Game on April 19, 2015 at 21:47, 6 players
1. 424 pts roocatcher
2. 328 pts mookie
3. 270 pts s.martin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 50 50 


12H 34 84 


11K 39 123 


13I 97 220 


N9 42 262 


15H 122 384 


O4 32 416 


N2 29 445 


14B 70 515 


10B 73 588 


15A 51 639 


13A 44 683 


M1 23 706 


M6 45 751 


L7 20 771 


K1 71 842 


8A 107 949 


J5 28 977 


1F 45 1022 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 3 15:54 -598 424 1.7648 SQUAW1 1 3:45 -907 115
mookie 1 13:59 -694 328 Group: intermediate
s.martin 3 11:57 -752 270 1.6817 roocatcher 3 15:54 -598 424
Kalikokat 1 5:21 -791 231 2.6728 s.martin 3 11:57 -752 270
SQUAW1 1 3:45 -907 115 3.6285 Kalikokat 1 5:21 -791 231
scrab21 0 1:01 -987 35 4.6501 scrab21 0 1:01 -987 35
Group: novice
1.5499 mookie 1 13:59 -694 328
On 1st draw, GRENZ H8 50 --- GRENZ as in grenz rays, X-rays of long wavelength produced in a device when electrons are accelerated through 25 kilovolts or less [adj]
Other tops: Z(I)NGER H4 50
Other moves: GRE(N)Z H8 48, GR(E)NZ H8 48, G(R)ENZ H8 48, Z(O)NURE H4 48, NER(T)Z H8 46
On 2nd draw, ZOWIE 12H 34 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: OWE I12 21, OWL I12 21, OW I12 20, WIEL I7 20, WIENIE 11E 18
On 3rd draw, BYKE 11K 39 --- BYKE to swarm [v]
Other tops: KYAR 11K 39
Other moves: BARKY 11K 38, BEAKY 11K 38, BRAKY 11K 38, EYEBANK 11C 38, KYE 11K 37
KERB 11K 34 roocatcher
On 4th draw, MONTRES 13I 97 --- MONTRE the visible pipes of an organ [n]
Other tops: MENTORS 13I 97, MONSTER 13I 97
Other moves: MONSTER O8 94, MENTORS O5 91, MONTRES O5 91, STOREMEN N7 74, STOREMEN N5 68
SMOTE O11 44 roocatcher
MORNS O7 35 scrab21
On 5th draw, EYEWEAR N9 42 --- EYEWEAR devices worn on or over the eyes [n]
Other moves: WE 14J 36, SWY O13 27, WE 10N 26, WO 10N 26, YA 10N 26
SEW O13 18 mookie
On 6th draw, TRO(L)LERS 15H 122 --- TROLLER one that trolls [n]
Other tops: REL(A)TORS 15H 122, RE(A)LTORS 15H 122
Other moves: TROL(L)ERS 15H 113, RO(O)TLES O5 89, R(O)OTLES O5 89, TRO(U)LES O5 89, (W)ORTLES O5 89
On 7th draw, GOODIE O4 32 --- GOODIE a desirable thing [n]
Other tops: ODES O10 32
Other moves: DOSES O11 30, DOS O11 26, TED O9 26, TOD O9 26, GEOID O5 24
DIET O6 17 mookie
On 8th draw, FRATI N2 29 --- FRATE a Franciscan friar [n]
Other moves: FRAB N2 25, BARF M6 24, BA N6 23, BI N6 23, FAB M7 23
BA N6 23 mookie
On 9th draw, DOO(C)OTS 14B 70 --- DOOCOT a dovecote [n]
Other moves: DOORSTO(P) 9E 60, O(U)TDOORS 9B 60, DOOR(P)OST 9E 59, DOS(E)S O11 28, DOS O11 26
DOOS M1 23 roocatcher
(R)OOSTED 10C 9 mookie
On 10th draw, PLAIDMEN 10B 73 --- PLAIDMAN a Highlander [n]
Other moves: DAMP 15A 50, DIMP 15A 50, LAMP 15A 47, LIMP 15A 47, MAID 15A 37
DIMP 15A 50 roocatcher
MAID 15A 37 mookie
DIP 15A 25 s.martin
On 11th draw, VEX 15A 51 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: PAX 15A 48, PIX 15A 48, LAX 15A 42, LEX 15A 42, EX 15C 36
VEX 15A 51 mookie, roocatcher, s.martin
EX 15C 36 Kalikokat
On 12th draw, DIV 13A 44 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: HILD 13A 43, VILD 13A 43, DIB 13A 40, HI 13C 38, LIB 13A 38
DIV 13A 44 s.martin, roocatcher
DIB 13A 40 Kalikokat
HIVE E9 20 mookie
On 13th draw, GEAL M1 23 --- GEAL to congeal [v]
Other moves: LAURAE 9E 21, GLACE D8 20, LAURA 9E 20, AURAE 9F 18, AURAL 9F 18
GLACE D8 20 mookie, roocatcher, s.martin
CAG M7 17 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, BENJ M6 45 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: BUNJE L4 44, BENJ L4 40, NEB L2 33, REB L2 33, BUNJIE E6 30
JIBE E9 26 roocatcher
JUN M7 23 Kalikokat
JIN E9 20 mookie
On 15th draw, AIA L7 20 --- AIA in India, a maid or nurse [n]
Other tops: AIAS 11B 20, CASEIC E6 20
Other moves: ICECAPS B5 19, SAIN 11E 19, SEAN 11E 19, SIEN 11E 19, CICADAE F6 18
CACA G5 14 roocatcher, s.martin
ACE D10 10 mookie
CAGES 8F 8 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, TAUPIES K1 71 --- TAUPIE a clumsy girl [n]
Other moves: ATES L1 33, UTES L1 33, SOT D13 27, PEATS 11A 26, PSI L3 25
PEAR 9E 19 Kalikokat
PAST K5 18 roocatcher, s.martin
PASTIE E6 16 mookie
On 17th draw, CATCHING 8A 107 --- CATCH to capture after pursuit [v]
Other moves: ACTINIC E5 44, CATCHT 1F 39, CHANT 1G 30, CHICANA D4 30, CHICANA D6 30
CHANT 1G 30 SQUAW1, roocatcher
AH J5 28 Kalikokat
AH J1 28 s.martin
CHAT 1H 27 mookie
On 18th draw, AH J5 28 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v] --- AH used to express delight, relief, or contempt [interj]
Other tops: AH J1 28, EH J1 28, UH J1 28
Other moves: EULACHAN D4 26, AHENT 1G 24, AHINT 1G 24, HAINT 1G 24, HAULT 1G 24
AH J1 28 Kalikokat, SQUAW1, s.martin, roocatcher
HILT 1H 21 mookie
On 19th draw, REQUIT 1F 45 --- REQUIT to repay (pa p REQUITTED) [v]
Other moves: QUIET 1G 42, QUILT 1G 42, QUIRT 1G 42, QUIT 1H 39, QUA B6 32
QUIRT 1G 42 roocatcher, s.martin
QUIT 1H 39 mookie
QUA B6 32 Kalikokat, SQUAW1
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