Game on April 19, 2015 at 22:33, 3 players
1. 526 pts roocatcher
2. 150 pts mookie
3. 54 pts s.martin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


4E 72 96 


3I 36 132 


2J 45 177 


1L 42 219 


3C 21 240 


9H 69 309 


O4 145 454 


2F 40 494 


M7 92 586 


1G 57 643 


11K 34 677 


12H 30 707 


H12 30 737 


7A 65 802 


8A 22 824 


D7 31 855 


5A 35 890 


C13 22 912 


13H 20 932 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
roocatcher 3 15:02 -406 526 1.6806 roocatcher 3 15:02 -406 526
mookie 1 6:01 -782 150 2.6755 s.martin 0 3:28 -878 54
s.martin 0 3:28 -878 54 Group: novice
1.5498 mookie 1 6:01 -782 150
On 1st draw, WEISE H4 24 --- WEISE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other tops: QIS H6 24, QIS H7 24, QIS H8 24, WEISE(D) H4 24, WEISE(S) H4 24, WEI(S)ES H4 24, WEI(Z)ES H4 24, WES(T)IE H4 24
Other moves: E(N)SEW H8 22, QI H7 22, QI H8 22, QI(S) H6 22, QI(S) H7 22
QIS H6 24 mookie
QIS H7 24 roocatcher
On 2nd draw, SEAWATER 4E 72 --- SEAWATER water from the sea [n]
Other tops: TEAWARES 4E 72
Other moves: AERATES 9B 68, AERATES G6 66, AERATES G7 65, AERATES G8 61, AERATES I8 61
WASTER 4H 18 roocatcher
STEER 5E 10 mookie
On 3rd draw, JA 3I 36 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JAVEL K1 30, AJEE F1 27, JAIL 6F 27, JATO J2 27, JEEL F2 27
JOTA J2 27 roocatcher
JOE 5D 26 mookie
On 4th draw, CRUDY 2J 45 --- CRUDY (Shakespeare) crude [adj]
Other tops: CURDY 2J 45
Other moves: CRUDY 3C 44, COURD 2J 39, COURT 2J 37, CROUT 2J 37, COYED K1 35
COYER K1 33 roocatcher
CATTY J2 24 mookie
On 5th draw, GOBO 1L 42 --- GOBO a device used to shield a microphone from extraneous sounds [n]
Other moves: REBEL 5G 38, LEGER 5G 35, GOOL 1L 34, GOOR 1L 34, EGER 5H 31
REBEL 5G 38 roocatcher, s.martin
GOOL 1L 34 mookie
On 6th draw, GLOAT 3C 21 --- GLOAT to regard with great or excessive satisfaction [v]
Other moves: AA 3L 17, LEG 5G 17, TEG 5G 17, GAOL 5C 16, GLOAT 3B 16
GLOAT 3B 16 mookie
GLOAT 5A 16 roocatcher, s.martin
On 7th draw, DE(J)EUNE 9H 69 --- DEJEUNE breakfast [n]
Other tops: DE(T)ENUE 9H 69, (Q)UEENED 9B 69
Other moves: DE(T)ENUE G6 66, (Q)UEENED G6 65, DE(J)EUNE G8 62, DE(J)EUNE I8 62, DE(T)ENUE G8 62
DEN 3M 26 roocatcher
DENU(D)E G6 16 mookie
On 8th draw, ZITHERN O4 145 --- ZITHERN a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: ZITHER O4 92, ZITHERNS 7A 72, HERTZ O7 59, NERTZ O7 50, HINTER O4 47
ZITHER O4 92 roocatcher
On 9th draw, KEF 2F 40 --- KEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: KIF 2F 40
Other moves: EIK 2D 39, ELK 2D 39, KEP 2F 39, KIP 2F 39, KET 2F 37
ELK 2D 39 roocatcher
On 10th draw, BANQUET(S) M7 92 --- BANQUET to feast [v]
Other moves: BEQUEAT(H) K8 86, B(L)ANQUET M6 86, BA(N)QUETS 7A 69, QUB(Y)TE L8 52, QUB(I)T L8 50
QUA(R)T L8 46 roocatcher
On 11th draw, MIX 1G 57 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: MIL 1G 36, MIR 1G 36, MI 1G 33, LAXI(S)M 14I 32, MAX 10I 30
MIX 1G 57 roocatcher
On 12th draw, PAULS 11K 34 --- PAUL an obsolete papal coin [n]
Other tops: LOUPS 11K 34
Other moves: LEPS 5G 31, LOUIS 11K 30, LEIS 5G 27, OUPS 11L 26, PULS 11L 26
LOUPS 11K 34 roocatcher
On 13th draw, DIPOLE 12H 30 --- DIPOLE a pair of equal and opposite electric charges [n]
Other moves: POD(S)OL 14J 28, APIOL L11 27, OROIDE 12H 26, PRIDE 12I 26, LEP 5G 24
PRIDE 12I 26 roocatcher
On 14th draw, DWAM H12 30 --- DWAM to swoon [v]
Other moves: ADOWN H11 27, SAVE N6 27, ANOW 13H 26, MANOS 13G 26, MONAS 13G 26
DOWN H12 24 roocatcher
On 15th draw, SHORINGS 7A 65 --- SHORING a system of supporting timbers [n]
Other tops: HORSINGS 7A 65
Other moves: EISH 5H 40, SH 5J 26, GIR(S)H 14J 24, OGRISH 6E 22, OHS N13 22
SH 5J 26 roocatcher
On 16th draw, TIN 8A 22 --- TIN to coat with tin (a metallic element) [v]
Other tops: ION 8A 22, OON 8A 22, TAI 8A 22, TAN 8A 22, TAO 8A 22, TAU 8A 22, TON 8A 22, TOO 8A 22
Other moves: OUTSIN A4 21, TOISON A4 21, WOOT 13H 20, AUTO 6A 19, IOTA 6A 19
On 17th draw, REFRACT D7 31 --- REFRACT to deflect in a particular manner, as a ray of light [v]
Other moves: FAR(S)E 14J 30, FEA(S)T 14J 30, CHIEF B6 27, CRE(S)TA 14J 26, EF 5J 26
On 18th draw, VARIED 5A 35 --- VARY to become or make different [v]
Other moves: RAVED 5B 33, RIVED 5B 33, ROVED 5B 33, VIRED 5B 33, DEAVE N5 32
On 19th draw, IVY C13 22 --- IVY a climbing vine [n]
Other moves: ENVY K4 20, NAVY 11C 20, OYE N7 20, IVORY 10A 19, JAY 3I 19
On 20th draw, WOOL 13H 20 --- WOOL the dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals [n]
Other moves: LOY 15A 18, NOY 15A 18, ONY 15A 18, RIEL K2 18, IO N6 16
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