Game on February 26, 2015 at 23:56, 2 players
1. 255 pts mookie
2. 53 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


6H 31 57 


G7 71 128 


M3 42 170 


L1 35 205 


H12 36 241 


K2 38 279 


N7 66 345 


O12 55 400 


O5 32 432 


1L 30 462 


4B 90 552 


I11 31 583 


E4 106 689 


D10 47 736 


C1 88 824 


15A 39 863 


1A 27 890 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
mookie 1 13:43 -635 255 1.6803 roocatcher 0 1:18 -837 53
roocatcher 0 1:18 -837 53 Group: novice
1.5419 mookie 1 13:43 -635 255
On 1st draw, CUVEE H4 26 --- CUVEE a wine blended in casks [n]
Other tops: CLEVE H4 26
Other moves: CLEVE H8 22, CUVEE H8 22, CLEVE H5 20, CLEVE H6 20, CLEVE H7 20
CLEF H5 18 mookie
On 2nd draw, VOXEL 6H 31 --- VOXEL a three dimensional equivalent to a pixel (a point in a computer image) [n]
Other moves: COAXAL 4H 30, COAXER 4H 30, VEX 6H 29, VOX 6H 29, CAREX 4H 28
REX 7G 19 mookie
On 3rd draw, M(O)TTLER G7 71 --- MOTTLER one that mottles [n]
Other tops: M(A)RTLET G7 71
Other moves: MOTTLER(S) I5 70, M(A)RTLET G8 63, M(A)RTLET I8 63, M(O)TTLER G8 63, M(O)TTLER I8 63
On 4th draw, DONSY M3 42 --- DONSY unlucky [adj]
Other moves: DYADS M2 36, DAYS M3 32, DOYS M3 32, YADS M3 32, YODS M3 32
SADDEN 12C 18 mookie
On 5th draw, WEANEL L1 35 --- WEANEL a weanling [n]
Other tops: WEASEL L1 35
Other moves: NEWEL L2 31, SEWEL L2 31, TEWEL L2 31, TWEENS 14B 31, WETAS F6 31
WALES 11E 16 mookie
On 6th draw, META H12 36 --- META pertaining to positions in a benzene ring separated by one carbon atom [adj]
Other tops: MEAT H12 36
Other moves: EYEN 5J 33, JET F6 33, AMENE 5J 31, AMENT 5J 31, EEJIT K5 30
JEE 2J 26 mookie
On 7th draw, ADOBES K2 38 --- ADOBE an unburnt, sun-dried brick [n]
Other moves: ABODES K2 37, ADOBE K2 36, ABODE K2 35, BODES K3 33, BOWATS 1J 33
WADS 1L 24 mookie
On 8th draw, ENFE(L)ON N7 66 --- ENFELON to make fierce [v]
Other moves: EF J1 27, OF J1 27, WEF(T) 1L 27, WOF(S) 1L 27, WO(L)F 1L 27
FEN F12 19 mookie
On 9th draw, DAZE O12 55 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other moves: PREZ I10 52, ZED I13 50, DAZER M10 49, REZ I11 49, RAZED M10 48
ZAP M12 43 mookie
On 10th draw, NIPA O5 32 --- NIPA a palm tree [n]
Other moves: PINA O5 30, WARP 1L 27, WRAP 1L 27, PA O7 26, PANG M12 26
WRAP 1L 27 mookie
PANG M12 26 roocatcher
On 11th draw, WHAT 1L 30 --- WHAT the true nature of something [n]
Other tops: WHAE 1L 30, WHET 1L 30, WHIT 1L 30, WITH 1L 30
Other moves: AH J1 27, EH J1 27, HAET M12 27, HAIL M12 27, HALE M12 27
WHIT 1L 30 mookie
HALT M12 27 roocatcher
On 12th draw, QUADRICS 4B 90 --- QUADRIC a type of geometric surface [n]
Other moves: SQUIRRED 13B 40, QUADRIC 4B 38, SQUARED 13C 38, SQUIRED 13C 38, SQUARED 10I 37
On 13th draw, WOVE I11 31 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: EVOS I12 30, OWES I12 30, VOW I13 30, WOVE F12 29, VOW I11 28
WORE F2 15 mookie
On 14th draw, DISPROOF E4 106 --- DISPROOF the act of disproving [n]
Other moves: IF J1 27, OF J1 27, RIPOFFS 9I 27, FORPITS 9B 24, FURIOSO C3 24
On 15th draw, KIAUGH D10 47 --- KIAUGH care or trouble [n]
Other moves: HAIK M12 35, HAKU M12 35, HARK M12 35, KIAUGH C1 28, AH J1 27
On 16th draw, ABJURING C1 88 --- ABJURE to renounce under oath [v]
Other moves: JAGHIR 15A 51, NIQAB B2 44, JAGIR 8A 42, BIGHA 15A 33, BAGH 15A 30
On 17th draw, EIGHTY 15A 39 --- EIGHTY a number [n]
Other moves: GEY C11 33, TYTHE 15A 33, YOGH 15A 33, GOATY 1A 30, EIGHT 15A 27
On 18th draw, ITALIC 1A 27 --- ITALIC a style of print [n]
Other tops: AORTIC 1C 27
Other moves: CLARO 1A 24, CLART 1A 24, COATI 1A 24, CORTILI B9 22, CIAO 1A 21
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