Game on April 11, 2015 at 00:35, 2 players
1. 258 pts mookie
2. 74 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5E 90 112 


8G 64 176 


O2 134 310 


4J 23 333 


6B 43 376 


M1 23 399 


1H 33 432 


9C 39 471 


2B 70 541 


1A 49 590 


10D 56 646 


J8 71 717 


11C 34 751 


15E 42 793 


14F 37 830 


13D 30 860 


2K 26 886 


11J 32 918 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
mookie 1 9:32 -660 258 1.7242 dannyboy 1 2:04 -844 74
dannyboy 1 2:04 -844 74 Group: novice
1.5498 mookie 1 9:32 -660 258
On 1st draw, PARTIS H4 22 --- PARTI a group of people [n]
Other moves: ATRIP H8 20, PAIRS H4 20, PARIS H4 20, PARRS H4 20, PARTI H4 20
On 2nd draw, (B)ARATHEA 5E 90 --- BARATHEA a soft fabric of worsted and silk [n]
Other moves: HETA(I)RAI 8A 83, EARTHP(E)A 4C 74, HEARTP(E)A 4C 74, H(E)ARTPEA 4C 74, RA(C)EPATH 4D 74
On 3rd draw, FIBRANNE 8G 64 --- FIBRANNE a fabric made of spun rayon yarn [n]
Other moves: BARF 4L 34, FRAB 4L 34, ARF 4J 29, ERF 4J 29, BARF 4K 26
FA 4D 11 mookie
On 4th draw, KALIUMS O2 134 --- KALIUM potassium [n]
Other moves: KAIMS O4 90, KAMIS O4 90, SMAIK O8 90, SALUKI O8 87, UMIAKS O3 87
SKIM O8 72 mookie
On 5th draw, URDE 4J 23 --- URDE pointed [adj]
Other tops: UNDE 4J 23
Other moves: VAUNTED K7 22, DEV 4K 21, END 4J 21, RUNTED 6A 21, TURNED 6A 21
END 4J 21 mookie
On 6th draw, ZIBET 6B 43 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: BWAZI F3 39, BRAZE J7 36, BRIZE J7 36, ZABETA K7 34, ZATI 6B 34
ZEE M2 24 mookie
On 7th draw, DELES M1 23 --- DELE to delete [v]
Other tops: DULES M1 23, IDEES M1 23, IDLES M1 23, LUDES M1 23
Other moves: BULLIED D6 22, DEES M2 21, DESI M3 21, DIES M2 21, DUES M2 21
SLIDES 9C 15 mookie
On 8th draw, ENVIED 1H 33 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other tops: VEINED 1H 33
Other moves: AUE N1 26, VANE 7A 26, ANE 7B 22, ANI 7B 22, AE N1 21
VEINED 1H 33 mookie
On 9th draw, JA(S)EYS 9C 39 --- JASEY a wig [n]
Other tops: JA(K)EYS 9C 39
Other moves: JASY 9F 36, J(O)EY 2F 36, JA(S)EY 7A 35, JA(S)Y 2F 35, JA(X)Y 2F 35
JET 2F 28 mookie
On 10th draw, TOUTERS 2B 70 --- TOUTER one that touts [n]
Other tops: OUTSERT 2B 70, STOUTER 2B 70
Other moves: TROUTERS J7 62, JOTTERS C9 28, JOUSTER C9 28, JOTTER C9 26, JUSTER C9 26
STOUTER 2B 20 mookie
On 11th draw, DENY 1A 49 --- DENY to declare to be untrue [v]
Other moves: ODYLE 7B 39, DHOLE 3C 38, HONEY 7A 35, ODYL 7B 35, YODH 10B 35
HEY 1A 34 mookie
On 12th draw, GOX 10D 56 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: NIX 10D 54, NOX 10D 54, OX 10E 51, AX 3B 41, AXON 10A 38
On 13th draw, RACEMOID J8 71 --- RACEMOID pertaining to a raceme [adj]
Other moves: COMADE 11E 40, MODICA 11E 40, CAMO 11C 38, CODEIA 11E 36, COMAE 11E 36
On 14th draw, LAGOON 11C 34 --- LAGOON a shallow body of water [n]
Other moves: LOGON 11C 32, AGON 11D 30, ALONG 11D 30, GONDOLA 15G 30, LOGO 11C 30
On 15th draw, GOWFED 15E 42 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: FEW K11 37, WIDGIE 15H 36, WIFED 15F 36, FIDGE 15H 33, WE N2 33
FEW K11 37 dannyboy
On 16th draw, HOI 14F 37 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: HAO 14F 37
Other moves: HAIR 12A 34, HOAR 12A 34, HARO K11 32, HOLMIA 12G 32, HA 14F 31
HAO 14F 37 dannyboy
On 17th draw, ANOW 13D 30 --- ANOW enough [adj]
Other moves: NOW 13E 29, OW 13F 28, NAW 3A 27, AW 3B 25, NAW K11 25
On 18th draw, TRECK 2K 26 --- TRECK to tramp [v]
Other moves: NORITIC C1 24, VOLTI 13I 24, COUTIL 13I 22, RECK 2L 22, COURT 13I 20
On 19th draw, EQUIP 11J 32 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: LIP K11 22, POILU 13I 20, AGAPAI D9 18, EQUIP N8 18, QUIP C4 18
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