Game on April 13, 2015 at 06:39, 4 players
1. 501 pts kellybelly
2. 166 pts mordeckhi
3. 101 pts babsbedi
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 40 40 


4H 32 72 


6H 73 145 


O4 45 190 


8A 77 267 


9C 22 289 


3K 29 318 


M6 86 404 


2L 28 432 


C7 28 460 


12A 84 544 


J6 64 608 


L12 28 636 


A10 30 666 


N10 28 694 


1N 46 740 


H10 30 770 


K10 27 797 


I13 31 828 


F6 35 863 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 4 11:55 -362 501 1.7551 kellybelly 4 11:55 -362 501
mordeckhi 0 6:00 -697 166 Group: intermediate
babsbedi 0 2:37 -762 101 1.6771 babsbedi 0 2:37 -762 101
mookie 0 1:53 -845 18 Group: novice
1.5500 mookie 0 1:53 -845 18
Group: not rated
1.4165 mordeckhi 0 6:00 -697 166
On 1st draw, JIAOS H4 40 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JIAOS H8 26, JIAOS H5 24, JIAOS H6 24, JIAOS H7 24, SODAIC H7 24
JO H7 18 mookie
On 2nd draw, J(I)VING 4H 32 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other tops: JIV(I)NG 4H 32
Other moves: J(A)PING 4H 30, P(A)VING G7 26, (S)PIV I6 25, JING(O) 4H 24, N(A)PING I5 24
PIG G7 20 babsbedi
On 3rd draw, ANOXEMIC 6H 73 --- ANOXEMIA a disorder of the blood [adj] --- ANOXEMIC relating to a disorder of the blood [adj]
Other moves: EXONIC I6 45, EXON I6 41, EXO I6 39, CONVEX J1 36, EX I6 36
EXO I6 39 babsbedi
On 4th draw, FEC(K)ED O4 45 --- FECK to copulate [v]
Other moves: DEPEC(H)E O2 42, EP(I)CEDE O3 42, F(A)CED O4 42, C(H)EEPED O6 39, C(L)EEPED O6 39
F(A)CED O4 42 babsbedi, kellybelly
On 5th draw, ORATIONS 8A 77 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other moves: ORATION N9 71, ORATION G8 61, ORATION I8 61, TRIAXON K2 28, ITA 7K 20
TIAR 3K 18 kellybelly
On 6th draw, GOOP 9C 22 --- GOOP goo or gunk [n]
Other moves: DOP 7A 21, GOOD 9C 20, OOP 7A 19, POD 7A 19, TOP 7A 19
DOP 7A 21 kellybelly
On 7th draw, HAUD 3K 29 --- HAUD to hold (Scots form) [v]
Other tops: HILA 7J 29, HULA 7J 29
Other moves: DAH 7A 27, DUH 7A 27, HADS 10B 27, HAUL 3K 27, DISA 7J 25
DAH 7A 27 kellybelly
On 8th draw, MALVESIE M6 86 --- MALVESIE a grape [n]
Other moves: EASLE 2J 33, EVES 2L 30, EVIL 2L 30, VLEI 2L 30, EVE 2L 28
EVILS N9 19 kellybelly
On 9th draw, TYE 2L 28 --- TYE a chain on a ship [n] --- TYE to wash in a trough [v]
Other moves: NYALA G8 27, YALE L10 27, YATE L10 27, YELT L10 27, YULE L10 27
YELT L10 27 kellybelly
On 10th draw, BAGGIER C7 28 --- BAGGY loose fitting [adj]
Other tops: BEGO L10 28, BERG L12 28, BRIG L12 28, BROG L12 28
Other moves: BEGO L12 26, ROBE L10 26, BEG L10 24, BIG L10 24, BOG L10 24
BRIG L12 28 kellybelly
On 11th draw, PIEBALDS 12A 84 --- PIEBALD a horse with patchy colours [n]
Other moves: PIBALS L10 38, PIBAL L10 34, PIBALS 14H 30, PIEBALD 12A 30, BALDS L10 29
PAID L12 28 kellybelly
On 12th draw, OSTRAKON J6 64 --- OSTRAKON a piece of tile for writing a message upon [n]
Other moves: OSTRAKON A2 63, KARST 14J 52, OKRAS L11 36, OKTAS L11 36, TORSK 14J 36
KARST 14J 52 kellybelly
On 13th draw, TREF L12 28 --- TREF unfit for use according to Jewish law [adj]
Other tops: TERF L12 28
Other moves: ENSERF H10 27, FEE 11E 27, FESTER H10 27, FETE L10 27, REGENT 10A 24
FEE 11E 27 kellybelly
SERF H12 21 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, CAPOTE A10 30 --- CAPOTE a hooded cloak or overcoat [n]
Other moves: QANAT E11 28, EPACT A11 27, FACE 15L 27, FACT 15L 27, COGENT 10A 26
FACE 15L 27 kellybelly
QAT E11 24 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, LINTER N10 28 --- LINTER a machine for removing fibers from cotton seeds [n]
Other tops: LINTEL N10 28
Other moves: INFELT 15J 27, LIFTER 15J 27, REFILL 15J 27, LINER N10 26, LITER N10 26
REFILL 15J 27 mordeckhi, kellybelly
On 16th draw, ZA 1N 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZA 11E 46
Other moves: IZAR B5 37, QUOP F6 35, LUZ F12 32, MAQUI 5D 32, MAQUI E11 32
ZA 11E 46 kellybelly
QUAD 10H 14 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, WESAND H10 30 --- WESAND the throat [n]
Other moves: QADI 5E 28, QADI E11 28, QAID E11 28, INFARE 15J 27, AFIRE 15K 24
QADI E11 28 kellybelly
FARE 15L 21 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, HI K10 27 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other moves: HE O14 26, EDH G11 22, HE 11E 22, FIRE 15L 21, FURL 15L 21
HI K10 27 kellybelly
FIRE 15L 21 mordeckhi
On 19th draw, WYE I13 31 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: RYE O11 28, FERM 15L 27, MY O11 27, GOOPY 9C 24, NY G8 24
FERM 15L 27 mordeckhi
ME O14 22 kellybelly
On 20th draw, QUOP F6 35 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: FURL 15L 21, FURR 15L 21, Q(I) I3 20, SURA 7J 15, LARUM E11 14
QUOP F6 35 kellybelly
QI 5G 11 mordeckhi
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