Game on Mars 20, 2015 at 00:31, 1 player
1. 72 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 26 26 


7C 61 87 


10B 82 169 


8A 36 205 


J1 65 270 


8J 42 312 


4H 78 390 


E5 36 426 


F2 42 468 


1G 45 513 


D1 29 542 


N7 88 630 


M11 38 668 


1A 27 695 


15H 30 725 


O12 44 769 


O1 21 790 


14I 43 833 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 0 5:59 -761 72 1.5485 mookie 0 5:59 -761 72
On 1st draw, LAZO H6 26 --- LAZO to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other tops: ADZ H6 26, ADZ H7 26, ADZ H8 26, DZO H6 26, DZO H7 26, DZO H8 26, LAZO H5 26, LAZO H7 26, LAZO H8 26, TZAR H5 26, TZAR H6 26, TZAR H7 26, TZAR H8 26
Other moves: AZO H6 24, AZO H7 24, AZO H8 24, ZOA H6 24, ZOA H7 24
On 2nd draw, EMEERA(T)E 7C 61 --- EMEERATE the rank of an emir [n]
Other moves: R(A)MEE I7 30, M(A)RE I7 29, M(O)ER I7 29, M(O)RE I7 29, M(A)E I7 28
On 3rd draw, YIDA(K)IS 10B 82 --- YIDAKI a long wooden wind instrument played by the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land: YIDAKIS [n]
Other moves: SAIYID(S) K7 80, YIDA(K)IS K1 80, (S)AIYIDS K1 80, SAIYID(S) K1 79, (S)AIYIDS K7 79
On 4th draw, HONAN 8A 36 --- HONAN a fine silk [n]
Other tops: NOAH 6C 36
Other moves: HONAN 6J 31, VINA 8A 31, VINO 8A 31, HONAN 11A 30, OHIA 9B 30
On 5th draw, OUTBREED J1 65 --- OUTBREED to interbreed relatively unrelated stocks [v]
Other tops: OUTBREED J2 65
Other moves: DEBTOR 8J 39, REDOUT 8J 29, BORED 6J 28, BOURD 6J 28, OUTED 11A 28
On 6th draw, DOWIER 8J 42 --- DOWIE dreary [adj]
Other moves: WOOLIER 1H 33, WOOLIER 1I 33, ORIENTAL E4 32, (T)EW I7 31, OWLIER 1J 30
On 7th draw, LABOURED 4H 78 --- LABOUR to labor [v]
Other moves: AUREOLED N2 72, AUREOLED N5 63, EARD 6C 27, LADER 11A 27, ORDEAL 1J 27
On 8th draw, AMENTAL E5 36 --- AMENTAL of a catkin [adj]
Other moves: AMOVE 1H 33, VOLANTE 1I 33, LOMENTA 1I 30, VENAL 11A 30, VENOM 1G 30
On 9th draw, KANDIES F2 42 --- KANDY an Indian weight [n]
Other moves: DAIKONS 1F 39, SNEAK N2 38, KOAS 9G 37, KOIS 9G 37, KONS 9G 37
On 10th draw, REJOINS 1G 45 --- REJOIN to join again [v]
Other tops: JOINERS 1I 45
Other moves: REJOIN 1G 42, JIRDS O1 39, JINS G9 36, JIRD O1 36, REJON 1G 36
On 11th draw, GANEF D1 29 --- GANEF a thief [n]
Other moves: DEFANG D10 28, EFT 9L 26, NEF 9K 26, ARF 5I 24, ERF 5I 24
On 12th draw, VERBILES N7 88 --- VERBILE one whose mental imagery consists of words [n]
Other moves: VISIBLE M7 34, LIVIERS M7 30, BOIS 9G 29, BORS 9G 29, ENVIERS C7 28
On 13th draw, PAYEE M11 38 --- PAYEE one to whom money is paid [n]
Other moves: DEPUTY D10 34, RYPE 5J 34, TRYP 5I 34, PAY M11 32, PAY C2 29
YET 13M 12 mookie
On 14th draw, VUGG 1A 27 --- VUGG a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: GOT L12 25, GROG 5I 22, GO L12 20, VOCAL 12J 20, GROT 5I 19
GOT L12 25 mookie
On 15th draw, FOOTIE 15H 30 --- FOOTIE a flirting game played with the feet [n]
Other tops: HOTTIE 15H 30
Other moves: HOUF 2H 29, HALF 12L 28, OOF L13 28, OOH L13 28, HOA 2B 25
HALT 12L 16 mookie
On 16th draw, PATU O12 44 --- PATU a Maori club [n]
Other moves: PAGES 14J 29, APT O11 27, CAP O11 27, PATES 14J 27, GAP O11 25
On 17th draw, COND O1 21 --- CON to study carefully [v]
Other moves: ICONIC C10 20, SCIROC M1 20, YONIC B10 20, CION 14F 19, CION 14G 19
On 18th draw, WHITEST 14I 43 --- WHITE of the color of pure snow [adj]
Other moves: WITH 14G 38, IWI 14I 31, WITCH G9 30, HI 14J 28, HOW 9G 26
CHI 14F 19 mookie
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