Game on Mars 17, 2015 at 03:06, 1 player
1. 193 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 34 34 


G3 31 65 


9F 26 91 


10A 73 164 


D7 74 238 


13C 46 284 


14F 45 329 


15H 48 377 


A8 39 416 


12H 95 511 


B4 86 597 


A1 36 633 


2A 38 671 


M6 72 743 


1E 41 784 


8K 30 814 


2I 29 843 


1L 29 872 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 0 6:31 -679 193 1.5494 mookie 0 6:31 -679 193
On 1st draw, WHELP H4 34 --- WHELP to give birth to [v]
Other tops: WHELP(S) H3 34, WHELP(S) H4 34
Other moves: WHELP H8 32, WHELP(S) H8 32, WHE(E)P H4 32, WHE(L)P H4 32, WH(E)EP H4 32
On 2nd draw, JOUR G3 31 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: THUJA 5G 30, JOE 6F 26, WROATH 4H 24, HAUT G3 23, HOAR G3 23
On 3rd draw, EASY 9F 26 --- EASY a communications code word for the letter E [n] --- EASY not difficult [adj] --- EASY to stop rowing [v]
Other tops: NOSY 9F 26
Other moves: ESLOYNE 7F 25, NAYS 9E 25, NOYS 9E 25, SYEN 9H 25, SYNE 9H 25
On 4th draw, GE(L)ANDE 10A 73 --- GELANDE as in gelande jump, a jump made in downhill skiing [adj]
Other moves: AGEN(T)ED 10A 71, G(R)ENADE 10A 71, GREEN(H)EAD 6F 70, AGEN(T)ED 10I 69, ANGE(L)ED 10A 69
On 5th draw, DEMAINES D7 74 --- DEMAINE treatment [n]
Other tops: INSEAMED D6 74
Other moves: INSEEMED B7 72, INSEEMED B4 63, INSEEMED B6 63, DEEMING A4 39, MENGED A7 36
On 6th draw, PEROXO 13C 46 --- PEROXO containing the bivalent group of two oxygens [adj]
Other moves: OXTER 8A 36, PIX C13 34, POX C13 34, POXED F6 32, OXO 10I 31
On 7th draw, BIRTH 14F 45 --- BIRTH to originate [v]
Other moves: BRIGHT A7 39, HIRE 14F 39, THIGGER A6 39, THIGGER A7 39, HIE 14F 38
BOTH H12 36 mookie
On 8th draw, SO(I)LY 15H 48 --- SOILY dirty [adj]
Other moves: LOG(G)Y A8 36, Q(U)RSH J10 36, ROG(U)Y A8 36, SOG(G)Y A8 36, SO(M)Y 15H 33
GLOS(S)Y A10 30 mookie
On 9th draw, ZAG A8 39 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other tops: LAZE 8A 39
Other moves: LAZY L12 32, CAUTEL 12H 31, ZEAL E5 31, ZEAS 14A 30, CLAUT 12H 29
LAZY L12 32 mookie
On 10th draw, VAWNTIE 12H 95 --- VAWNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: VAWNTIE C2 84, VAWNTIE C1 82, VAWNTIE E2 81, VAWNTIE E1 79, VAWTE 12H 41
VIA B6 25 mookie
On 11th draw, REFRAMES B4 86 --- REFRAME to put in a new frame [v]
Other moves: REFRAMES N6 67, FRAMERS B6 35, REFRAME B4 35, FRAMER B6 34, FRAMES B6 34
REFRAMES N6 17 mookie
On 12th draw, FAVA A1 36 --- FAVA the edible seed of a climbing vine [n]
Other moves: FAENA N10 32, AFLAJ 3C 30, FALAJ 3C 30, NOVALIA M7 30, VALONIA M7 30
On 13th draw, ACQUIT 2A 38 --- ACQUIT to free or clear from a charge of fault or crime [v]
Other moves: CLIQUE E2 37, CLIQUE N7 37, QUIET C1 33, QUIET E4 33, QUITE C1 33
QUIET C1 33 mookie
On 14th draw, RETINOID M6 72 --- RETINOID a compound analogous to vitamin A [n]
Other moves: ORIENTED N6 63, IN 3C 28, IT 3C 28, DINERO 1E 26, DITONE 1E 26
DENT 1E 20 mookie
On 15th draw, KALONG 1E 41 --- KALONG a fruit-eating bat [n]
Other moves: KGOTLA 8J 36, KAGO 1E 35, KANG 1E 35, GLEAN 1D 33, KALE 1E 32
On 16th draw, ICTAL 8K 30 --- ICTAL pertaining to ictus [adj]
Other tops: OCTAL 8K 30
Other moves: CAUTEL 8J 27, COITAL 8J 27, COUTIL 8J 27, LUETIC 8J 27, LEUCO 5J 26
On 17th draw, OUTBID 2I 29 --- OUTBID to bid higher than [v]
Other moves: IT 3C 28, OUTBID 2J 27, OBIED 2J 25, DEBTED F5 24, DOBIE N2 24
On 18th draw, OGEE 1L 29 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other moves: IN 3C 28, IT 3C 28, KITENGE E1 27, KITING E1 22, QI C2 22
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