Game on April 15, 2015 at 05:52, 2 players
1. 296 pts fatcat
2. 211 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


I2 29 51 


2H 80 131 


1D 48 179 


M2 34 213 


8J 39 252 


G6 30 282 


K8 82 364 


F8 72 436 


15G 36 472 


2A 27 499 


A1 39 538 


M11 25 563 


9M 23 586 


10N 30 616 


13C 56 672 


B5 66 738 


A7 58 796 


N5 28 824 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 1 9:31 -528 296 1.6424 fatcat 1 9:31 -528 296
mookie 0 10:07 -613 211 Group: novice
1.5500 mookie 0 10:07 -613 211
On 1st draw, POOED H4 22 --- POO to defecate -- usually considered vulgar [v]
Other tops: DOPED H4 22, DOPED H8 22
Other moves: OOPED H8 20, POOED H8 20, APODE H4 18, APODE H8 18, DOPED H5 18
On 2nd draw, EGOISM I2 29 --- EGOISM extreme devotion to self-interest [n]
Other tops: EGOISM G2 29
Other moves: MOVIES G7 28, MOVIES I7 28, MOVES G7 27, MOVES I7 27, MOVIE G7 27
On 3rd draw, WEZANDS 2H 80 --- WEZAND the throat [n]
Other moves: SWIZ G6 48, WIZ G7 44, SWIZ J7 41, WEZAND 2H 39, AZIDES 2E 38
On 4th draw, ETYMA 1D 48 --- ETYMON the earliest known form of a word [n]
Other moves: MEATY 3K 34, MESA 1E 33, META 1E 33, YEA 1F 33, MAYEST G7 31
On 5th draw, DEPRIVE M2 34 --- DEPRIVE to take something away from [v]
Other moves: PRIVET G6 30, PREVE G6 29, PRIEVE G6 27, RETIE 2B 25, ZIP J2 24
On 6th draw, TAVERT 8J 39 --- TAVERT stupid [adj]
Other tops: TAVERN 8J 39
Other moves: AVERT 8K 36, OVERT 8K 36, VENA 8L 33, VENT 8L 33, VERA 8L 33
On 7th draw, GHI G6 30 --- GHI a kind of liquid butter [n]
Other moves: VUGHIER L8 28, HEIR G7 27, HIRE G7 27, HER G7 26, HIE G7 26
On 8th draw, AQ(U)ILINE K8 82 --- AQUILINE curving like an eagle's beak [adj]
Other moves: Q(U)INTILE O4 76, Q(U)INIE 2A 43, REQ(U)IN N8 34, Q(U)INE 2A 30, EQ(U)ALI K5 28
On 9th draw, BURSTED F8 72 --- BURST to break open suddenly or violently [v]
Other moves: SUBTREND 14E 65, SUBTR(U)DE 10F 64, BURSEED 15F 36, BURSTED 15F 36, DEBUTS 15J 36
BURSTED 15F 36 fatcat
BUSTED 15G 33 mookie
On 10th draw, TALWEG 15G 36 --- TALWEG the middle of a water-way [n]
Other moves: FALLOW 12H 32, WAIFT 13I 30, GOAF L10 29, OFLAG E5 28, FOGLE 15G 27
OF L14 20 fatcat
On 11th draw, REALIA 2A 27 --- REALIA objects used by a teacher to illustrate everyday living [n]
Other moves: LANAI E7 25, REI 9M 23, RE 9M 20, AINE E11 19, EINA E11 19
LARIAT 12A 14 mookie
LEARNS 11A 12 fatcat
On 12th draw, (C)RAKE A1 39 --- CRAKE a small, harsh-voiced bird [n] --- CRAKE to boast [v]
Other tops: ARIK(I) A1 39, AR(I)KI A1 39, (B)RAKE A1 39, (D)RAKE A1 39, (G)RIKE A1 39, (T)RIKE A1 39
Other moves: EIKE(D) 3B 37, (R)AKEE 3B 37, AKEE 3C 36, AKEE(S) 3C 36, AR(A)K A1 36
ARKE(D) A1 27 mookie
ARK A1 21 fatcat
On 13th draw, CIAOS M11 25 --- CIAO used as an expression of greeting and farewell [interj]
Other moves: ASPIC 4K 24, COALISE 12H 24, COOLIES 12H 24, SEPIC 4K 24, ACES M12 23
ACES M12 23 fatcat
SCOOT 12B 14 mookie
On 14th draw, REO 9M 23 --- REO language (te reo Maori is the Maori language) [n]
Other tops: REI 9M 23
Other moves: OATER E11 21, INRO L1 20, INTO L1 20, KARITE 4A 20, KOTARE 4A 20
ZOA J2 20 fatcat
KITER 4A 18 mookie
On 15th draw, BY 10N 30 --- BY a pass in certain card games [n]
Other tops: EBONY B2 30, UPBY 4L 30
Other moves: BONEY 13C 28, BOTTY 12D 28, BUTTY 12D 28, BY N13 28, CONEY 13C 28
COUNTY 12B 22 fatcat
BUSY 11D 18 mookie
On 16th draw, CHOENIX 13C 56 --- CHOENIX an ancient Greek measurement [n]
Other moves: FIX N12 51, HOX G11 45, NIX N12 42, ANOXIC C2 36, AXONIC C2 36
HOX G11 45 fatcat
XI N13 31 mookie
On 17th draw, ETOURDI B5 66 --- ETOURDI thoughtless [adj]
Other moves: INTOED L1 31, INDUE L1 27, STIED N2 25, DROUTH D8 24, TIDE 12F 23
DITHER D10 22 fatcat
ROUTED B5 15 mookie
On 18th draw, JOUAL A7 58 --- JOUAL a dialect of Canadian French [n]
Other moves: JOE A7 47, JO A7 42, JUN 8A 30, JUPON 4K 30, LAPJE 4K 30
JOE A7 47 fatcat
JAP 4K 24 mookie
On 19th draw, EF N5 28 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: NEF N12 26, FEN N12 23, FEU N12 23, EF N13 22, EF 3C 20
EF N5 28 fatcat
IFF 6M 17 mookie
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