Game on April 9, 2015 at 23:14, 1 player
1. 236 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 70 70 


10A 65 135 


A8 149 284 


B2 78 362 


D8 48 410 


A1 34 444 


E4 36 480 


C3 35 515 


F5 50 565 


15A 101 666 


13H 72 738 


O7 45 783 


L8 28 811 


N6 36 847 


11K 28 875 


J13 26 901 


I3 31 932 


J3 25 957 


4H 26 983 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 1 9:27 -747 236 1.5499 mookie 1 9:27 -747 236
On 1st draw, TESTUDO H7 70 --- TESTUDO a portable screen used as a shield by the ancient Romans [n]
Other tops: DUETTOS H4 70
Other moves: DUETTOS H2 68, DUETTOS H3 68, DUETTOS H6 68, DUETTOS H7 68, DUETTOS H8 68
On 2nd draw, LAPIDIST 10A 65 --- LAPIDIST an expert in gems [n]
Other tops: LAPIDIST 7A 65
Other moves: SAPID 14H 23, SAPID I11 23, DIAPSID 12B 22, DIAPSID 12H 22, LAPIS 14D 22
On 3rd draw, TOLIDINE A8 149 --- TOLIDINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: IDEATION B7 68, EDITION I2 66, TENIOID G2 66, TENIOID I2 66, IODINATE B5 61
On 4th draw, THENAGE B2 78 --- THENAGE the land held by a thane [n]
Other moves: THENAGE G1 66, THENAGE I1 66, GAHNITE D6 30, GATH I6 27, NEATH I5 27
On 5th draw, ZAIRE D8 48 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: AZO G12 46, ZERO 4A 46, ZOEAE C1 44, ZEA A1 43, ZEA G13 43
On 6th draw, VIAE A1 34 --- VIA a way [n]
Other tops: VASE A1 34, VISA A1 34, VISE A1 34
Other moves: VISAED E5 33, AIDES E8 31, VAES C1 28, VIAE C1 28, VIAS C1 28
EH 3A 5 mookie
On 7th draw, PENF(O)LD E4 36 --- PENFOLD a fold for cattle or sheep [n]
Other moves: ENF(O)LD E5 30, M(O)NDE E7 30, PEPF(U)L C10 30, FEM B13 29, IMP(S) 13A 28
On 8th draw, AKE C3 35 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other tops: AKA C3 35
Other moves: APEAK 4D 32, APEAK C9 32, SNAKE G10 30, ANAN C3 27, AKA G12 26
PARKA C10 26 mookie
On 9th draw, MYAL F5 50 --- MYAL of African witchcraft [adj]
Other moves: LOAMY F2 41, MAYO F5 38, MOYA F5 38, MOYL F5 38, WALY F3 37
BOW 13G 15 mookie
On 10th draw, EARWORMS 15A 101 --- EARWORM a tune which keeps persistently playing in your mind [n]
Other moves: EARWORMS 8H 92, ARS 11C 36, NARROWS 14A 36, ORS 11C 36, NARROW 14A 34
DRAWS 12H 18 mookie
On 11th draw, OREWEE(D)S 13H 72 --- OREWEED a type of seaweed [n]
Other moves: SWEE(P)ER I2 69, SWEE(T)ER I2 69, SWEERE(D) I2 68, RESEWE(D) I2 65, SER(U)EWES 9H 65
SEW 13D 21 mookie
On 12th draw, BITCHES O7 45 --- BITCH to complain [v]
Other tops: BUTCHES O7 45
Other moves: ETHICS O8 42, THEICS O8 42, CHUTES O8 36, ITCHES O8 36, TICHES O8 36
CHUTES O8 36 mookie
On 13th draw, VOLAGE L8 28 --- VOLAGE giddy [adj]
Other moves: VOLA N6 23, LOVAGE L8 22, VAG N6 22, GALVO N3 21, GANEV J10 21
GLOVE L9 18 mookie
On 14th draw, JOB N6 36 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JOG N6 34, JO N6 29, JOBE J10 29, JUBE J10 29, JOL 10J 26
JOG N6 34 mookie
On 15th draw, DAYCH 11K 28 --- DAYCH (English dialect) to thatch [v]
Other moves: Y*DYID M9 25, DIARCH 11J 24, DICEY J10 23, CIDERY J10 20, NY 14A 20
On 16th draw, EXO J13 26 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other tops: FAX I6 26, FOX I6 26
Other moves: EX J13 25, FAY M9 24, FOY M9 24, NOX I6 23, AX I7 22
EXO J13 26 mookie
On 17th draw, QUINOA I3 31 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other moves: QUINA I3 28, QUINO I3 28, QUINO I5 24, QUINO G1 20, QUINOA I2 20
QUIN I5 19 mookie
On 18th draw, INTO J3 25 --- INTO to a position within [prep]
Other moves: NOINT J1 22, OINT J2 21, TIRO J2 21, NOIR J1 19, ROIN J1 19
TIN J2 18 mookie
On 19th draw, FUNGI 4H 26 --- FUNGUS any of the major group of lower plants [n]
Other moves: FURR C12 19, PUNG C10 18, FIL 10J 17, RIF J8 17, WIN K13 17
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