 1M 54
On 14th draw, EXURBS 15H 54 --- EXURB a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [n]
Other moves: BOXERS 15H 48, BRUXES 15H 48, EXO B13 43, EX B13 38, OX B13 38
OX 13M 9 roocatcher
On 15th draw, HOYA 14H 47 --- HOYA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: AHOY 14G 45, HAY 14H 44, HEY 14H 44, HOY 14H 44, YEAH N10 40
On 16th draw, WIRE N11 27 --- WIRE to fasten with wire (a slender rod, strand, or thread of ductile metal) [v]
Other tops: WERE N11 27, WORE N11 27
Other moves: YARROW K6 24, EUOI L7 23, EURO L7 23, EWE N12 23, OWE N12 23
OWE N12 23 roocatcher
On 17th draw, PECH O12 58 --- PECH to pant [v]
Other moves: ECHT O12 45, ETCH O12 42, PITCH 13E 42, TECH O12 42, PECH 13F 41
JAW 11L 13 roocatcher
On 18th draw, JOINT 10J 40 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JOE 2J 30, FEINT 10J 28, FIENT 10J 28, JEON 10J 27, JOIN 10J 27
FE B14 23 roocatcher
On 19th draw, KIFF 3C 33 --- KIFF excellent (South African slang) [adj]
Other moves: FIKE D11 27, KIEF 3C 27, FETTA 2K 26, *FFEFF D10 25, FIEF 3C 25
FE B14 23 roocatcher
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