Game on Mars 21, 2015 at 23:38, 2 players
1. 488 pts roocatcher
2. 222 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


4D 76 98 


L1 66 164 


2G 74 238 


6F 70 308 


1L 37 345 


1E 59 404 


5A 33 437 


9G 94 531 


A1 176 707 


6A 39 746 


10J 32 778 


11K 45 823 


12E 66 889 


O11 45 934 


F10 32 966 


14J 22 988 


15E 76 1064 


14B 37 1101 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
roocatcher 3 10:03 -613 488 1.6837 roocatcher 3 10:03 -613 488
mookie 1 7:25 -879 222 Group: novice
1.5508 mookie 1 7:25 -879 222
On 1st draw, PARDI H4 22 --- PARDI used as a mild oath [interj]
Other tops: PADRI H4 22
Other moves: ATRIP H8 20, DRIPT H4 20, PARTI H4 20, PITTA H4 20, PRATT H4 20
PRATT H4 20 roocatcher
PRAT H5 12 mookie
On 2nd draw, FIREP(L)UG 4D 76 --- FIREPLUG a fire-hydrant [n]
Other moves: FUG(G)IER 9C 75, FUG(L)IER 9C 75, FU(G)GIER 9C 75, FIGURE(D) 9C 74, FIGURE(R) 9C 74
PUF(F)IER 4H 22 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, JARS L1 66 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other moves: JA(B)S L1 64, JA(G)S L1 64, JA(K)S L1 64, JA(M)S L1 64, JA(P)S L1 64
JARS L1 66 roocatcher
RAJ 6H 26 mookie
On 4th draw, SUPINATE 2G 74 --- SUPINATE to turn so that the palm is facing upward [v]
Other moves: PUNTIES 9C 73, PUNIEST 9D 70, PETUNIAS 2F 68, REPUNITS 6H 68, REPUNITS F4 68
JUPE 1L 39 roocatcher
PUNTIES G8 15 mookie
On 5th draw, AEROBIUM 6F 70 --- AEROBIUM an organism that requires free oxygen [n]
Other moves: JAMB 1L 51, OJIME 1K 50, JIBE 1L 45, JUBA 1L 45, JUBE 1L 45
JAMB 1L 51 roocatcher
BAM 1F 35 mookie
On 6th draw, JUTS 1L 37 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: WRIT 3B 21, SWIRL O2 20, WILDS 7E 19, WIS 3C 19, WIT 3C 19
JUTS 1L 37 mookie
SWIRL O2 20 roocatcher
On 7th draw, ZOOM 1E 59 --- ZOOM to move with a loud humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZOON 1E 47, ZOO 1F 44, ZOOM 3B 39, MOTEN 1D 38, TOMO 1F 36
ZOOM 1E 59 roocatcher
ZONE 3A 31 mookie
On 8th draw, B(A)KED 5A 33 --- BAKE to prepare food in an oven [v]
Other tops: B(I)KED 5A 33, B(O)KED 5A 33, B(Y)KED 5A 33
Other moves: DEKE 3C 31, D(I)KA 5E 31, (N)EBEK 3A 31, B(A)KED 3A 30, B(I)KE 3C 30
B(I)KED 3A 30 mookie
Q(I) 3C 24 roocatcher
On 9th draw, HEXADIC 9G 94 --- HEXAD a group of six [adj] --- HEXADIC relating to a hexad [adj]
Other moves: HEXADIC G8 77, XI 6B 55, AX 6A 53, EX 6A 53, HEX(A)DIC B2 46
XI 6B 55 roocatcher
BEACH A5 36 mookie
On 10th draw, DINGBATS A1 176 --- DINGBAT a typographical ornament [n]
Other moves: DINGBAT A1 39, IGAD 6A 33, IGAD 10I 32, SADDING 7F 32, ADIT 6A 31
BASTING A5 30 roocatcher
On 11th draw, AYIN 6A 39 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: YIN 10J 32, YA 10J 29, LARDY 7E 28, LINDY 7E 28, RANDY 7E 28
YIN 10J 32 roocatcher
On 12th draw, HOT 10J 32 --- HOT having a high temperature [adj] --- HOT to heat [v]
Other tops: HEN 10J 32, HET 10J 32, HON 10J 32
Other moves: EOTHEN 10J 29, HE 10J 29, HO 10J 29, TENTH 7A 29, CHEVEN M9 28
HOT 10J 32 roocatcher
On 13th draw, WAVEY 11K 45 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: WAVY 11K 43, VAW 11I 38, WAY 11I 38, YAW 11I 38, WALY 11K 37
VAW 11I 38 roocatcher
On 14th draw, ETIOLIN 12E 66 --- ETIOLIN a yellow pigment in light-starved plants [n]
Other moves: LENITY O6 27, TINILY O6 27, YITIE O11 27, TENT 7A 25, LINEY O7 24
On 15th draw, YFERE O11 45 --- YFERE in company [adv]
Other moves: FREETY O6 36, FEATER N10 34, AREFY O7 33, FAERY O7 33, FERNY O7 33
On 16th draw, QAT F10 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 11C 28, QAT 13C 26, LORATE 13C 23, ORATE 3K 23, ROTAL 13H 22
On 17th draw, GOLLAR 14J 22 --- GOLLAR to make a loud sound [v]
Other tops: ROTAL 13H 22
Other moves: ARGLE 13K 21, ORAL 3K 21, ROTA 13H 21, GRAAL 11D 20, TALL 13J 19
On 18th draw, ENTERON 15E 76 --- ENTERON the alimentary canal (one [n]
Other moves: TENONER B8 70, TENTER 7A 29, TOEIER 8E 26, TENT 7A 25, TENDRON 7E 24
On 19th draw, CROWEA 14B 37 --- CROWEA an Australian shrub with pink flowers [n]
Other moves: CROWEA 14A 32, AREW 3K 30, CROWEA 11A 26, AVOW 14B 25, VROW 14B 25
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