Game on February 24, 2015 at 22:34, 2 players
1. 209 pts mookie
2. 26 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


G3 22 48 


8H 80 128 


F4 78 206 


10D 28 234 


11A 32 266 


O5 64 330 


K5 90 420 


J10 64 484 


M8 76 560 


A7 80 640 


B10 56 696 


L12 42 738 


15G 45 783 


B1 96 879 


1B 80 959 


14F 44 1003 


L1 28 1031 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
mookie 0 8:54 -822 209 1.7521 SQUAW1 1 0:35 -1005 26
SQUAW1 1 0:35 -1005 26 Group: novice
1.5435 mookie 0 8:54 -822 209
On 1st draw, HATTER H4 26 --- HATTER a hatmaker [n] --- HATTER to trouble [v]
Other tops: THREAT H3 26
Other moves: EARTH H8 24, HATER H4 24, HEART H4 24, HATTER H3 20, HATTER H7 20
On 2nd draw, WADI G3 22 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other tops: WADI I3 22, WAID I5 22
Other moves: WAIL I5 20, WAIR I5 20, WALI G3 20, WALI I3 20, WARAGI 5E 20
On 3rd draw, ENCOLUR(E) 8H 80 --- ENCOLURE a mane of a horse [n]
Other tops: ENCOL(O)UR 8H 80, ENC(O)LOUR 8H 80, (E)NCOLURE 8A 80
Other moves: CORNU(A)L F6 77, COURL(A)N F6 77, COL(O)N F2 33, COL(O)R F2 33, C(A)ROL F2 33
On 4th draw, POZ F4 78 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: ZORIS F6 68, ZIPS F6 67, ZIP F6 66, ZORI F6 65, ZOS F6 64
COZ J8 34 mookie
On 5th draw, PAVIS 10D 28 --- PAVIS a large medieval shield [n]
Other tops: VISTA 10F 28
Other moves: BASTI 10F 25, VAST 10F 25, VISA 10F 25, SAV 10H 24, VAS 10F 24
PICS J6 14 mookie
On 6th draw, RAJAS 11A 32 --- RAJA a king or prince in India [n]
Other tops: SVARAJ F9 32
Other moves: JARTAS N6 31, AJAR 11B 30, JARTA N6 30, JAR 11C 28, RAJAS N8 28
RAJ N8 26 mookie
On 7th draw, U(N)S(E)XUAL O5 64 --- SEXUAL pertaining to sex [adj] --- UNSEXUAL not sexual [adj]
Other moves: SAXAUL(S) B8 58, (S)AXAULS B8 58, LAX 12B 55, SAX 12B 55, L(A)X 12B 52
On 8th draw, REMOTION K5 90 --- REMOTION the act of removing [n]
Other tops: MOTIONER K4 90
Other moves: INTERCOM J3 70, MOTIONER K7 70, REMOTION K2 70, IONOMER K5 36, NOM 12B 35
On 9th draw, QI J10 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QUAKING M7 64
Other moves: ARKING A10 48, KIANG J10 44, KAEING B10 42, KAINGA B10 42, KAING B10 40
IO 11J 2 mookie
On 10th draw, UNVESTED M8 76 --- UNVESTED not vested [adj] --- VEST to place in the control of [adj]
Other moves: STERVED A8 45, STERVE A8 39, VERDETS A9 39, VESTED 13I 39, EVADES B9 36
VEERS A8 27 mookie
On 11th draw, ALGERINE A7 80 --- ALGERINE a woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: ALIENAGE B6 63, EGAL 12A 37, ELAN 12A 34, LIANE I5 31, ALIGNED 15G 30
ALGERINE A7 30 mookie
On 12th draw, MANEH B10 56 --- MANEH a Greek weight [n]
Other moves: MANEH J2 39, HAOMA B7 36, MHO 12D 36, AH 12C 35, OH 12C 35
On 13th draw, YEBO L12 42 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other moves: BRIERY 14J 34, OBEYER 14I 34, BROIDER 15I 33, YIRRED 15H 33, BREY J3 32
BEY 14L 16 mookie
On 14th draw, DYEWOOD 15G 45 --- DYEWOOD a wood from which a dye is extracted [n]
Other moves: WOODED 15J 33, WYTED J2 33, YOWED J2 33, WEY J4 32, YEW J4 32
WOODIE 15J 30 mookie
On 15th draw, TAGLIKE B1 96 --- TAGLIKE resembling a tag [adj]
Other moves: GLAIKET B1 80, LIANE I5 31, ALBEIT 14J 29, ALBEE 14J 27, KEA 14H 27
GLAIKET B1 30 mookie
On 16th draw, TRADITOR 1B 80 --- TRADITOR a traitor among the early Christians [n]
Other moves: DIOTA C2 31, DIOTA 14F 29, AROID C1 27, ROAR N8 27, ARIOT C1 24
On 17th draw, BIFFO 14F 44 --- BIFFO (Australian slang) fighting or aggressive behaviour [n]
Other moves: BIFF 14F 34, BOFF 14F 34, FIEF J3 33, NEF 2D 32, FIFE 14F 31
On 18th draw, CONGEE L1 28 --- CONGEE to bow politely [v]
Other moves: COIGNE N1 27, CONGE N2 26, PACING D10 26, EINE I6 25, COGIE L1 24
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