Game on April 17, 2015 at 00:48, 2 players
1. 242 pts mookie
2. 83 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 46 46 


5D 78 124 


J1 75 199 


L1 34 233 


8J 39 272 


4A 36 308 


B1 80 388 


A7 34 422 


1E 39 461 


1L 39 500 


A1 51 551 


O8 92 643 


11J 22 665 


12K 26 691 


14J 28 719 


15H 53 772 


M1 26 798 


3B 21 819 


B10 22 841 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
mookie 0 9:18 -599 242 1.7534 dannyboy 1 3:17 -758 83
dannyboy 1 3:17 -758 83 Group: novice
1.5499 mookie 0 9:18 -599 242
On 1st draw, FJEL(D)S H3 46 --- FJELD a high, barren plateau [n]
Other moves: JEF(E)S H4 44, JEF(F)S H4 44, JE(F)FS H4 44, J(E)FES H4 44, JEL(L)OS H4 40
On 2nd draw, ENTRES(O)L 5D 78 --- ENTRESOL a mezzanine floor [n]
Other tops: LET(T)ERNS 5D 78, LE(C)TERNS 5D 78, LE(T)TERNS 5D 78, L(I)STENER 5D 78, S(I)LENTER 5E 78, TELER(A)NS 5E 78, (A)LTERNES 5E 78
Other moves: NESTL(E)RS 8A 74, N(E)STLERS 8A 74, SLENT(E)RS 8A 74, SLENT(E)RS 8H 74, SL(A)NTERS 8A 74
On 3rd draw, MATO(O)KES J1 75 --- MATOOKE plantain used as food [n]
Other moves: MAT(O)OKES J2 71, KASME 4A 42, JAKES 4H 41, JOKES 4H 41, KAMES L1 40
MAKE 4A 30 mookie
On 4th draw, WAURST L1 34 --- WAR bad [adj]
Other moves: WAMUS 1H 33, WAIRS L1 32, WAITS L1 32, WARTS L1 32, WAURS L1 32
SWAM 1G 27 mookie
On 5th draw, SPAYAD 8J 39 --- SPAYAD a male deer in his third year [n]
Other moves: YAUP 4A 34, WADY 1L 33, YAUPED D1 32, APAY 4A 30, YAUD 4A 30
PAY 4B 26 mookie
On 6th draw, BADDIE 4A 36 --- BADDIE a bad person [n]
Other moves: BEDIM 1F 30, DIADEM 1E 30, BADGED D1 28, BIGAE 4A 28, GADDI 4A 28
BADGED D1 28 mookie
On 7th draw, FINAGLED B1 80 --- FINAGLE to obtain by trickery [v]
Other moves: FINAGLED N5 67, FEIGN 3B 40, MEWING 1J 36, DEIF 3B 35, DEIGN 3B 34
FILM 1G 27 mookie
On 8th draw, BEANO A7 34 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other moves: ABUNE A8 33, ADOBE 8A 33, EBON A6 33, BANE A7 31, BEAN A7 31
BEAM 1G 24 mookie
On 9th draw, ECHIUM 1E 39 --- ECHIUM any plant of the genus Echium [n]
Other moves: WICH 1L 36, EH A1 35, CHUM 1G 33, WHEE 1L 30, WICE 1L 27
CHUM 1G 33 mookie
WHEE 1L 30 dannyboy
On 10th draw, WHEY 1L 39 --- WHEY the watery part of milk [n]
Other moves: TAHA 2D 37, AHA 2E 36, THE 2E 36, EH A1 35, YAH 2D 34
HEARTY N6 22 mookie
On 11th draw, EX A1 51 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EXING B10 43, YEXING M8 36, EXPIRE N1 34, PREX B11 30, PYXING M7 30
EX 9M 25 mookie
On 12th draw, DULCIMER O8 92 --- DULCIMER a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: EREMIC N1 32, UREMIC B10 30, HEM M1 26, HIM M1 26, PUMICER K8 26
On 13th draw, VIATIC 11J 22 --- VIATIC pertaining to travelling [adj]
Other tops: PAVIOR K8 22, VITRIC 11J 22
Other moves: NOIR 3B 21, ARIOT B10 20, AVIATOR L8 20, PARVO K8 20, PIVOT K8 20
On 14th draw, TWO 12K 26 --- TWO a number [n]
Other tops: TWA 12K 26
Other moves: AW N13 24, OW N13 24, OW 12K 22, WO 12L 22, WO N14 22
On 15th draw, GARVIE 14J 28 --- GARVIE a sprat [n]
Other tops: GYRATOR M7 28
Other moves: ARAARA 2J 26, RAVAGE 14J 24, RIVAGE 14J 24, ARRIVE 14J 22, GRAV I9 22
On 16th draw, ZAIRE 15H 53 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: RAZOO 15F 45, ORZO 15G 42, ZERO 15G 42, ZORI 15G 42, OOZIER B10 40
ZAIRE 15H 53 dannyboy
On 17th draw, HEP M1 26 --- HEP the fruit of a rose [n] --- HEP well informed [adj] --- HEP well abreast of fashionable knowledge [adj]
Other tops: OPTER B10 26
Other moves: AERO 2L 22, HEN M1 18, HER M1 18, HET M1 18, PE M3 18
On 18th draw, NOIR 3B 21 --- NOIR a bleak type of crime fiction [n]
Other moves: ONION B10 20, AERO 2L 17, NOO 3B 16, ONO 9K 16, HOI G1 13
On 19th draw, UNGOT B10 22 --- UNGOT ungotten [adj]
Other tops: OUTGO B10 22
Other moves: ONO 9K 16, OUTGO B11 14, UNGOT B11 14, GO 9L 13, GU 9L 13
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