Game on April 10, 2015 at 00:00, 2 players
1. 231 pts mookie
2. 86 pts iwhist
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 78 78 


G9 48 126 


F8 35 161 


3C 85 246 


2I 69 315 


6A 68 383 


M1 78 461 


5C 40 501 


H12 48 549 


14C 63 612 


1D 52 664 


15J 41 705 


A4 81 786 


N6 33 819 


O8 41 860 


15A 32 892 


1K 47 939 


K10 22 961 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
mookie 0 8:43 -730 231 1.6122 iwhist 0 1:24 -875 86
iwhist 0 1:24 -875 86 Group: novice
1.5493 mookie 0 8:43 -730 231
On 1st draw, VERSION H4 78 --- VERSION an account or description from a particular point of view [n]
Other tops: ENVIROS H2 78
Other moves: ENVIROS H3 72, ENVIROS H4 72, ENVIROS H6 72, ENVIROS H7 72, ENVIROS H8 72
VERSION H4 28 mookie
On 2nd draw, ZAPS G9 48 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other tops: ZIPS G9 48
Other moves: AZO G8 47, ZAP G9 47, ZIP G9 47, ZOOS G9 46, ZAS G9 45
ZOO 9G 23 mookie
On 3rd draw, EDDO F8 35 --- EDDO a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: DIODE F6 31, IDLED I7 31, DOILED I8 30, ODD F8 30, DILDOE 3C 29
ZOL 9G 13 mookie
On 4th draw, LANGUED 3C 85 --- LANGUED having a tongue (heraldry) [adj]
Other moves: LANGUED 3G 83, LANGUED E2 71, ANGELED 5E 36, DANGLE 8A 30, DENGUE 8A 30
DANGLE 8A 30 mookie
On 5th draw, OXYGEN 2I 69 --- OXYGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: OXY 4C 51, ONYX H12 48, AXE 4C 42, GOX 4B 42, NOX 4B 40
OX 4C 38 mookie
On 6th draw, OPERATOR 6A 68 --- OPERATOR a symbol that represents a mathematical function [n]
Other tops: OPERATOR 6E 68
Other moves: PROTEA 1F 42, PAREO 1G 39, POOTER 1D 37, PRAO 1H 36, PROA 1H 36
RAPE 1G 33 mookie
On 7th draw, CERVIC(E)S M1 78 --- CERVIX a necklike opening, especially the lower part of the uterus [n]
Other moves: CERVIC(E)S C5 66, CROPSIC(K) 11D 64, COPSI(E)R 11E 52, CIV(I)CS 1D 49, C(I)VICS 1D 49
VOIC(E)RS A5 33 mookie
On 8th draw, MOKE 5C 40 --- MOKE a donkey [n]
Other moves: KETO 1G 37, KETOL E11 36, KELT E11 34, KETO E11 34, KOEL E11 34
TOME 1G 33 mookie
On 9th draw, HWA(N) H12 48 --- HWAN a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: HAW(K) H12 48, HAW(M) H12 48, HAW(S) H12 48, HW(Y)L H12 48, H(O)WL H12 48
Other moves: WHA(M) 1H 47, WH(O)A 1H 47, WHA 1H 43, HAUL H12 42, HULA H12 42
On 10th draw, DESOLATE 14C 63 --- DESOLATE to lay waste [v]
Other moves: SOLDE 1F 32, STEDE 1F 32, DEETS 7A 30, DELES 7A 30, DELTS 7A 30
ES O1 24 iwhist
On 11th draw, MANGEY 1D 52 --- MANGEY affected with mange [adj]
Other moves: YAMEN 1G 50, GEYAN 1G 48, ETYMA 1F 45, MYOGEN A4 45, YEOMAN A4 45
MEANT 15A 32 iwhist
On 12th draw, TAWIER 15J 41 --- TAWIE docile [adj]
Other moves: REWET 7A 40, AWEE 7B 37, WROTE A4 36, WETWARE 13H 33, WAE 7C 32
WEAR 15A 30 iwhist
On 13th draw, QUOIF A4 81 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUOIN A4 72, QUOIT A4 72, QUINTE N10 70, QUINT 15A 53, QUIRT 15A 53
On 14th draw, HEIL N6 33 --- HEIL to salute [v]
Other tops: HEIR N6 33
Other moves: HOISE E11 32, HORSE E11 32, HEIL 15A 30, HEIR 15A 30, HERS E11 30
On 15th draw, BAIRN O8 41 --- BAIRN a child [n]
Other tops: BINER O8 41
Other moves: BANE O8 35, BANI O8 35, BARE O8 35, BARN O8 35, BAUR O8 35
On 16th draw, BUILT 15A 32 --- BUILD to construct [v]
Other tops: BIONT 15A 32
Other moves: BLIST E11 28, BUIST E11 28, BLIN 15A 27, BLOT 15A 27, BOIL 15A 27
On 17th draw, FACET 1K 47 --- FACET to cut small plane surfaces on [v]
Other moves: FEAST E11 32, FEIST E11 32, FIEST E11 32, FINJAN 12J 32, JANE 13J 32
On 18th draw, NATURA K10 22 --- NATURA nature [n]
Other moves: ANTRA K11 20, INTRA K11 20, NAIRA K11 20, NAT 7C 20, SHORTIA 12G 20
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