Game on February 28, 2015 at 23:58, 5 players
1. 331 pts roocatcher
2. 246 pts mookie
3. 196 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 76 76 


G3 47 123 


F3 34 157 


8H 104 261 


E3 39 300 


J2 73 373 


M7 82 455 


K4 37 492 


L1 35 527 


8A 21 548 


1K 48 596 


14J 32 628 


B8 92 720 


A12 38 758 


C12 35 793 


10B 65 858 


2L 40 898 


12H 80 978 


15A 39 1017 


A4 24 1041 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 2 9:30 -710 331 1.7467 GLOBEMAN 1 5:00 -845 196
mookie 2 10:16 -795 246 2.7554 dannyboy 1 2:35 -966 75
GLOBEMAN 1 5:00 -845 196 Group: intermediate
dannyboy 1 2:35 -966 75 1.6806 roocatcher 2 9:30 -710 331
s.martin 1 0:46 -1003 38 2.6912 s.martin 1 0:46 -1003 38
Group: novice
1.5431 mookie 2 10:16 -795 246
On 1st draw, TOWRO(P)E H2 76 --- TOWROPE a rope used in towing [n]
Other tops: WOO(F)TER H4 76, WROOTE(D) H4 76, (C)OWROTE H2 76, (K)OTOWER H8 76
Other moves: O(U)TWORE H2 70, O(U)TWORE H4 70, O(U)TWORE H6 70, O(U)TWORE H7 70, O(U)TWORE H8 70
On 2nd draw, ZA G3 47 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: BEZ G1 47
Other moves: WANZED 4H 38, WEZAND 4H 38, BONZA 6G 36, BONZE 6G 36, BRAZED 5G 36
On 3rd draw, ADOPTS F3 34 --- ADOPT to take into one's family by legal means [v]
Other moves: ADOPT F3 33, SPADO F1 33, APODS F3 32, DADOS F2 32, PADS F2 32
On 4th draw, EYESHAD(E) 8H 104 --- EYESHADE a visor for shading the eyes [n]
Other tops: EY(E)SHADE 8H 104
Other moves: HAYSE(E)D G6 82, HAYS(E)ED G6 82, HE(Y)DAYS G8 74, HYD(R)ASE G8 74, HE(Y)DAYS I8 73
On 5th draw, LAP E3 39 --- LAP to fold over or around something [v]
Other moves: LAD E3 35, EUPAD 7K 30, EUPADS 8A 30, PADLES 8A 30, PEDALS 8A 30
On 6th draw, CANKERED J2 73 --- CANKER to affect with ulcerous sores [v]
Other moves: CANKERED J4 69, CANK(E)RED O4 67, CANKER(E)D O2 65, CRAKES 8A 51, CRANKED N2 48
On 7th draw, FAULTIER M7 82 --- FAULTY imperfect [adj]
Other moves: FILATURE M5 63, REIF K3 35, FAILURE M7 30, FILERS 8A 30, FILETS 8A 30
IF K5 27 dannyboy
On 8th draw, YITES K4 37 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: TYIN K3 35, YIN K4 31, VEINY 12K 30, YE K5 30, TIVY 12L 28
On 9th draw, ABLET L1 35 --- ABLET a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: BETA L3 34, ABET L2 31, BEET L2 31, BLET L2 31, BOET L2 31
On 10th draw, AIRERS 8A 21 --- AIRER a frame on which to dry clothes [n]
Other tops: URARES 8A 21, URARIS 8A 21
Other moves: CABRIE 2J 20, CABER 2J 18, CABRE 2J 18, CUBER 2J 18, AIRIER E7 16
On 11th draw, WAXED 1K 48 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: WAXER 1K 45, EXO L11 42, RAXED 1K 39, EX L11 38, OXER N12 37
WAXED 1K 48 mookie, dannyboy
EXO L11 42 roocatcher
On 12th draw, VERRA 14J 32 --- VERRA (Scots) very [adv]
Other moves: VAREC 2A 28, CRARE 14J 26, MIRV 12L 26, CARVED N3 25, CRAVED N3 25
FAE N12 23 roocatcher
FRAME 13I 14 mookie
On 13th draw, INVIABLE B8 92 --- INVIABLE unable to survive [adj]
Other moves: ENVIABLE D8 78, BIVALENT 11F 76, INVIABLE B5 71, BILE 2L 28, BINE 2L 28
BINE 2L 28 roocatcher
BIN 2L 23 mookie
On 14th draw, JO A12 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JEON 15A 36, GAIJIN 12A 32, GEMINI 15A 30, GAJO 12A 28, GORM L12 28
JO A12 38 roocatcher, s.martin, mookie
On 15th draw, GEIT C12 35 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other moves: GENETIC 15A 33, JACONET 12A 32, GEO C12 31, GIO C12 31, JACENT 12A 30
BINE 2L 28 roocatcher
CENTO 15A 24 mookie, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, VISNOMIE 10B 65 --- VISNOMIE the act of judging character from appearance [n]
Other moves: EMS D10 34, MES D10 34, MIS D10 34, MOS D10 34, OMS D10 34
MOS D10 34 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
METES 15A 24 mookie
On 17th draw, BUFO 2L 40 --- BUFO a black tincture [n]
Other moves: SOG D10 34, BUM 2L 31, FUMING 12J 28, GORM L12 28, CONF 2B 27
SOG D10 34 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
MET 15A 15 mookie
On 18th draw, SCOOGING 12H 80 --- SCOOG to shelter [v]
Other moves: SOGS D10 42, INCOGS H10 36, SOG D10 34, SOS D10 30, JAGGS 12A 28
SOGS D10 42 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
GIGS 12L 14 mookie
On 19th draw, METH 15A 39 --- METH a stimulant drug [n]
Other moves: HUM 11D 29, HM 11J 27, SHIM H12 27, HM 15N 26, HUT 11K 25
METH 15A 39 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
QI 13G 23 mookie
On 20th draw, QUINA A4 24 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other moves: QI 13G 23, QUIN(E) O4 23, QUININA A2 17, QI I1 16, QUIPO 5B 16
QI 13G 23 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, mookie
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